Thought Considered as a Vibration Towards Manifestation
One supreme law governs the entire cosmos. Although it has many different expressions, there is only one Law when viewed from the Ultimate. Some of its expressions are familiar to us, but others are largely unknown to us. Even so, we continue to learn more every day as the curtain is gradually ripped open.
We talk intelligently about the Law of Gravitation, but we don't talk about the Law of Attraction, which is just as amazing in the realm of thought.
We recognise the power of the law that draws bodies to the earth and keeps the circling worlds in their places, but we often choose to close our eyes to the great law that draws to us the things we want or fear, that makes or spoils our lives. This law is the wonderful manifestation of law that draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed.
We will start to comprehend the why and wherefore of many things that have up until now appeared dark to us once we realise that thought is a force, a manifestation of energy, with a magnet-like power of attraction. The study of the Law of Attraction, a powerful law of the universe of Thought, will pay back the student's time and effort unlike any other course.
When we think, we emit fine ethereal vibrations that are just as real as the vibrations that give rise to light, heat, electricity, and magnetism. It is not proof that these vibrations don't exist that they cannot be perceived by our five senses. A strong magnet will vibrate and put out enough energy to pull a 100-pound piece of steel to itself, but we can't see, hear, smell, taste, or feel this huge force.
Although it is true that there are cases of people who are particularly sensitive to psychic impressions who have perceived powerful thought-waves, and very many of us can testify that we have distinctly felt the thoughts of others, both while in the presence of the sender and at a distance, it is also true that these thought vibrations cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard, or felt in the ordinary way. Telepathy and related phenomena are real scientific phenomena.
Thought-like vibrations are much more intense than the vibrations that manifest light and heat; the difference is just in the rate of vibration. The scientific canon sheds some intriguing light on this issue. Expert scientist Professor Elisha Gray writes in his short book, "The Miracles of Nature," to the following effect:
There is a lot of room for speculation in the idea that there are sound waves that human ears cannot detect and coloured light waves that human eyes cannot see. Because the space between 40,000 and 400,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second is so big, silent, and soundless, and because the space after 700,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, where light stops, is infinitely big, it is possible to think about the cosmos of motion.
M. M. Williams writes the following in his book "Short Chapters in Science," something to the following effect:
"There is no difference between the fastest undulations or tremblings that cause us to perceive sound and the slowest ones that cause us to perceive the softest warmth."
There is no reason at all to assume that matter is incapable of such intermediate activity or that such activity cannot give rise to intermediate sensations, provided there are organs for taking up and sensing their movements. Instead, there is a vast chasm between them, large enough to include another world of motion.
The above authorities have been mentioned simply to get you interested; they are not meant to prove that thought vibrations are real.
If you think about your own life, you'll see that the truth stated matches what you know to be true, and it has been proven to the satisfaction of many researchers on the subject.
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