WAVES Market Cap: $2 253 307 697 / 40 047 BTC
About Waves Coin
Waves price today is $21.52 with a 24-hour trading volume of $212,687,204. WAVES price is down -2.7% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 100 Million WAVES coins and a max supply of 100 Million. Waves.Exchange is the current most active market trading it.
Waves is an open blockchain protocol and development toolset for Web 3.0 applications and decentralized solutions, aiming to raise security, reliability and speed of IT systems. It enables anyone to build their apps, fostering mass adoption of blockchain.

- Waves Price and Market Stats
Waves Price
WAVES Price | $21.59
Waves ROI | 11370.8%
- Market Cap $2,155,021,361
Market Cap Dominance 0.09%
- Trading Volume $215,699,810
++Volume / Market Cap 0.1001++
24h Low / 24h High
$21.41 / $23.31
7d Low / 7d High
$12.87 / $23.27
- Market Cap Rank #64
All-Time High $24.23 -11.3%
Apr 30, 2021 (1 day)
All-Time Low $0.130878 16327.6%
Aug 02, 2016 (over 4 years)
Faucet balance: 0.4105893 (U$D 8.7960) WAVES