The Medicinal Benefits Of CBD And My Personal Experience With It.
One of my favorite days are the days @mickeybeaves and I visit a dispensary!
Many of the dispensaries In Oregon have been serverly lacking in CBD products and if they do have them they are tainted with artificial flavors, preservatives and citric acids.
I was so relieved when we found a home grown apothecary shop that carried an array of all natural CBD products!
When you take pure CBD products it is known to restore happiness, positive mood, and overall health and well being. It reverses depression and stress, and includes powerful medical benefits such as treating inflammation, anxiety, physical pain, seizures, and even nausea and vomiting. CBD has been proven to minimize the symptoms of dementia, depression, and even cancer. Fighting off psychotic disorders and vascular diseases, CBD is one of the most holistic remedies for many different health problems.
I opted for a CBD fruit and nut bar, a pain relieving indica CBD tincture, A RSO(Rick Simpson oil) that is a high CBD ratio plus RSO incased in ginger, turmeric and pepper capsules, and a little vial of CBD in almond and coconut oil!
Taking CBD products help me tremendously in my everyday life from improving my mood, lowering my inflammation to treating headaches. I make an effort to nourish my endocannabiniod system everyday, for better brain and organ function.

I like cbd too but i like the thc effects even more I think. It's awesome medicine :)
Yes!!! I have a little stepbrother that used to have chronic seizures. After many years, my stepmom finally decided to try giving him CBD capsules, and it worked like a charm. It's like magic - he doesn't have issues with it anymore (as far as I know). Enjoy your CBD indulgence, I wish it was more accessible and affordable in my area:)
Indeed, the market for it is booming and dispensaries are expensive and so are the taxes! It’s a much needed medicine for many people!
thank you, your post^_^
Thanks for sharing this info about CBD. Good to know it helps you :)
This is nice post
wonderful post. thanks for sharing
Hey Hailey, that's great that cbd has helped you so much. My OH was using cbd oil for a while to assist with her asthma, I believe the anti-inflammatory properties where the key. Since then we gave up dairy, she was a vegetarian previously but when the dairy was cut out she saw huge improvement.
Dairy can definitely cause inflammation! I am glad she did what her body needed and used cannabis to help her!
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couldn't agree more :) CBD has helped a ton with my anxiety. wish it was a little less expensive where i live (Vancouver) but honestly worth the investment
Oh yeah it’s not cheap at any dispensary and plus the taxes are crazy high!
Its one plant that will change the medical industry and save lots of lives.