Mango Man Diet

in #mango6 years ago

Eliminate Indigestion – Conquer Acid Reflux – Wipeout Heartburn

Abolish Cramps – Annihilate Bloating – Overcome Diarrhea

“Weigh No More Food

Count No More Calories

Measure No More Portions”

With The Mango Man Diet you’ll have Amazing Energy. You will Wake Up in the Morning Ready to Go and You Rarely Feel the Ups and Downs in your Energy During the Day! Your Endurance will Sky Rocket!

Get a Test Drive on the Way of Eating that’s Changed the Lives of Tens of Thousands of Men and Women around the Globe and could End Your Digestive Problems for Good! You WILL:

Enjoy a Flatter Belly and Thinner Thighs
Boost your Stamina + Focus + Energy + Sex Drive
Have Kid’s Meals that Guarantee NO Tears and NO Tantrums
Stop Suffering from Embarrassing Burping and Gas PLUS End the Gurgling Gastritis Attacks

Is the Light of your Life…

the Light Bulb in your Refrigerator?

There are 7 Phases to

The Mango Man Diet

Phase 1
6-Hour Mango Man’s Nutrition Audio Program

Ever Enter a Beauty Contest and Nobody Won?Mangoman diet Nutrition
Enjoy 6 Hours Nutrition Audio Programs so you can go from Fat to Flat + No More Pain or Burning in the Chest so you will Sleep Soundly Every Night to Finally Rid Yourself of the Sour Taste in your Mouth, the Horrible Burning in your Throat & the Problematic Snoring at Night.

Phase 2
27 Lessons on Food Combining for Health & Longevity

“The Mango Man Diet” includes:Food Combining

27 Daily Lessons on Food Combining for those who are Serious about Wanting to Conquer ACID REFLUX, Wipe Out HEARTBURN & Totally Eliminate INDIGESTION! Here’s How to Alleviate Constipation and Irregularity + End the Gurgling Gastritis Attacks + Banish Mood Swings, Headaches + Stop Suffering From Embarrassing Burping and Gas.

Phase 3
2-Hours Audio – The S.A.D. Truth about High Protein Diets

You Haven’t Failed At Dieting,
Dieting Has Failed You!
Learn from 5 Key Leaders in the Field of Nutrition. They set the record straight on High Protein Diets. With this 2 Hour and 15 Minute Audio Program you will discover.

Phase 4
139 Articles and 400 Recipes C/D ROM

“They Laughed At My Recipes
Until They Sat Down To Eat!”

Phase 5
The Perfect Diet – Special Report

Dieting is a way of starving to death so you can live longer. This Special Report will show you how to Eat More, Live More and Weigh Less.

Phase 6
SAD Truth about High Protein Diets – Special Report

Special Report SAD

Sometimes the diets and fads that we get into to lose weight, for whatever reason, are really worse than the excess weight itself.

Phase 7
The 3 Foods to Avoid +3 Commandments of Eating – Special Report

Speical Report 3 common

In this Special Report, Dr. Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering with his special guests, Dr. Douglas Graham, D.C. and Nick Nicholas, C.S.P., discuss the 3 Foods to Avoid at All Cost and the 3 Commandments of Eating.

So Get started on
The Mango Man Diet
Right Now...

For more details visit for website (

Until Next Time

Please Follow us @moneyideas

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