The Girl In The Chinese Dress: More Manufactured Outrage

in #manufactured-outrage6 years ago (edited)

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In the latest case of manufactured outrage, the reactionary social justice warriors have worked themselves into a frenzy over a high school student wearing a Chinese dress...

The problem? She's WHITE!

The Tweet that started it

In this tweet, high school senior Keziah Daum posts four images of her with a group of friends celebrating their school prom.

In America, this is a very normal tradition. Kids going to prom will get dressed up, take pictures, ride limos to the event, and have elaborate afterparties.

The outrage

It started when this guy got offended.

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And here is another tweet that is getting notoriety in this manufactured outrage case.

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What they are complaining about is the phenomenon known as "cultural appropriation", which is a thing that is supposed to be bad that happens when white people engage participate in elements of cultures that are traditionally not white.

My personal take on cultural appropriation is that it's BS, mostly because it's completely biased against white people. For example, people from all over the world are permitted to participate in culture that was derived from populations that are Caucasian.

Take the olympics, for example. Originated in Greece as a strictly Greek tradition, now is a worldwide affair that accepts all peoples from all countries in a contest of athletic ability. Or take Western classical music, which has been adopted by the Orient to such an extent that it's become a stereotype that Asians play Bach or Tchaikovsky.

Nobody has a problem with this. But the moment a white girl wears a dress that she simply thinks is pretty to one of the most important events in her young life, she gets accused of all of this terrible stuff.

Many people are also taking issue with this picture specifically:

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Here is what they're saying:

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This one is simply a case of ignorance, as the people complaining don't actually know that what they're doing is a meme called "vape nation" and "papa bless" from the popular YouTube channel h3h3Productions

"Papa bless" is a sign-off by the channel's Ethen Klein. It used to be that he said "God bless", but because so many people asked questions about that he amalgamated it with his ongoing Papa Johns meme and said "Papa bless". The joke is that Papa John is god and they do the "namaste" gesture.

Once again, as with the Dankula stuff, it's just a dumb joke that people didn't know and don't want to learn about because their outrage narrative would be destroyed by the truth that context brings.

How is the girl handling it?

It's not every day that an innocuous tweet of yours goes viral and becomes the topic of American outrage culture.

Since this story broke, it's been written about by mainstream media outlets as big as [USA Today](Chinese prom dress draws rage, but Utah student said she meant no harm). That kind of immediate fame can often cause stress and harm.

But Daum is handling this gaffe better than most celebrities do. She is approaching this manufactured outrage unapologetically, with love and grace.

I actually find it quite remarkable. She's got a good head on her.

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The thing you never want to do in these situations is APOLOGIZE.

When you plead "mea culpa!", the sharks smell blood and they will come even more ferociously than before.

Daum did nothing wrong. She saw a dress that she thought was pretty and wanted to wear it to the prom. She took pictures with friends where they did poses from a popular YouTube channel.

This is not a problem. It is nothing but manufactured outrage.

What do you think?


I would say I'm getting tired of this sort of stuff, but I've been tired of manufactured outrage for a long time.

As my wife says, people who are outraged by things like this need more problems in their lives -- they obviously don't have enough.

What do you think?

Follow me @shayne


Whities need to know their place. They are the shame of the earth, the root of all evil and has contributed to nothing on this planet except hate, nazism, racism and the disparity in income distribution! They are thieves and had slaves.

All other peoples, who are darker skinned are virtuous and never had slaves or such things. They are always moral superior even when they are performing white genocide such as in South Africa right now. It is their amazing way of "taking back" what is theirs. It's pathetic and funny to watch those white tears.

Resteemed and upvotes, so that I can spread the truth about white evil people to as many people as possible. The truth needs to come out.

Seriously though..If we don't want cultural appropriation could every black and brown-ish person please log off their computer right now - sell it, burn the money, turn off the light and move back to a cave? Because all of that is cultural appropriation of white culture. It's pretty confusing. You are using all this white technology to complain about us using clothes that resemble your culture's clothes? GTFOH. And please stop using white technology. It's OUR culture.

Also, don't speak about human rights, womens rights and all that. It's all white culture. We invented that shit.

@scandinavianlife Your first paragraph almost enraged me so much that I almost didn't bother reading the rest of comment and started to come up with way to attack you but then I kept reading. I couldn't agree more with you.. very well said but I do feel your comment will trigger some.

The insane thing, and partly the reason I comment outrageous things like that, is exactly this! The fact that you even for a second thought I was being serious is so scary. I'm not blaming's not strange that you would think that. Because THAT'S how INSANE the left has become. Their "arguments" or I would say emotional breakdowns/screaming are often this...I'm saying it again -INSANE. There is no other way of describing it. And we all know how hypocritical they all are. Speaking warm about multiculture meanwhile silently just moving away from those areas themselves. Only a handful are actually the real deal - real masochists that actually continue living in areas where they are more likely to be raped, their children the only white in class etc. Only a few are willing to actually sacrifice their own children and themselves..but the fact that even some are willing to do that scares the living shit out of me.

Please be triggered. I have no respect for people who push an agenda like that. If multiculture is so great, why is it being forced upon us? Good ideas usually don't need a gun to prove the point..

Yes, sir! :) ... I didn't express how much I enjoyed your comment overall orignally... really it's beautiful, especially considering how it elicited such a visceral reaction from me... And I agree again, the fact it will trigger people is wonderful and necessary! The last thing these "insane"(like you said) people need is more incoherent pandering and groupthink reaffirmations.

Unfortunately, if you take a more Darwinian perspective to this "mental illness", I wonder, is it a conspiracy of whites being dumbed down/controlled or is this a natural/necessary burning off of over accumulated "deadwood" maybe from being over domesticated or decadent from affluence?... Very interesting shit..


Oh I'll treasure your last words forever, cause they really made me laugh for the simple genius of it: we invented that shit!
On top of everything you said, who is anyone these days to talk about my people and your people, my culture and your culture? we are all mixed up and have all kinds of heritage in our blood to aspire to give any legitimacy to that shit!
But alas, there will always be people with nothing better to do than "get offended" with little things...

Thanks :)'s sorta ironic that it's these people who are so insanely obsessed by races and cultures and skin color. They treat every person of color like this extremely fragile ming vase you can't even touch or they'll break. I especially love when black people like Kanye West and Candice Owens just says like stop complaining about slavery and get your act together black people.

That really makes SJW's freak out. :)

I don't quite agree with the "mixing" you mention btw..I'm sure we have a lot of different genetics..I 'might have some italian, russian or even black or asian in me. But culture and traditions and things like that are very important. And for some reason leftists are very very clear on the importance of culture for people with color! Oh lord is their culture important! Thats why we even have this cultural appropriation bullshit right? But WHITE culture? Thats just some piece of trash.

You know, the swedish leader of the Social Democratic Party said this:

I can not figure out what Swedish culture is. I think that's what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer's Eve and such silly things.

Recreational outrage at it's finest. It's crazy how many people have taken up "Being offended on behalf of other people" as their hobby.

Wasn't there a recent controversy about a celeb and a kimono? A bunch of white people got upset about it, but when Japanese people were polled, most were happy that foreigners were digging their culture? Seems like I heard something like that. My guess is that Chinese people don't give a shit who wears their traditional clothing.

It's funny that no one goes nuts when non-Germans wear lederhosen and traditional German clothes for Oktoberfest, every year. That's all good and fun, but a Chinese dress is sacred? I don't get it.

I can't imagine anyone being more concerned about skin color and race than leftist SJW's

EVERYTHING is culturally appropriated.

Women should walk around naked to avoid offending someone.
Wait, that is a bad idea, as i would be offended by the obesity epidemic.

But, truly, WTF? The dress isn't considered a chinese dress in China. It is considered a dress. But now, many wear western T-shirts because they are so much more comfortable and easy to take on and off.

This cultural appropriation anger is just stupid.

Every colored person should stop using technology right now. It's white culture.

Truly without compliments I liked the red silk dress

This fake outrage is pathetic! Some know it’s fake abs some are really outraged due to being brainwashed! Either situation is beyond pathetic!

yes this one is so stupid like the first Tweet from jeremy lam his twitter has a
lost of Tweet like ho is just racist but he is saying he has changed
but a say BS. a like the photo is nice its a nice dress. but now in 2018 regardless someone out there is going to be mad at u over something a in these case the witter user had 160k followers so he is just after the outrage a think

Well, no one should be limited to their culture or way of doing things. It is possible to create unity in cultural diversity. As i see it, there is nothing wrong from acknowledging the beautiful culture of others by way of dressing, grooming or lifestyle. I take an exception where what is being portrayed is negative. Aside that, we should learn to tolerate, accept or even appreciate the diversity in the world around us. Variety - they say - is the spice of life!!!

I remember being told that diversity is a great strength. If so, why are some people not allowed to embrace it just because of their race? It's one of the most nonsensical things I've ever seen.

Its annoying to see people try to shame others for accepting diversity. But, at the end of the day, people will always have their say. What truly matters is doing the right thing and doing it right irrespective of popular opinion.

And if diversity is such a great strenght, why does the places that have diversity always end up as shitholes? It has happened in 100% of geographical areas that has had force multiculture.

"But America is melting pot..bla bla buuhuhu, whining whining"

Yes, America was originally a melting pot of...wait for it..whities! Different european people. And THEY didn't fucking get along!! They created their Jewish areas, Scandinavian areas, Italian Areas etc. Hell, I'm glad I don't have to live amongst fucking Italians and Frenchies and god the Spanish. Can't stand em. Anyone more southern than Poland or Denmark..YUK!

But at least we share western values.

If multiculture is such a great idea, I don't get why it is needed to be forced upon us by the threat of a pistol. Great ideas are usually embraced by people.

The piece of the puzzle that people usually don't get before they reach a certain age, or have a certain IQ, is that we should have free association. Whenever the government start to incentivize people from other cultures, races or areas to migrate to their area based on economic incentive it's all going to fucks. If people had to manage themselves, or immigrants not getting any economic help until lets say they've been working for 10 years - diversity would be what it would be. And every black, yellow, brown, white or blue person would be in that geographical area for the right reasons. You wouldn't have to fear that person or doubt their ethics or values - generally speaking. Today I doubt fucking everyone. And everyone doubts speech is dying, half the population is on welfare..we are just fucked. Unless someone comes up with a new economy..

anger is a chronic disease that is contagious, so it can be dangerous for us as well as others, as anger can be controlled he has stepped in great success

I don't know if this still fitting or should be updated, found on reddit

Ok I will ask something very controversial and probably make many people angry.
But honestly I think that the question is totally credible.

Are the white people in average more intelligent than other ??


Are you talking about IQ? If so, as a group, whites statistically have higher IQs on average than some other ethnic groups; they also have lower IQs on average than some ethnic groups.

Hah! Don't even trip.

But we are all the saaaaame! We just happen to have different skin color!! That's just a random we all have hearts and bone structure and ..a liver! So we are basically all the rabbits or hens. Or Frogs.. We are all the same you nazi!!!!! Don't give me those nazi arguments/facts. Muh feels is what matters here.

Well this is statistical data.
Maybe there is a lot of cultural influence. I was looking into some data and whites have highest IQ in average then other ethnical groups.
For example average IQ in the university of Johannesburg is I think 92 what is way below the average.
And than there are very intelligent individuals everywhere it is about the average statistical data.
Because of that you can have something like happening like in the post where the person is attacked by below average individuals.

That's not completely true though. East asians have higher IQ than whites. But yes, IQ is very important, and it is the field in psychology that scientist know the most about. It is bullet proof research. But its not politically correct and therefore it is ignored.

You should listen to this

East asians and Ashkenazi Jews have higher average IQs than European whites.

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