Are MEN smarter than WOMEN?

in #manvswomen7 years ago (edited)


The Japanese Satoshi Kanazawa, has exposed his theories by which he claims and explains, alike, a more than inflammable statement. Dr. Kanazawa says clearly and bluntly in a conceptually altered world of "gender equality", the dissolution of the traditional family, and the natural position of man and woman in society, that men are simply more intelligent than women and punctuation! Obviously, his opinions not only unleashed fierce controversies, but they are, in themselves, particularly interesting. Especially in the current social context.

Men and women in the "Savana Principle"

Dr. Kanazawa specializes in evolutionary psychology and currently lives in Great Britain, where he works at the prestigious London School of Economics. His studies and research are based on the evolutionary psychology used as a tool for deciphering and analyzing at social level the economy, sociology and anthropology. Open and courageous, Satoshi Kanazawa has been strongly challenged by the artisans of the "New Social Order," as this scientist has toughly attacked taboo themes of Western consumerist-postmodernist society such as political correctness and censorship.

Independent, well-known in the scientific environments for the courage he says "things all of us thought, but kept silent in various fears," as he himself said in an interview, Kanazawa did not hesitate to treat flamboyant and controversial themes from the start.

In his articles stating that "blacks are less sexually attractive than women in other human races," or that "African blacks suffer from chronic poverty and long-lost diseases from the rest of the world because they have a lower IQ than the rest of the world, have made the heads of the famous publication, Pychology Today, fired for fear of being sued by the many organizations that militate for gender equality or racism.

Even his current employer has forbidden by contract to publish for one year topics on topics that cause tension. For fear of being associated with it, a group of 68 evolutionary psychologists signed a joint letter stating that "Satoshi Kanazawa's research does not represent evolutionary psychology according to our beliefs." In response, an international group of 23 prestigious researchers defended Kanazawa's work and research by publishing a response letter that appeared in Times Higher Education.

Satoshi Kanazawa wrote three more works in collaboration with Alan Miller, and he had a blog titled The Scientific Fundamentalist. Dr. Kanazawa was noted by the use of the term Savana Principle to emphasize a theory that human society's problems and difficulties exist because the human brain evolved for hundreds of thousands of years exclusively in the African environment, the same human brain is confronted with the modern, industrialized and technologically modern society for too long to get used to and adapt to it.

Then, in an article published in the Journal of Research in Personality, the controversial researcher has shown that scientists are doing the average career breaks in their mid-35s, then comparing their productivity with offenders, to find striking resemblances

Girls would be smarter than boys. But at maturity the situation changes ...

Satoshi Kanazawa claims that because girls are maturing sexually faster than boys, they are smarter in the first part of their lives. Based on various research, Dr. Kanazawa states that men are indeed more intelligent than women, but not much. Only 3-5 IQ points. He also states that one of the main reasons why men are smarter is that men are taller than women.

There are many studies that have found that tall individuals are smarter than the short ones, and that genetics and natural selection have made males to be higher and higher than women in all primates, including humans. Dr. Kanazawa even claims that there are studies that show that women higher than some men have superior intelligence to those. A little perceptible fact is one that takes into account the faster maturation of girls.

It turns out that the little bogey's intelligence advantage appears only after puberty. Up to that point, girls have the advantage of higher intelligence, because they mature before boys, even if they are of the same biological age. So if we compare boys and girls for 10 years, we actually compare 10-year-old boys with 12-year-old girls. Naturally, older and more mature children have a cognitive capacity superior to the smaller ones.

In pre-school, boys are more attracted to toys in the form of weapons and cars, and the girls will have dolls. Boys play harder and more active, girls are more sensitive and sedentary. Boys have precise interests, general interests girls. Boy groups are bigger than girls.

On the other hand, girls talk earlier than boys, have a higher vocabulary, read more easily. Boys are less communicative, after all in children, the center of speech in the brain is more bilaterally positioned for girls. Boys are generally better at games of accuracy and logic, girls are better at telling and memorizing. Boys are better at math and sports, and girls are reading and music. Their motivations are also very interesting, for example, boys believe that any failure is caused by insufficient effort, while the girls are responsible for the lack of training in that direction.

But the situation would change to maturity. Then men would become (!) Smarter than women. Those 3-5 IQs that men have in addition to women have interesting explanations behind them. For example, it seems that women's hormonal peculiarities, periods of pregnancy and child growth, but especially complex socio-cultural connotations have forced women to develop a customized intelligence genre based on empathy and emotions.

On the other hand, men's way of life makes them develop a stricto-senso intelligence focused on a particularly interesting melange between logic and risk. Therefore, if it is to define the human intelligence of both genders on the basis of the criteria defining the IQ calculation system, it seems that men would have a minimal advantage over women.

But as science and knowledge advance in this fascinating field, we discover that intelligence is not only a complex phenomenon but of which we know very few things in a concrete way. By definition, men and women are different from each other, so the type of intelligence of each sex is different. Under these circumstances, any notion or comparison attempt becomes superficial and even wrong in many ways.
All the more so, on the basis of many studies, that old age and decrepitude seem to affect both sexes equally ...

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