
in #maninamerica4 years ago

Man In America Movie. You must go to Washington DC RIGHT NOW OR ELSE. In the Expanse, the United Nations rule the world. Removing body modifications, the kinds as seen in the Six Million Dollar Man and RoboCop, would be difficult. The Covid Vaccine is a first step towards that kind of future as seen in The Expanse. Bruce Bartman may be in jail for 19 years because he voted Trump 2020. And you're next. Millions of people are going to prison. Are you excited? Dr. Wolfgang filed a lawsuit in the EU regarding the Covid Vaccine. Argentina has baby killers. I want to tell you so badly about the MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE I saw.

New Era in World History

It would be hard to turn mankind back into cavemen as many people have had access to giant libraries of information and wisdom unlike any other time in history, assuming the City of Atlantis didn't. The Covid PCR test should only be like 17 repetitions at the most to really be accurate enough, WHO guidelines are at a maximum of 30, and yet many places will crank it to 35+. BC means Before Coronavirus. Trump's lawyers are screaming at Trump. It's very bad. Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!


SIGN THIS PETITION TODAY TO SAVE AMERICA AND THE WORLD: We The People of the United States Request President Trump Invoke Insurrection Act to Take Back Our Republic w/Military

Man in America Movie

Give me all your money or just your arm.

1900s - Taking it back with love with each step and gradually

Go to the White House right now, patriots. The whole world must go to Washington DC right now.


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2020-12-23 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-23 - Wednesday
Published in December of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-12-23 22:33:19 Smile.png

Man in America Movie

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

For more information, visit Banned Video

Elections News

For more info, please visit Stop The Steal

Pence Card

10:22 AM - Twitter - Hashtag Pence Card

@VP @Mike_Pence is legally required to simply say he didn't receive legal electoral votes regarding the 2020 election. People must tell Pence what he has to do or else. It's a crime for Pence not to object. Pence may be part of the swamp if he doesn't do it.

@VP @Mike_Pence must object to the Electoral College Fraud, it's illegal for Mike Pence to lie and say that he got clean votes, delegates.

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!

Covid Relief 2 Bill to Nullify President's use of the Insurrection Act

Plot to Kill America The Movie

11:32 PM - Facebook

Friends, Facebook's Chinese-owned fact-checkers have fact-checked my video about the CCP plot to steal the US E L E C T I O N and it turns out that it's "missing context"!?! Gasp! Thankfully, they throttled my post quickly before too many feeble minds were harmed! Phew! Whatever you do, DEFINITELY don't download it from Youtube and re-upload it here in an act of grassroots disobedience. And DON'T share it on WhatsApp or Instagram or Youtube or Bitchute or Rumble or Twitter or Parler either. We must always obey the "fact-checkers".

Did you see the Plot? Great movie.

Man In America is a 20 minute movie, short, sweet, and to the point.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Frankenstein Covid Vaccine

10:15 AM - Facebook

박철, The Covid Vaccine uses mRNA which are special RNA, not DNA, which sends m or messages to change and alter your genetics and that is why I call it Frankenstein as it changes your genes and who you are. They have patents on these particular gene changes meaning when you take the vaccine, then they own you as you become the very genes they copyrighted or patented, a bit of it from a 1966 aborted fetus boy.

PCR Test News

08:22 PM - Mom told me this

The Covid PCR test should only be like 17 repetitions at the most to really be accurate enough, WHO guidelines are at a maximum of 30, and yet many places will crank it to 35+.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

No way Hosea as they say. I mean, Jose.

I saw a cool movie.

09:19 PM - Facebook

Yes. A great movie. Tell everybody. For more info, scroll down my wall.

Can I do anything to help you see an awesome movie which gave me so much hope?

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!

If you're not supporting Trump right now, you are the enemy.

They're Screaming at Trump

10:42 PM - Facebook

Soren Kirchner, 99% of Trump Staff left and the ones who are still there are saying to Trump he lost and that he sucks and should leave the White House right now.

Soren Kirchner, yes, members in his cabinet have been packing up their things and have been looking for other jobs. Many have been leaving, day by day, little by little, more and more, drip drip like a leaky faucet.

Romelus Saladar said they leaving cuz it is Christmas ahahahhahaa
I reply with and Santa was saved by Fauci

Heaven Before Birth?

11:59 PM - Facebook

I saw a movie where Shirley Temple was in Heaven before she was born.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!


Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!


10:05 PM - Facebook


I'm a bad guy and I wear a mask, but don't worry,
just give me the money and you won't feel a thing, baby


I'm the President of the united States
and I just want your arm,
this covid vaccine won't mess you up, baby


The Expanse

2020-12-17 - Thursday - 02:07 AM - 02:52 AM - The Expanse 504

She gave an analogy, her building a casket for her rat is like what is happening now as Mars may die for them. Building the tomb for her pet as a child didn't help the rat but helped her.

Removing body modifications, the kinds as seen in the Six Million Dollar Man and RoboCop, would be difficult. The Covid Vaccine is a first step towards that kind of future as seen in The Expanse.

Belters send a big rock to blow up the world and it was stopped thanks to the former earth queen. But still in the end, Naomi's ex husband announced freedom or the belters and said don't mess with them.

Joy Villa

10:31 AM - It’s Christmas Time Y’all!

Vaccine helps you kill dead viruses but not live viruses.

I'm betting people money Trump wins 2020.

@Joy Villa, but you're cuter than Kamala Harris.

Dr. Wolfgang filed a lawsuit in the EU regarding the Covid Vaccine.

People can Google Dr. Wolfgang and the Covid Vaccine lawsuit in the EU, around 100 doctors agree with Wolfgang.

Covid DNA makes women infertile.

I will never take a vaccine or wear a mask.

Fighting viruses is similar to fighting gravity. Astronauts struggle when they live in space. They need gravity.

Most people who get sick with Covid are lacking essential vitamins like Zinc.

@Steven Lissner, I grew up with autism.

Pence Card is trending on Twitter.

@Joy Villa, Pence can do something today to help. That's why Pence Card is trending on Twitter.

@Joe Kerr, Will Johnson is cool. Joe says he mods for him.

Covid is mutating too.

Too clean is like no gravity for astronauts which causes their bones to weaken due to a lack of pressure, stress, which causes the body to react, to change.

When I was a kid, I played in the dirt.

Covid Vaccine has HIV

Vitamins C, D

Zinc is also extremely good for reproductive organs!😉😎🥰

Oatmeal Joey Arnold
@Joe Kerr I didn't know that

Christie Christie
​I take zinc, elderberry, liposomal C, D3, A, Quecertin, L-Lysine

@Joe Kerr, that is something Bill Nye The Science Guy will never tell us.

HCQ is a good idea.

I enjoy the debate between Bill Nye the Science Guy and Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis.

Different types of Covid viruses running around of various strengths, weaponized, but most of the viruses are way too weak.

Matt Mckee
​Joy, you need vitamin K2 along with D3, K2 tells the D3 where to go they must be taken together

Facebook stream is behind the YouTube stream by a few seconds, interesting.

You could also stream on Dlive if you aren't already.

Today it is #PenceCard

Pence receives the electoral college votes today.

@steven hayes, Yes. But it will take all of us to make that happen, to keep Trump.

@To Serve Man, Yes, Trump won 2020, but we all must help with that.

Answers in Genesis

11:06 AM - Fear Not! Behold! Good News! - Answers News: December 23, 2020

God gave us freedom to do bad. But we should not do bad.

The father would be Birthee, mother would be Birther.

@James Ronda, haha, yes, depositer would be more the specific title, technically.

If a mother is a Birthing Person, then the father would be the Birthinger Person or yes, the Impregnating Person. Or Seeding Person.

Argentina has baby killers.

Greg Reese

11:15 AM - The dawning of 2021 and beyond (continued)

@Abraham from TN, I'm writing an article about David Knight.

@Abraham from TN, people have to keep in mind what happened is a long story.

Things don't go back, cannot go back, except that future generations can choose to forget the past.

It would be hard to turn mankind back into cavemen as many people have had access to giant libraries of information and wisdom unlike any other time in history, assuming the City of Atlantis didn't.

General Shepherd

08:25 PM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/23/20

BC means Before Coronavirus.

General Shepherd

09:24 PM - AMERICAN JOURNAL (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/23/20

President Trump staff down to 1%. Big things happening.

Trump's lawyers are screaming at Trump. It's very bad.

Go to Washington DC before January 6. They're trying to MURDER TRUMP! RED ALERT!


09:30 AM - Dear diary, Rise and shine, it's cold, I put a sweatshirt on over my 3 normal jackets. I go outside to grab a frozen blue bucket for composting for mom. Breakfast includes a pancake, tangerines, coffee around 09:52 AM.


On a bus behind a man and I was trying to disappear as if I was a spirit and the man saw me and was talking to me. I was trying hard to make it so he could not see me. Like a high school bus more so than other types of buses. I think other things happened and this was the end part of the dream. I think I needed to be somewhere else or at least not on the bus. Maybe I was accused of crimes I didn't do or I'm not sure.


11:30 AM - 05:30 PM - Raspberry garden feeding up the trench I dug yesterday with chicken manure stuff mixed with other bags of goodies, ashes, soil. Was raking the area. Was over filtering and getting more compost with a shovel and wheel barrow. Took a few photos of the front yard and of some of that with my phone, an update as usual. Sweeping. Sun was going down, hard to see, going down. Yesterday, a fly joke. Something about a fly trying to get into a banana. Mom said the fly was dumb. Larry asked why the fly was stupid. How can a fly be retarded? Mom replied, well if the fly thinks he can go in there and peel a banana, that's pretty stupid. Cue the Asian guy that says that's stupid in shows or movies, that's meme. That's going to leave a mark. Mary Did You Know song stuck in my head with a drum drift or riff added which is possibly from other songs, this song has been stuck in my head for days since Sunday when I made the video and also videos of me singing that song and I published on YouTube, Facebook, etc. Oh, I am now thinking of a TMNT movie trailer that must have played at the beginning of the film or the second one at least where a girl says that in the year 2000 or sometime in the future that 1 in 5 Americans will be related to her family or something like that as her family was so crazy. So, got a lot of work done today but not totally done yet with the garden work but pretty good. Was raking up weeds. Got the mail. Said hello to the tractor man who cleans up the dirt road in the back of the house. See trucks and cars drive back and forth in the front yard on the dirt road there going to maybe a business thing out there. But who knows what it is. Around 03:00 PM, soup lunch break.

Clean Up

05:30 PM - 08:19 PM - Shower, laundry, and was going through Ricky's papers, drawings, writing, photos, things relating to him, awards, certificates, bills, emails, a big box of all the things of his or about him that is here. I think there is Christmas Carol play from like 1987 or 1988 but not sure if we knew anybody who was in that or not. The Covid PCR test should only be like 17 repetitions at the most to really be accurate enough, WHO guidelines are at a maximum of 30, and yet many places will crank it to 35+.


08:23 PM - More of the lunch soup stuff. Around 09:00 PM was washing the dishes. Oh, mom there was a smaller box on the dryer and when you told me to put the box up onto the shelf, that box on the washer that was going up was bigger than the box on the dryer and that box was also a container and not a box. Eating more soup now with rice in it and other things too. Watching a video Trump tweeted called Man in America and I love it. Great movie.

79 Days of Hell

2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn little Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead raven Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook us 26 Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal 5'7" Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto 152a Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

Incredible Photos From The Titanic

Maggie Lee - Democrats will scream that conservative men are misogynists, then turn around and call me a bitch or a c*nt for wanting lower taxes Woman shrugging](https://twitter.com/maggmountains/status/1341980686840778752)

Rare Photos from the 1980s

I hope we never find life on other planets because there's no doubt that the U.S. Government will start sending them money! - 2014-06-04 - Trump via Twitter

After seeing the massive Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, I disagree with anyone that thinks a strong, fast, and fair Special Counsel is not needed, IMMEDIATELY. This was the most corrupt election in the history of our Country, and it must be closely examined!

Laws Governing Online Speech Need Reform, Not Repeal

How would you rate 2020 out of 10 and 10 being the best: I gave it a 10 because I am only going up from here. I get things done and I improve no matter what.

Newt Gingrich gets it, we are going to WIN!

The lawyer for the Republican who pretended to be his dead mom to illegally vote for Trump says his client was attempting 'civil disobedience'

Trump must pardon Snowden and Assange

Man in America Movie


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