Can anyone interpret the secret code behind the 'Economist' cover from 1988?

in #market7 years ago


Yes, no doubt, there will be some people that say that it doesn't mean anything which is fair enough but I'm posing this question to those who believe that it actually does mean something. The mythical phoenix is supposedly reborn from the ashes of its predecessor and as cash is burning underneath it surely is signifies that paper money will be replaced by something else. The headline states that there will be a one world currency and the golden coin around the phoenix's neck states clearly 2018, so is it possible that all currencies will collapse this very year and be replaced by this unknown coin?

Many people believe that the stock market especially is extremely overvalued and that some kind of crash is inevitable this year as the last major one was 9 years ago (2008/9). Just this last week, we have seen the DJ index lose some 10% of its value and suffered a drop not experienced since 2011. Also, many think that this world currency will be a digital or cryptocurrency and ironically there is a phoenix coin already listed on coinmarketcap. However, I think personally that this is a red herring as the name of the coin will probably not be that as it is too obvious.

The Greek symbol Phi (Phi (uppercase Φ, lowercase φ or ϕ) is clearly shown in the center of the coin which is no doubt a clue. Mathematically, this particular symbol is associated with the golden ratio (note the golden coin as well):-

with a > b > 0, (a+b)/a = a/b= φ and φ = (1+√5)/2 =1.61803...

This golden ratio can also be found (as an approximation) in the later numbers of the Fibonacci sequence if divided by the previous one:-

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144.....

For example, 89/55=1.618...

Now on the golden coin around the phoenix's neck it clearly states ten and the tenth Fibonacci number is 55. Does this relate to the 5th May 2018 or not? That's as far as I got if anyone else knows better, I would appreciate if you could enlighten me.

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