San Francisco to wipe out Marijuana convictions en masse up to 43 years ago.

in #marijuana7 years ago

The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) also known as Proposition 64 was a California voter initiative to legalize Cannabis which passed in 2016. You may have seen on the news in January 2018 that a plethora of dispensaries were opening up all across the state. Although all of this is great news for the marijuana consumers, that isn't the best news of all. San Francisco's District Attorney, George Gascon announced earlier today that they will review over 8,000 convictions and automatically expunge and/or reduce prior marijuana convictions back to 1975. That means that none of these people will have to hire a lawyer and petition the court. God knows that I love me some Texas, but God also knows I ain't a fool. California and/or New York always seem to take the helm when it comes to leading the nation in progressive social issues which I tend to see from a Libertarian point of view

Texas has a state holiday called Juneteenth. In September 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves in the Confederate held states including Texas. Word did not reach the slaves in Texas until June 19, 1865 which means mf'ers were picking cotton and tobacco for 2 years and had no idea that they were "FREE."

With that being said, I'd like to think that this policy will systematically migrate from from San Francisco all the way to Maine.



San Francisco to wipe out Marijuana convictions en masse up to 43 years ago but still deny carry permits to black people and women who are not members of congress

this is good news for the convicted , they will sing in the sunshine while smoking some marijuana

At last they are seeing sence. The war on drugs was lost befor it started. Just jobs and money for the big boys.

finally , some good news,...was a morning of a lot of negative changes but this one is long overdue, a Victory!

This needs to be enacted nationwide!

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