Mark Twain
Mark Twain
First of all
Mark Twain put out a shirt in the morning and did not see a button. He threw it off with his cheek and put it in the second set. It did not even have a button! He rammed into a third slip with a lump of silence. Alas, there is a lack of buttons in it. After looking at the sky, he slaughtered a little bit in a profane language. When the rage fell off the fourth time, she saw her wife standing behind.
In order to make her husband unhappy, her tutor wife began to utterly utter every tale of Mark Twain. Mark Twain shamefully heard it, said your words are all right, but the emoticon is missing !!
Event second
Many years ago At that time American trains were running very slow. Gate after the hour was done. Everyone would have suspected that the 8 o'clock in the train would come at 8 o'clock in the morning. At one such time, the famous romanticist Mark Twain was sitting on a train to go somewhere.
After a while, the ticket checker arrived in the room. Mark Twain raised a 'half-ticket' towards the checker in the face. 'Half Ticket' by the old man, ticket picker surprised!
His question, 'What the hell, why did you cut a half ticket? The mustache-head hair is all white. Do you not know if he is more than fourteen years old, then he does not have a half ticket?
Mark Twain's direct reply, 'When I was on a train, I was fourteen years old. Who knew, the train would get so much to reach the destination!
Third in the event
Marc Twain's childhood story He was admitted to the school. The school rules were that if a student gives a scuffle at the school's table, then he should be punished. He can choose one kind of punishment - he must eat rattan in front of all or pay a penalty of five dollars.
One day Mark Twain gave a scuffle to the table, caught it. The teacher said, 'Do you want any punishment? Will eat rattan in front of everyone, or will you pay five dollars? Tomorrow will come. '
Mark Twain, who came home, told all the words. Baba did not like to eat the baby boy's rattan in front of everyone. He gave five dollars to Mark Twain. At that time the price of five dollars, but eating ratty in front of all is not something terrible. So, Mark Twain's first earning in life - five dollars!
Event fourth
Once a student came to Mark Twain and said that I had given up the medicine. Now, people want to do good through literary practices.
Mark Twain replied that you had left many medical colleges and had benefited greatly from mankind. And if you do not benefit!
Fifth in the event
Mark Twain once told one of his journalists, "After writing for the year, I realized that I have no talent in this regard."
"Then why are you going to write writing after understanding?" - He asked friends.
Mark Twain replied, "What I do, I've become so famous!"
Event sixth
Mark Twain, then a newspaper editor of Missouri newspaper. One day a reader said, 'There was a spider on your paper. It's a bad sign or a good sign, would you say? '
Mark Twain replied, 'Shut down the prejudice. Seeing it in the real sense, actually the spider was reading the paper. Seeing that some companies did not advertise on this paper, so that they could feel secure in their warehouse and office and tidy up the net! '
Event seventh
When a bank official's eyes were lost, he took a stone's eye. And the eye was so perfect that no one could catch the fake eyes. When Mark Twain once withdrew the money in that bank, the officer told Mark Twain to have fun. - If you can say that I have a blind eye, I'll give you money. Mark Twain looked at the man's eyes for a while and said - your left eye is a fake.
The man wondered and asked - How do you know?
Mark Twain answers - because in the middle of your left eye still looks a bit of grace and grace!
Event eighth
When asked to donate money to Mark Twain for the four-walled wall of the grave, he replied - I do not see any need for walls around the cemetery. Because those who live there do not have the ability to come out. And those who are outside, I do not think there is any wish to go there