Updates on the March Against Our Rights, Media Control Controls The Mind, David Hogg, Military Industrial Complex, Amazon, Facebook, NWO False Prophet AntiPope Francis, Condition Of Soul, Follow Truth rather than Narrative, Signs, Agenda 2030 & More

in #marchforourlives7 years ago (edited)

Please take the time to watch these videos and read these articles on the updates on everything. What the Sheeple don't understand is Gun Control=Gun Confiscation with further enslavement on law abiding citizens. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, since times change and philosophies never changes. #GunsSavesLives, Criminals don't follow laws that includes Lawmakers/Politicians, etc. Term Limits and Mandatory Drug Testing would reveal how whacked out they really are mentally, physically, and spiritually too.

Plus, other articles and videos as to with the truth about Gun Grab, How your Future was stolen over a hundred years ago, Bankers Wars and The Military Industrial Complex, Parkland shooting updates, David Hogg story changes proves he's a member of Hitler's Youth and a Liar, March Against Our Rights update, Cameron Kasky's Father is a Crooked Adoption Attorney tied with Human Trafficking, US Dollar fall? Ex-Russian Spy Murdered, Monopolies on Amazon and Facebook, Julian Assange, Susan Rice on Neflix Board of Directors, Planned Parenthood and Disney, Stormy Daniels, Putin given the Green Light by Trump to persecute Homosexuals...But, End Times in India, & False Prophet NWO AntiPope Francis preaches heresy saying there is no Hell & more such as Signs and Wonders.

What you have to understand that no one has a higher claim over your life and property than you. Live & Die by the Creed that is never right to unjust force or violence on innocent people, who have harmed no one. Right to Bear Arms is a God given right to defend yourself from enemies Foreign and Domestic. Man It's basic common sense, Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

The Truth About A Gun Grab by The Contingency Plan

Whoever Controls The Media Controls The Mind! Gabor Zolna's take
#Perception #MarchAgainstOurRight #Sheepollution
"Our nation is drawing away from #God & that's the main issue that all of this stems from"

How They Stole Your Future 100 Years Ago by Black Pilled

#SOCIALENGINEERING #FalseFlagEvents History Repeats
Sinking of #Lusitania Winston#Churchill was evil People #CONTROL
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #BankersWars Next up #Iran
Expose these SOB's #WEDONOTCONSENT #EndTheFed #SpiritualWarfare

Nothing Changed! https://zolnareport.com/#
Listen to Gabor Zolna's take
#FalseFlagEvents #BankersWars #IndustrialMilitaryComplex
All by design, World's Stage.
#WEDONOTCONSENT #SpiritualWarfare

USA Waging Secret Wars On Behalf of Rothschild Network by Blackstone Intelligence Network

"Most Americans don't even know how many wars their own country is engaged in. That is partly because these wars are being waged in secret. I discuss some of those operations in this video."

The Truth About Israel's Role in the New World Order

"Israel, Israeli Palestinian Conflict, Gaza, Palestinian Protests, Right of Return, Jerusalem, Trump, Embassy, Clashes, Hamas, etc."
#Israel=Synagogue Of Satan. Greater Israel Project. Zionist Control
#Killery needs to be sent to #Gitmo, then executed.
#Iran, Syria & NK don't have Rothschild Central Bank.
#PetroDollar #BankersWars

Israel Renews Slaughter of Palestinian Civilians - Uses Drones to Gas Protesters

Comment from a Viewer: "And this horror lasts since 1947. Every new day, the "Israelis" steal several hectares of Palestinian lands. They surrounded them with walls and guarded towers. And the biggest shame is that Palestinians can not ride and walk on the same roads where the "Israelis" !! And one reminder, 1920/1930. "Israelis" have attacked UK soldiers with car bombs, raided police stations etc, and then blame the Palestinians! And do not forget USS Liberty! And 'Five Dancing Israelis 9/11'. Yep, they're real demons."

WAR CRIMES! Video Proof That Israel Is Murdering Unarmed Palestinians

"The intentional killing of unarmed Palestinian civilians by the Israeli Defense Forces constitutes international war crimes."
""Christians" who excuse the Israeli practice of murdering unarmed civilians are most likely going to hell. Nobody who supports killing innocent people is going to escape God's wrath. But then again, maybe you'll be okay. The Pope says hell doesn't exist so I guess you don't have anything to worry about."

The Interconnections Between The Military Industrial Complex And The International Eugenist Elite

"Looking into the apparatus of the Military Industrial Complex, one will find un underlying agenda: eugenics. This is the subject of my next video:"

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Finally Admits ‘Yes, We Aided And Abetted Terrorism’, Says They Will Now Work With America And Israel To Fight Terrorism- They Will Say Anything To Avoid Getting Khazouked By Turkey

"Saudis have worked with the USA in order to fund #Terrorism for political gain."
" #Islam has been used by governments for proxy wars with other nations..."
#EuropeSpring ISIS...=CIA
#OperationCyclone=USA #Israel #Pakistan & #SaudiArabia (have most to lose in this arrangement) #Agenda2030 World's Stage.

Major German Catholic Leader Confronts German Interior Minister, Says ‘You Are Trying To Use The Muslims To Do What You Did Last Century’, Major Counter-Jihad Blog Caught Trying To Use The Story To Promote German Nationalism

Good for this Major German Catholic Leader had the sense to call it out for what it really is, history repeats & philosophies doesn't change. World's Stage
#GatesOfVienna tied w #Counterjihad movement using#Islam as lever to promote #Nazism #Nationalism #Paganism #Eugenics #HegelianDialectic #NWO

Why I Do Not Trust The Anti-Islam Movement

Counterjihad movement uses Islam as a cover for their real agenda by promoting Homosexuality, Pedophilia, Nationalism, Eugenics, NWO Agenda. Network Connections to the CIA/Deep State.
Walid Shoebat converted to Christianity in 1993 and founded the 1st website exposing Islam with other former Muslims called "Answering Islam."
Robert Spencer promotes pro-Sodomite activist Bruce Bauer.
Frank Gafney and Roger Robinson=CIA founded the Center For Security Policy. Robinson is connected to the former CIA Director William Casey, & connected to Operation Gladio. Operation "Stay Behinds"=False Flag Events to promote Nationalism in Europe blame game against Russia.
"The Road to 9/11" by Peter Dale Scott.
John J McCloy on of the masterminds behind Operation Paperclip, Industrializing Germany, CIA, advancing Islam & Nazism.
William Casey involved in US and Iran hostage situation to make Reagan look good for arms deals, Israel armed Iran, Iran Contra, Chase Bank. Engineered Migration to boast Nationalism, Nazism, etc. NWO Agenda.
Turkey expansion into Syria was known in advance was all part of the plan. Germanic militarism into Western Europe with Turkey to revive the Ottoman Empire, and Japan want to revive their Empire. History repeats, things change, Philosophies doesn't change.
#CIA= #CenterForSecurityPolicy & #Counterjihad use Islam to implement #Nationalism #Division #Eugenics #Agenda2030
#GatesOfVienna #RobertSpencer promotes pro-Sodomite activist Bruce Bauer

Head Of Security For Dubai Says That Pakistani People Are A “Dangerous Threat To Gulf Societies”- This Is All Just Rhetoric For The Coming Turco-Aryan Alliance That Will Destroy The Saudis And Take Over The Middle East

Turco-Iranian alliance is nightmare for #SaudiArabia Coming Turco-Aryan Alliance
Saudi-Pakistan #Alliance to save their goose from being cooked by #Turkey & #Iran
India wants to establish a pure #Hindu #Ethnostate with Hindu as state religion. Those not Hindu to be forced to convert or put to death.

Racism, Social Darwinism And Eugenics Are Becoming Common In Political Discussion

Listen to this 18 min. video.
Bill Kristol of PNAC (Project For A New American Century), interviewed Eugenicist Charles Murray, who wrote the Bell Curve and Coming Apart.
History Repeats. Time changes, Philosophies doesn't change. World's Stage.

Doesn't Hogg look like Anakin Skywalker, I mean Darth Vader 2.0, very demonic POS

David Hogg Exposed!
Zolna's take
Parkland Shooting – Mannequins Used! Boom!

F Hitlers Youth #Hoggwash
#FalseFlagEvents #Perception #ParklandShooting
#GunControl= #GunConfiscation

The AR-15, The Fist Domino That They Want To Fall! by Gabor Zolna
H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5087/text

HR 5087, #AssaultWeaponsBan! https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5087/text
Gabor Zolna's take & on #Democrats
#POLICIES doesn't change. F #Mormons
F #DeepState #GunControl #NWOAgenda #WEDONOTCONSENT
Support #2A
No one has no higher claim over your life & property than you.

How Could David Hogg Be In Two Places At The Same Time? by Gabor Zolna
F Hitler's/Soros Youth #Hoggwash can't remember lines is a Very Bad #CrisisActor and a Punk.
No way Hogg could ride his bike in a few minutes for 3 miles, was allowed access for interviews and all?? Those who keep changing their stories are damn liars themselves.
Older than he appears since he graduated in 2015 in California and personal ties with the FBI, CNN, etc.
#Perception #Parkland #FalseFlagEvents

Survivor David Hogg In CBS Video 6 Months BEFORE Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Event | by Carolyn H

What EVERY Parent & Child MUST Know About THIS March "Leader" by High Impact Flix

POS #Hoggwash is POSTERBOY FOR BIRTH CONTROL, Psychopath & member of Hitler's Youth. Graduated from Redondo High school in CA in 2015.
#MarchForOurLies #Sheepollution
These pathetic kids are all foul mouthed, liars, disrespectful sheep, and useful idiots calling for their own enslavement.

More Jaw-Dropping Washington "March Against Our Rights" MADNESS!

“As I talked with marchers, MLK's spot-on observation kept ringing in my ears: "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Witnessing, first hand, the power of stupid people in large groups CAN be entertaining, but when you think about the far-reaching ramifications of their stated, albeit, uninformed desire, an unshakable and sobering depression quickly takes hold.”

Anyone who doesn't trust the government yet thinks only the government should have guns should enter a bleach drinking or tide pod eating contest.

Ruger Mini 14 and AR-15 are the same gun, but with different design and holds .223 caliber.
DOH!!!! #MarchOfMentalIllness #Sheepollution
#DavidHogg guy has a highly punchable face.
Send #Hoggwash & Gang to Venezuela
Anyone who doesn't trust the Gov. yet thinks only the Gov. should have guns should enter bleach drinking or tide pod eating contest.
“I’d rather have Dangerous Freedom over Peaceful Slavery.” Thomas Jefferson.

YouTube Censors D.C. March Against our Rights Interviews

Washington D.C. March Interviews That'll Make You Say WTF!! - Pt 5

Comments from Viewers: "Abe was stammering pretty hard" "OMG... Hilarious. Abraham Lincoln is it looking too fast on his feet with the answers there. Who do you work for. None of them are making any rational, intellectual sense about anything they're saying. It's such a bandwagon thing going on here...." "5G can create voices in the atmosphere."
"Last month they were eating tide pods. And politicians were asking tide to change their products so that teenagers won't eat them. And now they have a say in gun control...hilarious."
"The four "women" in the video should be more worried about harpoons than guns. And Japanese whalers!" "The first group should spread the message of obesity!"

THE STORM WATCH 2018 /pol/

"Just don't watch Netflix originals or any Obama propaganda. Rules for Radicals is the leftists bible. Read it and you will definitely see the similarities of exactly what the left and their Democrat handlers after doing."

Jeff Kasky’s Strange, Scandal-Ridden History with One World Adoption Services


Did any of you know that #CameronKasky, 1 of the #Parkland Crisis Actors has a Dad who is a crooked adoption lawyer? His name is #JeffKasky & he may have been involved in #HumanTrafficking Haitian & Congolese kids into the US.

Witness ~ Florida Shooter Was A Police Man!

Seems That I Am Not The Only One!
#ParklandShooting #FloridaShooting #DRILL #FalseFlag
Listen to Gabor Zolna's take & No Courtesy Calls
F #DeepState #GunControl

How to Beat a Liberal in a Debate About Gun Rights by Blackstone Intelligence Network

*The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing
In God We Trust! No one has higher claim over your Life & Property than you. #2A #FullArmorOfGod

How to Talk to People About Preserving Gun Rights - HD

This video is a reupload from the previous video.

Gun Control Is In Reality, Gun Confiscation! Gabor Zolna's take
Recent string of violence rocks New Haven

Sadly those wanting us to give up our guns don't seem to realize the Bad side of Disarming the people that are not Criminals. They must think that everybody is going to have their own personal Bodyguard like the Politicians and Actor's, they need to wake up. Criminals don't follow laws. Those who don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it. Common Sense is gone. Wake Up!

‘We Were Living This Nightmare’: Parkland Teacher Testifies on Capitol Hill

"Did I Miss Stacey Lippel's Testimony On Capital Hill"?
She refers to the Shooter wearing a Gas Mask.
She didn't say in her testimony before Congress what she said in the ABC news narrative and that is she said to herself. "What are the police doing here?" That was an incriminating statement that she should have also said to the Congress. Why can't a psychiatrist give an evaluation as to whether or not Nickolas Cruz was brainwashed or not? The only thing that's gonna save this kid is a whistleblower blowing the whistle on the corrupt org that is responsible for the brainwashing!!

Gabor Zolna's take

"Why isn't this all over Fox News, and why hasn't anyone called you back? You answered that question at the beginning of your video when you said it doesn't fit their narrative. "

Gov. Bevin Responds to Alleged Hypocrisy

Governor Bevin's Incredible Great Answer!
Gabor Zolna's take
#Cultural issue. #Morality
Desensitized the dignity of Human Life through Violence through Video Games, Pornography, etc.

Deep Tru^th. Neither CNN or Fox will tell you this. by Dana Ashlie

"See overview of video topics w/ time stamps incl. in desc. box. Ni^ck Cr^uz heard v0ices urging him to ki^ll. Whose v0ices were they? How can we all know the difference between synthetic telepathy (that pretends to be god) and the V0ice of our Father?"

Targeted Individuals. Evil TI microwave program. MKULTRA.

The Truth Will Set Us Free! by Gabor Zolna

“Just like they blew up building 7 to get rid of all the documents about George Bush that were buried in the CIA office in there!” #PiecesOfThePuzzle #Parkland #FalseFlag #NikolasCruz is patsy
I'd still like to see the audio of Nikolas Cruz admitting to the shooting and here it actually come from him instead of hearing it second hand from some news report somewhere. The news is so fake you can't believe anything on it!

She survived Hitler and wants to warn America http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/on_the_front_lines_of_the_culture_wars/2011/04/she-survived-hitler-and-wants-to-warn-america.html
Kitty Werthmann’s story about her time in Austria under Hilter’s regime compares it to Obama’s.

Has The White House Been Compromised?
Gabor Zolna's take
Warmonger Bolton pushing for #WWIII. #BankersWars
#POLICIES doesn't change. World's Stage. #WEDONOTCONSENT

President Trump Keeps Flip Flopping!
Gabor Zolna's take

Bush Criminal Dynasty, Has Gone Unpunished! by Gabor Zolna
Full text of "Politics and Conspiracy Collection"

The Video Laura Ingraham's Ex-Advertisers REALLY NEED to See!

Congratulations on a well earned 1/2 million subs!

Best comment: "Hogg FARM can't even decide where he was during the shooting, in the school, or riding his bike. The only way you and your kiddie buddies are going change the world would be for the worst."
#MarchAgainstOurRights People Control Movement.
Left-Right .. makes no difference. Dog & Pony Show. #Distractions #Division
#POLICIES doesn't change.
#TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed
F#GunControl #DeepState

The Truth About March For Our Lives by The Truth Factory

#MarchForOurLies #MarchAgainstOurRights
" #McGruber lmfao! #Assault pineapple, gerbil, salt shakers, etc. It’s fun to put assault in front of stuff." #GunControl= #GunConfiscation
F #DeepState #Hoggwash #Media... #WEDONOTCONSENT

Sheriff Maketa talks at anti-gun law rally

Colorado Sheriff Maketa For Governor! by Gabor Zolna
Awesome Sheriff!! They know better about criminals than lazy politics.
Need more people like this man. Support #2A #GunRights

Watch Fox News Tip-Toe Around the "POWERFUL" Kids! by High Impact Flix

#Wallace is an NWO Elitist SCUM. He pushes the #Narrative he's told to push plain & simple.
#MarchForOurLives #MarchAgainstOurRights
#POLICIES doesn't change
#GunControl= #GunConfiscation People #CONTROL

Florida Students Walkout In Support Of Second Amendment!
Gabor Zolna's take take
#GunControl= #GunConfiscation

More Fried Hogg: Parkland Survivor Deep Fries David Hogg – One Of The Best Rebukes Yet!
Patrick Petty who lost his sister Alaina in the Parkland shooting had plenty to say about Hogg, Kashuv, and gang.

David Hogg Hates These Memes So … Spread Them Around


Watch: Female Jiu Jitsu Expert Calls David Hogg An ‘Entitled Princess’ And It Gets Even Better https://clashdaily.com/2018/04/watch-female-jiu-jitsu-expert-calls-david-hogg-entitled-princess-gets-even-better/

What percentage of gun homicides in the US are committed using legally-owned firearms? https://www.quora.com/What-percentage-of-gun-homicides-in-the-US-are-committed-using-legally-owned-firearms
This Needs To Go Viral! by Gabor Zolna

Who Even Thinks About Doing THIS Immediately After a Tragedy?!?

They Had To Have Known! by Gabor Zolna
On #FalseFlagEvents, #MKULTRA, #GunControl=#GunConfiscation
Planned in advance. F #NWOAgenda

High Impact Flix says: "Lining up an event, complete with entertainers, speakers and merchandise sales, almost IMMEDIATELY after a tragedy? Seriously? Who even does that?

Here are the links so you can see all this for yourselves:"

** P.S. There's a new shirt in the store now: "Escape from CommieFornia" Here's the link to the store:

Our Guns Protect Us From Evil Criminal Elements! by Gabor Zolna
#Brazil has highest murder rate 60,000 murders per year.
"Those who have no regard for human life derive pleasure from taking human life"
Give up the guns, give up loss of freedom.

Gun BANS: What the Hell's REALLY Going on Here?!?

Universal head slap.
Politicians & their mindless mobs/ #Sheepollution are weapons of war.
#2A #GunRights
Common Sense, Logic, Reason....


What's with 666 #HEXAGRAMS behind the YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam?
A Muslim, whose videos look CGI, terrible actress and singer.
#InformationWar #MOAB
Rosanne speaks truth
#TheVatican is the Seat of Lucifer #PreganantSnake shaped
According to Ed at The Outer Light, Designer of the "#AudienceHall" was a Freemason & Hall is #Reptilian shaped


Epstein spending $29M to bury tunnels underneath temple on #EpsteinIsland
Footage too. Esoteric Checkerboard.
All Roads Lead to Rome #TheVatican= #PregnantSnake #AudienceHall= #Reptilian Shape
F #BigPharma

Amazon value drops $50 billion after report says Trump is 'obsessed' with breaking the tech giant

Trump: "Amazon Pays Little Or No Taxes, Puts Thousands Of Retailers Out Of Business"

Trump Rumors Cost #Amazon $30 Billion Dollars In One Day!

Over $33 billion=Illuminati
Violation of #AntiTrustLaws
NWO Globalist Mega Corporation shutting down small, medium, & large businesses. Owns Washington Compost connected deep #DeepState #CIA
Slave Labor #AI #5G

President Trump Guess What All Four Are Gigantic #Monopolies https://qz.com/1239950/forget-facebook-donald-trump-is-obsessed-with-amazon/
Gabor Zolna's take

What's The Difference Between Them? https://zolnareport.com/#
Gabor Zolna's take
"There is no real difference between #Amazon, #Google, #YouTube, and #Facebook, they are all gigantic#Monopolies."

The Numbers Tend Not To Add Up!
The number of followers on Twitter never seem to change!

3.28 - #Q's Latest/ #SexTrafficking Exposure/ #JulianAssange Internet Cut/PARDON #FLYNN!

#Assange #Trump
#SusanRice on Netflix's Board of Directors. Tons of Left leaning, Sodomites AntiChrist System #Narrative on #Netflix.
I don't know what they're playing at with this move. Huge mistake, Netflix.

#BoycottNetflix! #UFO #DARPA #Disclosure


James Munder received a strike for annoying Hogg.


2 Queers on 7th Floor
"#OmarMateen, the Pulse nightclub, Orlando killer, his father was an FBI informant for 11 yrs. Siddique Mateen was raising funds in America, approx. 100,000 dollars, to terrorist groups in Afghanistan, Turkey, even ISIS"
Don't Trust the Gov.

Robert Mueller Apparently Exceeded His Authority!
Gabor Zolna's take
#SpecialCouncil #FISA #UraniumOne #GreatAwakening
#Sessions won't act on this. Nothing happens to the big fish.

Russian Ex-Spy Murdered

"Russia: Poisoning shows UK fails to protect Russian citizens." Fair point. UK fails to protect, and even persecutes, its own citizens, unless they're ... Muhammadans.

Will The #USDollar Soon Go Bye, Bye! http://thefreethoughtproject.com/us-dollar-death-blow-china-petro-yuan/
Gabor Zolna's take
Have we ever thought about why the globalists moved all of their corporations to #China? Maybe this was all planned from the outset.
#PetroDollar #BankersWars

#Republicans about to deregulate the banks — with #Democrats:
"12 Senate Democrats are backing a Republican bill to weaken parts of Dodd-Frank."

California suing Feds Who will win?
#OrangeCounty Follows #LosAlamitos Lead! https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/28/us/orange-county-sanctuary-state-law/index.html
#California #SancutaryState
#ShitholeCountry #DaysOfNoah #Sodom #Gomorrah #EndTimes
Gabor Zolna's take & great impersonation of CA's AG & Governor
F #Democrats

How Sick Is This? #PlannedParenthood: "We need a Disney princess who's had an abortion." Liberals are sick.

Zolna's take
F #AntiChristSystem
Absolutely Sickening #DaysOfNoah #Sodom #Gomorrah #EndTimes

Shocking moment Smallville star Allison Mack argues with authorities before getting into a high-speed car chase with police who arrested the sex-trafficking leader of her cult in Mexico http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5557601/Shocked-Smallville-actress-Allison-Mack-chases-police-car-officers-away-Nxivm-cult-leader.html?ITO=applenews
"Video has been released of Mexican authorities arresting NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere at a luxury villa in Puerto Vallarta"


Dalai Lama is a fraud travelling the world in luxury while his people live in poverty.
Mark Zuckerberg WHOSE REAL NAME IS JACOB GREENBERG is a Fraud running a SPY PROGRAM by the name of "Facebook" ! He's selling ALL your personal information to International Governments AND PROFITING FROM IT.

Facebook Is Completely Dead- The Adult And Now Tech Industry Has Declared It So

#PlayboyEnterprises has pulled out of #Facebook along with Elon Musk's #Tesla & #SpaceX= #FakeX
The “adult” industry is so deeply ingrained into human society & have major impact on future trends.
#DeepState #Google needs to go
F#Illuminati SCUM

YouTube Gun Channels Are Now Posting Videos On Pornhub To Avoid Censorship

Pornhub has no rules, so all the YouTube gun channels are migrating there. What a weird time to be an American?

Did Zuckerberg Lie? Accused App Developer Told Facebook Of Plans To Sell User Data, Report



"This makes sense but you know it'll get abused sooner or later to include everyone!" SOS Happy Easter!
#SocialCredit mirrored from the show Black Mirror, more Social Credit, the more credit you have with the ability and freedom to travel freely, less credit not able to do anything keep the Sheeple distracted. In other words, enslavement of humanity.


Comment from a Viewer: "Everything you're saying is just the tip of the iceberg.. Its not that this is the dumbest generation, they're keeping us sick through over tainted medications, vaccines, chemicals added to the foods & water.. The chemtrails & now the towers going up 5G. Do you think those hurricanes last summer or the CA fires were mother nature? There are still people missing, FEMA barges were seen. Check out operation "Black skies" & Agenda 21.. This is all connected its global and has been planned out for a very long time. 911..that's part of it as well."

#CoreyFeldman's #HilariousAccount of Being Stabbed by a Syringe by Pockets Of The Future

Sounds like he may know he already has an Infection. And is creating an elaborate cover story. Oops sorry Angels you got AIDS.
Feldman's "truth" credibility flew out the window when he dresses up as a Drag Vampire, story is all over the place.

Feldman is #ControlledOpposition & under #MKULTRA pushing $$$ & Fame for a Doc. instead of names of #PedoSatanists, locations where children & adults being held at, Rescue Operations, Nothing. Distractions.

Corey Feldman's Story Unraveling


Thank You To: Titus Frost 1984 & ANONYMOUS ÄÑØŇ Ĥïvê (on YouTube)
Dog in SHOWER? #Pedogate #Pizzagate F#PedoSatanists
Comments from Viewers: "At 10:27 "bpa43" looks awfully familiar! Looks a lot like that lady that provides children for "events."
“Pizzagate is real! Americans are going to flip when they release the sick pictures found on Abedin's, Weiner's, Epstein's and Hillary's computers. NYPD won't wait any longer.... made cops, grown men, vomit. Britain's marching against it pedophilia and cleaning up their country. MSM won't show that. This is proof, but people still don't believe. Save the babies and children from sex trafficking and cannibalism.”

Outrage After Famous Pastor Calls Infamous Prostitute Stormy Daniels A “Hooker” While Defending Trump

#StormyDaniels is a Prostitute
Mixture of words to grant social license to the same sin while condemning as socially unacceptable in another situation.
Pastor Locke condemns the Catholic Church while violated the 6th Commandment #Adultery
#Hypocrites do as I say not as I do
#Morality #Character #ConditionOfSoul

LGBT In Panic After President Trump ‘Gives The Green Light’ To Persecution Of Homosexuals In Russia

US #POLICIES support #LGBT #Homosexuality while "encouraging anti-LGBT activities or advancing the impression of anti-LGBT positions among nations regarded as enemies" #CreateConflict
Pursuit of #Power all$$ with respect to none.
Why #JesusChrist came into our Humanity to save us from Sin and Death, so we can be risen into his Divinity.
#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod



GOD ALL-FRIGHTY Vatican worshippers showered with falling chunks of plaster from ceiling of St Peter’s Basilica – as Pope denies Hell exists

Pope Francis Celebrates Holy Week With Heresy, Stays In Interview With Famous Atheist That “There Is No Hell” And Then Tries To Avoid Addressing The Matter When Questioned

#PopeFrancis= #FalseProphet #Heretic POS will soon find out.
Can't change #Divinely revealed #Truth.
Moral duty to correct those who preach #Heresy such as the #Arian heresy
#JesusChrist came to save us from Hell, fact which no man can change. #JesusSaves
#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

"Pope Francis is facing possible impeachment over heresy charges, according to Antonio Socci, one of Italy’s leading Catholic journalists."


Conservative Christian Colleges Are Now Being Forced To Choose Between Their Faith And The LGBT

Will #ChristianColleges choose to shut down rather than submit to #LGBT?
#Homosexuality is a grave sin, worthy of death.
Either Stand completely with #God #JesusChrist #Yayweh or the Devil, father of lies, Sin, Evil...
#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

American Homosexuals Threaten To Rape Christian Student For Promoting Marriage
Horrible what happened to Christian Student, Smalanskas preaching Truth #Marriage between Man & Woman as God intended for #ProCreation #Faith #Family #Morality...
Providence College= #PoliticallyCorrect College promotes #AntiChristSystem as #LGBT, Deliberate Dumbing Down Masses etc. #SpiritualWarfare

Lesbians Adopt Six Children, Starve Them And When The State Starts To Investigate, They Murder Them All And Then Commit Suicide

Why Homosexuals should never be allowed to adopt or teach children?
One of them in 2011 pleaded guilty to a domestic assault charge in Minnesota.
3 out of the 6 children have been found. Best case scenario those 3 children not found in the vehicle at the time of the crash are missing people. Absolutely Insane!

Russia Closes Down Major Website On Charges Of Spreading Homosexual Propaganda

Excellent!!! F #Homosexuality #Sodomites
This what needs to happen worldwide. Need to be true to the true faith in #JesusChrist #Yeshua #Yayweh, follow God's law #JesusSaves
#FullArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare

Air Force Colonel Refuses To Support Homosexual Marriage, The US Military Suspends Him, But Now His Suspension Just Got Reversed

Winning!!! #JesusSaves and Amen to all of the support thereof and staying true to #God's Word

While Many Western Christians Are Debating About How To Give Moral Legitimacy To Homosexual Behavior, Many Muslims Are Working On Eliminating Homosexuality And Converting The Homosexuals To Islam

Both #Homosexuality & #Islam are evil. Man is saved by #Grace through #Faith & by Works too #Christians be true to the Faith #Chris t #Yeshua follow God's Word.
After the Protestant Revolution being a "Christian is synonymous with good #Citizenry" is a major error dates back to Ancient times including the Roman Empire.

END TIMES IN INDIA? - Devout Christian calls Aadhaar Biometrics "Mark and Number of the Beast!" by Face Like The Sun


"It came to me while listening to Gerodie Rose speaking and a particular analogy he used. As ants, or as grasshoppers. if you get it you get it, if not keep looking. "#Giants Rose is summoning Demons into #AI #DWave #TheSerpentMound #TheAwakening
Numbers 13:33 "And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."


"Here's the same UFOs under Nightvision and ultraviolet light, it appears maybe FOX was using a new lense that accidentally showed the real heavens."
#Milwaukee #UFO's Hiding signs and wonders. #Firmament
#ProjectBlueBeam testing??? #EndTimes
Seagulls don't fly that high. And they are not that big. At that elevation they would be tiny specks.

Depopulation: Life imitates "the Simpsons"

#Chemtrails X's #5G
#GeoEngineering #OperationSolarShield
Esoteric Black & White Duality
#Agenda21 #Agenda2030

Luke 21:25-26 King James Version (KJV)
"25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

Global warming and overpopulation

April Fools is really the New Year!
These grey days are soul crushing, miss the Sun!
Seems to me that I #StandAlone and #God #JesusChrist is one of the only ''people'' i can talk to. #Walkabout

MSM Responds to 5G video

"How much ya wanna bet Tomorrow there will be a crew there. Not to remove the poorly placed camera. But to CUT DOWN THE TREE!"

A Navy Intel collector that quit after patriot Act

Red Pill looks like a Richie Jr!!!!!!!!!! OMG How cool.

Confusion and Precious metals.

"Ok so somewhere along the line I got confused and we now have TWO first prize winners. I need a Butler, I cant keep up with ALL this communication." Two Red Pills. Made a friend who lives close by. Found the real Red Pill.

Dosing Americans for the great delusion

"Here it is again, this time imagine if the planes stopped dumping heavy metals and instead maybe dropped a little LSD or peyote or devils breath and then the ALIEN invasion."

Comment by Truth Happens: "I’ve seen the studies. If they go the drug route it will be LSD. The government has been doing massive studies on the effects of LSD for quite some time. LSD also opens the 3rd eye, and here people will be able to view entities in the dark matter spectrum. That’s what the Eye on the pyramid stands for (3rd eye) and that is the ultimate goal. It’s all on the dollar bill. This machine coincidentally is called DMT. It is the machine purchased by the U.S. government that measures the aerosol droplets from planes. In other words, it measures the drug dosage they feed to the masses." http://www.dropletmeasurement.com/ultra-high-sensitivity-aerosol-spectrometer-uhsas

NWO PRODUCTIONS Present: Alien Invasion in 2018

"Bill Cooper predicted 2018, and he well be right. With ALL the sudden disclosure of UFO sightings by the military, the pentagon etc. combine that with David Keith and HARVARD Universities sudden disclosure of their need to spray the skies with heavy metals to save us from GLOBAL WARMING and you can start to see the plan revealing itself."
FIRST BROADCASTING OF A PSY-OP https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/infamous-war-worlds-radio-broadcast-was-magnificent-fluke-180955180/
The Imperial Japanese Mission To The United States, 1917 https://archive.org/stream/imperialjapanese00carnuoft#page/28/mode/2up
IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT https://educate-yourself.org/nwo/reportironmountain1.shtml
KEITH GROUP (CHEMTRAILS) https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/

5G: The most important conspiracy of all time

"Perhaps you believe that you can somehow survive without oxygen or sunlight but you can’t not at all and they have turned up the volume to 12 we are in dire straits and too many people are worried about too many things that we can never prove and people would never believe anyway so there’s that."

Back then, "Cable TV didn't exist,the Internet didn't exist, cell phones didn't exist. .." Those were the day's!

Now Even The Mainstream Media Is Talking About What We Warned- A.I. Face Swapping Technology Is Going To Be A MAJOR Threat, And Perhaps In Even Worse Ways Than Expected

Links to 2 previous articles on #AI #FaceSwap on dangers to the integrity of video & photo evidence. Is now able to"make truth into a lie and a lie into a truth." Hide #IncriminatingEvidence or Incriminate someone with false evidence. World's Stage #WEDONOTCONSENT #MinorityReport


This Programming is Sick! Powers that shouldn't be are Normalizing Evil at all costs.
#WillSmith is a Luciferian puppet & in Scientology along with everyone in #Hollywood. He also makes out with his own children.
F #Illuminati #AI #NWO...
#Flamethrowers work great against Creepy #Sophia

Are We Next Inline For,"Social Credit's,"? by Gabor Zolna
China Banning People From Transit for Bad "Social Credit" Scores by Corbett Report

#Technocracy leads to #SOCIALENGINEERING
Black Mirror "program"; everyone is scored, people give points to each other & the higher the score the more popular/successful you are, the more access you have.

THE WATCHERS: 5G Surveillance State is NOW Happening! by Truth Happens

"Explore the truth with me in this educational video about smart cities, smart nodes, street light surveillance.
This is an informative Christian perspective regarding my research on surveillance. It is important to remember Jesus Christ is our one and ONLY mediator between us and God. And He is our ONLY way to eternal life. The goal of this video is to provoke thought and awareness about the world around us."
Telecommunication Act in 1996. Hide Wireless Radiation health effects.
The Active Denial System. 24 to 90 gigahertz used as a biological weapon for crowd control.

"For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."(1 Thessalonians 5:2-3)
AT&T Project Air Gig 5G #MilimeterWaves #CellTowers #WirelessRadiation
#SmartCities= #Agenda2030 F #NWOAgenda #1Thessalonians5:2-3
Just like the #Divergent series #WEDONOTCONSENT #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

Major Robotics Company In England Creates A Robot That Can Cook Perfect For Meals. This Very Robot Technology Is Being Used To Create Killer Robots For The Next Major War

"A major robotics company is England, Moley, has created a robot that can cook perfect meals for you. This very robot technology is being used to create military robots for the next great war or world war:"
Moley #Siemens producing Robot Cooking leads to other Co.'s producing #KillerRobots fueling #MiltiaryIndustrialComplex Man playing God
Richard Mellon Scaife $$$ the Center For Security Policy, Planned Parenthood, &Heritage Foundation #OperationGladio #Nationalism #Racialism #Eugenics#NWO #AI #5G #FaceSwap


The BIBLE talks about those evil people who want to become God, they will do evil things, Philosophies doesn't change.
#GeordieRose on summoning Demons. HP Lovecraft. Bushes. JFK. Economy, Military Industrial Complex, etc.
F #AI #5G #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #NWOAgenda
#WEDONOTCONSENT #FullArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare

Everything is fine, Society is Great

"Nothing to see, everything is BETTER the swamp is about to drain, the air is clean water is spot on and morales, well morales are pin point no?? "

This video is going to piss off a lot of people

RFB on #YouTube & other Controlled Opposition Channels are Marketers.
Agenda is not hidden, out in the open.
Trolls will be trolls. They never get shut down. Keep telling it like it is...


Video by A Call For An Uprising.
"I didn't know he was talking about you. I didn't know he betrayed you like that. What an eye opener."

Stealing the Children

Google adds Wi-Fi, Chromebooks to more school buses for rural students http://www.zdnet.com/article/google-rolling-study-halls/
On The Greek word “pharmakia” https://truedsicernment.com/2007/07/09/on-the-greek-word-pharmakia/
#RFB & #ACallForAnUprising" really need to talk & sort some things out. All supposed to be united against the elite
#BigPharma in Greek #Pharmakia=sorcery witchcraft http://www.biblefood.com/drugs.html
Pentagram on back of Buses.
All by design, World's Stage

Real info on 5G Artemis and Wifi

Great Resource #TheFullertonInformer
"So they name it after the "goddess of fertility" and that's exactly what they are stealing from our children? Sick SOB's"
#GeoEngineering #Firmament


Don’t these people EVER get tired of playing with the masses minds?
F #DeepState #GunControl=#GunConfiscation #GeoEngineering #AI #5G....
#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

Judas Betrayed Jesus For The Cause Of Nationalism, The Story Is A Warning To All Who Would Value Race Over Grace

"Warning for every man who would value his identity, race, or culture over the dignity of another man, for the mercy of God is to he who desires righteousness more than himself."
#JesusChrist is Lord!! #JesusSaves!

Spanish Government Orders All Flags At Military Bases Flown At Half-Mast For Holy Week

Amen!!! #JesusChrist is Lord #JesusSaves!!!
#God #Yeshua #Yayweh
#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

UK Denies Iraqi Nun A Visa To Visit Her Sick Sister While Continuing To Let Countless Muslims With Questionable Backgrounds In

The UK denies an Iraqi Nun a Visa to visit her sick sister "over her earnings as kindergarten principal & had not provided confirmation that the Dominican Sisters of St Catherine of Siena would fund her visit."
More like #SocialCredit= #BlackMirror
#BraveNewWorld 1984
#ChristianPersecution #SpiritualWarfare

EASTER by Pockets of the Future

Pagan celebration on the Equinox.
Shapeshifting Bunnies that lay their Eggs like Chicks= #Peeps
Alice in Wonderland, #WhiteRabbit
"All these #Holidays are Pagan but the Catholic & other Churches with their tale has deceived people into thinking this is about Jesus!"
Isn’t time Christian Churches quit celebrating pagan gods? We no longer need to incorporate the pagan Gods in order to secure the Church.

Pagan Origins of Easter Sunday, Christmas and April Fool's Day by APlaneTruth.Info

Do what the #TenCommandments tell me. Everyday should be a celebration of #JesusChrist. #JesusSaves
#SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod
Towards the end of the video shows the Southern Cross=Crucifix on Dec. 22nd-24th. DaVinci’s Last Supper Portrait shows the 4 seasons between the Disciples with Jesus represents the Sun.
Sulfur a.k.a. The Leviathan Cross, satanic symbol used in nature and theme. Two T Cross with the Infinity (8 Symbol) horizontally.
Same symbol found with the Knights Templar, Malta, Nazi, Red Cross, Swedish Flag, The Roman Iron Cross, Seal of the Society of Jesus on the Vatican-HIS, Rothschilds, Lorraine/Habsburg. Cross of Lorraine is a double cross found with logo of Exxon Mobil, Nabisco, Holiday Inn, Crest of Slovakia, Lithuania, Cross of Colombey, American Lung Association, Fox, Hallmark, Oreo, V for Vendetta (Jesuit film), to name a few.

A Choice is Coming - The Great Tribulation of the End Times reposted by On Point Preparedness

A word from Peter Michael Martinez @ Remnant House
Making Choices/Decisions. #Tribulation #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod
#Yeshua #Yayweh #JesusChrist #JesusSaves

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.


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