The truth about marijuana good or bad? mega post

in #marijuana9 years ago


First I will start the post with the answer GOOD !!!!
Now if .. this week I read enough online, and not being satisfied with the answers I found (as most were false) I decided to share with you my own experience and refute some pelotudeces they say on yahoo answers.

 The good The medicinal use: smoking marijuana serves many diseases such as asthma, glaucoma, cancer, pain, loss of appetite, etc. I am a person who suffers back pain and constant neck whenever I smoke, those pains disappear at this time eh known many people who suffer similar problems, and results from smoking alone were the same as I got. Relaxation: the effects of the herb help eliminate stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle which leads to harmony. If you smoke marijuana, you stick a hot shower water and you go to sleep, the next day you Despertas made ​​a baby .. Reflection: Smoking marijuana creates a new perspective on the world, which helps the perception and development of art, . music, literature Ami I like personally smoking marijuana and listening to music, I sincerely distracted me if I smoke and I see a movie .. like art is the best thing that happened to mankind, you can enjoy anytime. Understanding: marijuana stimulates the brain so it can process more quickly and effectively to understand things that can even be considered incomprehensible. Never better explained and understood evolution since we were unicellular organisms until today. the counter lung damage:no matter if you smoke snuff, marijuana, apple leaves, put smoke into your lungs cause major damage such as emphysema, cancer, you always have to do everything with measure. If so, any person with cancer would smoke it ...Memory: marijuana cause memory loss short and long days after ingestion, although much of those memories are lost for a while, recovered soon after, though not entirely, marijuana causes mental lapses. I use it to study, although when I study I have left things, when I smoke with friends and we fuck I do not remember everything so detailed, but I think nobody does .. Lack of coordination: Smoking this herb may cause some loss of coordination of our limbs, this can be given at the time, or days, not everyone happens. Apart from the lack of coordination, are the lack of shame and the amount of laughter it provokes, reite is happy marijuana in some hypertensive patients can cause tachycardia in some can cause nausea, dizziness, vertigo ... REFUTING PELOTUMENTIRAS a study of college students said that some critical skills related to attention, memory and learning are altered in people who smoke this drug very often, even after discontinue use for 24 hours. The scientists compared 65 "heavy users" who had smoked marijuana at an average frequency of 29 in the last 30 days, and 64 "less frequent users" who had smoked an average frequency of 1 in the last 30 days. After a strictly controlled, marijuana and other illicit drugs and alcohol drug withdrawal 24 hours, students received standardized tests for measuring aspects of attention, memory and learning. I think clearly note that this studied was made ​​against of marijuana, people who studied frequently drank alcohol and other drugs. the drugs were administered to subjects while they were at rest. Under normal conditions, a person may smoke marijuana and inject cocaine and then do something that causes physical stress which can greatly increase the risk of overloading the cardiovascular system. Again, another drug present in a study ... Each marijuana cigarette is made over 800 chemicals. It has several carcinogens, including benzene. The tar content is 10 to 20 times the cigarette having (responsible for bronchitis, emphysema and general destruction of lung tissue). Marijuana is 6 to 7 times more carcinogenic than snuff. Wikipedia definition : Tar is a bituminous, fat, dark, foul-smelling substance, which is obtained from the distillation of certain organic materials, mainly coal, oil, peat, bones and some softwoods. Whereas a plant and not wood ... lying is more than obvious ..then I leave some questions and answers .. to make it all a bit more Clear... 

 1) Marijuana causes brain damage.

The oft brandished study by Dr. Robert Heath to late 70s, so declared. However, the Institute of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences of the United States sponsored a study conducted by distinguished scientists, the result was published under the title "Marijuana and Health" in 1982, and dismounting the thesis of Robert Heath who It was harshly criticized for insufficient samplings (only four monkeys), high doses, the misidentification of normal monkey brain structure as damaged and, in general, its predetermination and lack of impartiality. Current studies on cannabis humans have shown no brain damage of any kind. Two studies published in 1977 in the American Medical Journal showed that there was no brain damage in people who consumed the plant in large quantities for many years.That same year the American Medical Association declared in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana.
Marijuana and Health, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1982. Co, BT, Goodwin, DW, Gado, M., Mikhael, M. , and Hill, SY: "Absence of cerebral atrophy in chronic cannabis users", Journal of the American Medical Association, 237: 1229-1230, 1977. Kuehnle, J., Mendelson, JH, Davis, KR, and New, PFJ: "Computed tomographic examination of heavy marijuana smokers", Journal of the American Medical Association, 237: 1231-1232, 1977 

 2) marijuana damages the reproductive system

This statement is based on the work of Dr. Gabriel Nahas, who experimented with tissue. The scientific community rejected as invalid generalizations Nahas. It has also been attempted to test this point by other scientists based almost fatal amounts provide cannabinoid animals. However, animals surviving the experiment returned to normal within 30 days. It has not been able in the current studies on humans consumers, finding no evidence that marijuana somehow affect the reproductive system.
Marijuana and Health, cited above. Marijuana Reconsidered (Dr. Lester Grinspoon, 1978). 

 3) Marijuana use leads to other more dangerous drugs.

In the Netherlands, partially legalized marijuana in the 70s Since then, the use of hard drugs (heroin, cocaine or alcohol) has decreased significantly. Studies done in the early 70 in the United States showed the negative correlation between marijuana use and alcohol use. Therefore, marijuana tends to substitute the use of more dangerous drugs. It
is true that a large percentage of heroin addicts report having used marijuana before, but is even higher percentage of those who had used snuff, alcohol, coffee or going movies, and nobody thinks that cinema or coffee with heroin. On the other hand, many "camels" peddle different drugs which actually provides that at a given moment, a particular drug consumers acquire another. But this issue is only a consequence of the prohibition, not marijuana itself. On the Dutch experience: "The Economics of Legalizing Drugs" by Richard J. Dennis, The Atlantic Monthly, Vol 266, No. 5, Nov 1990 , p. 130. On the negative correlation between marijuana use and alcohol use: "A Comparison of Marijuana Users and Non-users" Norman Zinberg and Andrew Weil (1971). "The Effect of Marijuana Decriminalization on Hospital Emergency Room Episodes: 1975 - 1978". Karyn E. Model 4) Marijuana inhibits the immune system. This myth is based on some experiments with animals (especially rats) to which They are supplying them extremely high doses, almost lethal, cannabinoid. However, in the studies done on humans, it has been shown that hashish and marijuana, no matter who likes it, not only harm they come to positively stimulate the immune system. "Marijuana and Immunity", Journal of psychoactive Drugs, Vol 20 (1), Jan-Mar 1988. Studies show the stimulation of the immune system: Kaklamani, et al, "Hashish smoking T-lymphocytes and" 1978;. Kalofoutis et al., "The significance of lymphocyte lipid after smoking hashish Changes", 1978. Wallace, JM, Tashkin, DP, Oishi, JS, Barbers, RG, "Blood Lymphocyte subpopulations and Peripheral Mitogen Responsiveness in Tobacco and Marijuana Smokers" 1988, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, ibid. 5) Marijuana is much more dangerous than snuff. False. Smoked marijuana contains the same amount of carcinogens that snuff elements. Either way, a smoker of snuff consume many more cigarettes a consumer of marijuana, and that because the snuff with an addiction rate of 90%, is the most addictive of all drugs while marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. On the other hand, many doctors recommend taking marijuana in tea or food to eliminate the effect of carcinogens. "Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction, Surgeon General's Report", 1988. "Hooked, Not Hooked" by Deborah Franklin (Health magazine pp 39-52.) Working Men and Ganja. marijuana Use in Rural Jamaica by MC Dreher, Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1982, ISBN 0-89727-025-8 6) shortens marijuana brainwave . This argument is a lie invented with manipulative mind, the "Partnership for a drug-free America" ​​(Partnership for a drug free America). It was used in an advertisement for American TV, in which images of normal brain waves and waves belonging to a person under the influence of marijuana showed. Everything was a fake unfounded. The announcement had to be removed from antenna to the complaints of several researchers and scientists. In fact, marijuana has the effect of increasing the activity of the "alpha waves" which are produced by our brain in meditative and relaxation states, which in turn are associated with human creativity. The number of musicians, writers, artists, painters, filmmakers, who have created great works under the influence of cannabis is really exaggerated. Information on the announcement, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, 1990, p. 74. (Jack Herer). "Hard Sell in the Drug War", The Nation, March 9, 1992, by Cynthia Cotts, the author reveals that the "Partnership for a Drug - Free America" ​​gets a large percentage of their advertising budget of large companies dedicated to marketing alcohol, snuff, and pharmaceuticals. So when this association exaggerates the risks of marijuana while downplaying the risks of legal drugs, you may not try to error or fanaticism, but commercial handling. On memory and ameliorating the effects of alpha waves. "Marijuana, Memory, and Perception" by RL Dornbusch, MD, M. Fink, MD, and AM Freedman, MD, presented at the "124th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association ", May 3-7, 1971. 7) Marihuana reduces memory" short term "or immediate. True, but misunderstood. The effect disappears when it is no longer under the influence of marijuana. Sometimes it has been claimed that the condition is permanent, and that based on experiments with monkeys Dr. Heath, ie, without any scientific basis that can accept rationally. "Marijuana and Health", ibid. "Marijuana, Memory, and Perception", ibid. 8) Marihuana acts in the body like DDT. True, but fallacious. Cannabinoids are fat soluble as numerous substances, including poisons such as DDT and nutrients like vitamin "A", but no prohibitionist makes that comparison with vitamin "A". 9) There are hundreds of different components in marijuana smoke. True but I misread. It is not said that, for example, in roasted coffee , there are more than 800 volatile substances, of which only 21 have been tested on animals and 16 of these cause cancer in rodents, but coffee is still legally used and is considered safe . If the arguments for maintaining cannabis prohibition were applied to other products we consume, it should be banned virtually everything we eat and drink. "Too Many Rodent Carcinogens: mitogenesis Increases Mutagenesis" Bruce N. Ames and Lois Swirsky Gold, Science, Vol 249, 31 August 1990, p. 971. 10) Marijuana is addictive. False. There is no physical dependence on the drug. Only one can speak of psychological addiction, such as producing chocolate (pastry), sports, television ... and that of course depends on each person. Let us recall that 10% of the population have "addictive personalities" that make you "hooked" on anything, whether marijuana, whether soap operas, but neither would cause serious damage to your health. Costa Rican Study 1980;Jamaican Study, 1975; Nixon Blue Ribbon Report, 1972, and others. Psychology Today, Newsweek, and others. 11) Marijuana overdose cause death. Lol. No one has ever died from an overdose of marijuana. Tests on animals have shown that extremely high doses are needed to be lethal. The ratio between the normal dose calculated to achieve euphoric effects with respect to the amount necessary to produce death is 1 to 40,000. For an overdose should be consuming marijuana 40,000 times needed to "stand" and in such a short period of time that makes it virtually impossible such an event. In the alcohol, this ratio may be about 1 to 10. That's why more than 5,000 people die each year from alcohol overdose and no one dies from an overdose of marijuana. The toxicity of cannabis and alcohol are compared in "Marijuana Reconsidered" , ibid., p.227. The mortality rate was already reflected in "Lowe", Journal of Pharmacological and Experimental Therapeutics, Oct. 1946. The annual alcohol overdose are documented in "Drug Prohibition in the United States: Costs, Consequences, and Alternatives" by Ethan A. Nadelmann, Science, Vol 245, 1 September 1989, p. 943. It does not matter if everyone believes this good or bad you live only once enjoy it to the fullest without harming anyone .


Nice @mix68
Shot you an Upvote :)

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