Market Friday at the Pony Auction

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) I hope you will join me as we share different markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see so many different markets and different cultures.

I have been to so many new places lately! Oh! The curiosity that is attached to foreign ingredients, different produce or any product sold. So, yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery store, the local marketplace or even an art gallery. Wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Be different if you wish! It does not have to be a traditional market! We will love it! I promise you! Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.

But first, a flower. Always a flower.

The loveliness of you never escapes me
May I gaze upon you, always and a day?


Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you! ❤


The horses were paraded down the street and put in a corral at the Fairgrounds where the auction will be held! Welcome to #MarketFriday! There will be a pony auction today! Don't forget to sign up for your bid card!


They were totally serious!

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"Stand still! Would you like me to pull off your auction tag?"


Let's get this auction started! Bring out the first!!

Everyone is a volunteer. It is where this town shines. If you live here, you are part of it, in some big or small way. There is no pay involved, but nonetheless, there is no shortage of volunteers.



The winning bid!

Do you see the heart on her forehead? Oh, my precious! My bid goes out to her. I love hearts in nature, hearts on animals. How can you wear a heart like that and not have love all around? Impossible I say! She is beautiful. I have already named her - does that mean she is mine??

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Meanwhile, back at the pony pen, the juveniles are getting restless and racing from one end of the fenced area to the other.

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On average around 70 new foals are born every spring, on the Virginia side of Assateague Island. Approximately 75 percent of the mature mares have foals each year, a relatively high foaling rate for wild horses. A mare can become pregnant again once her foal has stopped nursing. And with an 11-month gestational cycle, many of the mares are pregnant almost year around!

Most of the foals are auctioned off at the annual Pony Auction in July. In addition to controlling the herd size, the annual pony auction and carnival serves as the primary fundraiser for the Fire Company. Each year just a few select foals are designated as ‘buybacks’. A buyback pony is auctioned with the stipulation that it will be donated back to the Fire Company and returned to Assateague Island to replenish the herd. The winner of a buyback pony gets a certificate from the Fire Company. The buyback winner also gets to name the pony before it is returned to Assateague Island to live out its life there. Buyback ponies have actually become some of the highest priced foals sold at the auction. Found here

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The price depends on the markings, male or female (females generally command a higher price) and when the pony comes up. People are careful with their money when it begins and as there are fewer horses left, the bidding gets higher. I was unfortunately outbid. You have to know when to quit.

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He was an absolute beauty!


I went for only how much????



Like a gazelle.


Sold!!! Don't forget to pay the lady!


¸.♥´¸.•♥¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥

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Don't ever forget what wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, so we must try harder to give everyone the proper focus.


Thanks for always working so hard to make every MF a resounding success! You always have the most interesting posts, and every week I think to myself, she will NEVER be able to top this one, but you do it over and over again each week! Oh look at how cute those lil buggers are! Today I even heard people talking all about seeing the swim on national TV news shows! It is a big deal!

Oh I have a love/hate relationship with auctions! I love to watch them, but it is sooo easy to get caught up in the emotion of the thing! I am glad to hear you tried. You were smart though. You have to know when to let it go.

Here is my link:

I can't believe how much trouble I'm having with you tonight. First I miss your comment and then my comment gets eaten Buy steemit. Right before my very eyes and right before I could hit post. I think your Charlie brown luck is rubbing off on me.

I think you need to back up just a little bit because I can't afford to have that kind of luck.

On another note, I want to thank you so much for promoting me and letting everybody know who I am and what I do. It is much appreciated although I am sure that people are tired of hearing about me. I cannot believe that you have never heard of the Chincoteague Pony swim, but I think it was because I have been involved in it for so long that it seems unfathomable that somebody would not know about it. And then I find out that nobody really knows about it. LOL anyway, to make a long story short I really do enjoy it and most of the people in my family enjoy it as well. I hope that when you move to the Mid-Atlantic or southern region that you two will partake in a little bit of the pony swim. It's it's quite a bit more commercialized than ever used to be, but I will tell you a little bit of a secret. They actually have to Pony pennings and the second one is done in the fall 4 the foals that are born late. It's not advertised but they have the same thing and I think it's a better deal, and they sell off the foal's them to a much smaller audience. Either way I think you'll have fun and just remember who told you where to have that fun.

Thank you always for helping with margin Friday success and for taking the time and effort to put a post together. And while this may not seem like a big deal, it is huge task for me to put one together so I totally understand it. Hope you have a wonderful evening and a wonderful weekend. Thank you so much my friend.


Let me tell you something. No one brings more joy and passion to the site than you. You always put so much effort into your posts. You also support everyone with uplifting, kind, and thoughtful comments. Not to mention you are always sooo generous with your votes and tips.

Hey you cannot blame the Old Man's luck...only I can use that excuse, however, some days I do think it might be rubbing off! I mean you can blame the shoes, but I think its the luck ;) Hey maybe if I can rub it all off on you!?!? Now there is an idea!! Hey now dont run away! get back over here lol. We need to talk LOL!!!

You are right. I ditched those shoes. Right now, I have on my PF Flyers to outrun you and your bad luck! Take it back!!

I never want it to be said that I robbed the old man of his luck. Keep the change.

You're welcome!

Oh no, I told you from way back I am a sharer! Hey even if I can share a little bad luck with you, that's still less on me LOL!

Don't make me boot you off my profile @old-guy-photos! You know I can do it. I will get my thugs peeps to take care of business.


It's like I was there! They are amazing, all beautiful! I love horses, they are splendid creatures! Well done, loved the post, my dear Denise!
Here is mine today, a bit disgusting, but it's another tradition of East Timor!
I hope you enjoy it!

marcado taibessi vendedores 70 areca mess zoom.jpg

Well, that happens, doesn't it? Sorry for such a late reply, for some reason, my steem was only working on and off for the past two days. Pfft! It always seems to happen on a MarketFriday!

This looks like an interesting post! I can hardly wait to click on it and see what it is all about! Thank you for dropping the link! Mwah! Have a most delightful Sunday, even though it is Monday there! ;)

I know what a bad Internet connection is, arghhhh! It's ok, my dear Denise, you are always welcome, whenever you come! Mwah!

Wow! This was quite a market you went to today. Never would’ve guessed you would’ve featured an auction like this. I loved all the explanations and they are all such beautiful animals! Thanks for sharing what looked like such an interesting day.

Thank you, my lovely! I was out there at the pony swim, so I decided to try to fit the auction in as a Market as they exchange money for it. :)

Come on, play with it a while, it almost works!

It has been an interesting week of festivities. It is like part of their culture, the roundup, the pony swim and the eventual auction of some of the foals. I was really happy to bring it to you and I hope to do it again next year! :)


Oh Denise… I'd love to take my grandchildren to that market place although it would be very difficult to leave home without taking one of those cute ponies with us. The one with white heart shape on his forehead is my pick.
I know I am just scraping my Market Friday entry in not long before midnight your time, but, here it is...….Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
Sea view.jpg

Oh, my dear Trudee! You are never late! With all the time differences around the world, we try to give leeway wherever we can. Doesn't it figure my mobile app wouldn't work well for two days now. Thank goodness, I am home taking care of business now! Oi!

It is every little girls dream to own her very own horse, isn't it? I can almost see you on top of a beautiful horse, sitting high in the saddle, showing off your dressage movements. You have the presence for it, so tell me that you are a rider! :)

Well, I am off to check out your post and sorry for my tardiness! I still love you!

Thank you Denise. We can plan to have a post in by a certain time but invariably life happens in between and in my case I sneaked in just in time but it does pay to adopt a little flexibility I think for challenges. So of course your 'perceived' tardiness is forgiven my friend. (I love you too!)

Yes, every little girl longs for a horse of her own. Ever since I read the book, "Black Beauty," I dreamed of having a horse just like that, but sadly it was never possible. Horses do take up a bit more room than a cat or a dog and even though I lived near farms (growing up in New Zealand,) the opportunity to ride horses never presented itself.

Instead, I settled for ballet classes. (lol) Alas, it could not compare with the thrill of riding bare back on a powerful stallion into the misty hills in the distance. I know! So twirling on tip toes in my tutu and endeavouring to morph into a graceful swan on a romantic lake had to suffice.

Oh, the shame of it all, you graceful swan!! :)

Thank you Denise. That’s better than a disgraceful one. 😁

Hello Beautiful
if I could, all would be MINE
I love them and so small.
here I leave my ticket today
I hope you like it .
Happy shopping friday.

I know! Right? They are the most precious babies ever! I just love all of them. I am so glad that you got to see the pony run and the auction and enjoy the beauties.

I adore you, my beautiful friend and I want to thank you for always participating in Market Friday.

Beso! ❤ Tip!

happy, handsome, Saturday
I just got up hehe

Hi @txatxy! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Great blog! May appear in any magazine! The photos perfectly support the story and you can also use them in any photo contest. A horse market, I never thought it existed. Where I live I do not exist. Thank you for taking us with you in such a picturesque and unique place.

My post for this friday: Looking For "Stones"!

It is more of an auction (licitaţie) where the ponies have to downsize their herd at least once a year. If they don't, the island will not support that many horses and they will starve. It is a fun even and we even bid (a licita) one year and bought our baby!

I was very happy to take you along! I hope you had a wonderful time and you didn't get wet like I did! :)


Thank you! I understand very well what's going on there. Your post is very clear and easy to understand, even to be seen due to the photos that perfectly illustrate the text.
I'm wet too, here is the most rainy summer I've ever seen (and felt) until now.

I just got home from there a little while ago. It is only about 3-4 hours away, but, I had spent a week in the rain and no internet! Now to catch up!!!

To be fair, I found a library and coffee shop, but there is only so long you can borrow their internet! :)

Hi, Dan! Happy #MarketFriday!

Hi Denise, welcome home. There's no place like home...

Thank you, Dan! It is good to be back!

Yes, always. It's approaching me, too. Probably the next weekend we'll go home.

Hi @bluemoon! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Omg, the pony's are so precious! Can I have one? Can I, can I, can I?

Just kidding, we have no room in our yard for a horse. Nor a barn for it to live in. Dang it. :P

Thank you for sharing so many beautiful photographs of these ponies.

I had to work to come up with my #marketfriday post today.

Absolutely can have a Pony! They are so precious and so darn lovable! Can you have one? Can you have one? I think you should take two because they're small.

As luck would have it, these are Chincoteague ponies and although they do like a little bit of room in the yard they don't need a barn because they live outdoors. There wild ponies I'm pretty sure that no Barn is not a problem. I am sure that you had to work hard to come up with your Market Friday post but I already took a peek at it and I am so in love with it. I can't believe you made such a beautiful post. Thank you for taking the time and the effort and it is so filled with love.

Tip! 💘

Hi @debralee! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

here is my submission to the #marketfriday !
this time from Mahane Yehuda in Jerusalem.

Thank you Denise ! @dswigle

Thank you, Victor! I love your submissions from Jerusalem! It is still a very foreign and exotic place for me, so I truly look forward to your posts!

Absolutely all adorable looking horses especially that one with the heart on it's forehead definitely would of loved to take that one home lucky young girl i am sure she will be with that horse every minute of the day what a beauty.

That's the funny thing. There was no way I was going to outbid that young girl. You could tell just by looking at her that she had hope in her soul. I was the only one bidding against hurt and I didn't have the heart, so I let her have the heart and I'm not sorry one bit. You know, there is always going to be another. Next time it might be more beautiful more defined or maybe not but in the big scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. What really matters is there is a young girl out there this weekend that has fallen in love at least a dozen times with that beautiful little Filly.

So are you are you ready to get yourself a horse?


Ohhhhh....your so extremely nice and you done the right thing how could you break a little girls heart she would be the happiest girl on this planet right now.

If i had a big farm property believe me i would have every animal possible especially a few horses :)

They are so rewarding, but, there is a lot of work and training involved. Then, there are those middle of the night things that go on... Oi! But, in the end, worth every second.

I am sure there would be a lot of taking care involved but like you said rewarding and worth it :)

Oh, no! You aren't allowed to use my words against me! ;)

Haha...have a great day :)

Hi @hangin! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Hope I am not to late to add my Asian market Friday entry

OMG @denisechips! You are never late! We are so flexible! Besides, it is still early Friday in Hawaii! And we love your posts too much!

Mwah! Bring it on!


Thanks Denise 👍🌸🐸

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