How to become manipulator:)

in #manipualtor5 days ago

1.Ask Questions: Use questions to guide their thinking and reveal their preferences.

2.Use Authority: Leverage your expertise or position to sway opinions.

3.Highlight Benefits: Emphasize how your ideas or proposals benefit them.

4.Leverage Reciprocity: Offer something first to encourage a return favor.

5.Create Urgency: Introduce a sense of urgency to prompt quicker decisions.

6.Make It Personal: Appeal to their personal interests or values.

7.Show Confidence: Display strong self-assurance to instill trust and persuade.

8.Use Social Proof: Cite examples of others who have agreed or benefited.

9.Be Persistent: Gently repeat your message to reinforce it.

10.Control the Environment: Shape the setting to support your influence

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