Nutritional value and benefits of raw and seasoned amounts
Countries of the season are our country. Six seasons, each season brings different types of winds, such as different diversity. In our season, our favorite fruit comes in America, this time also called Madhumas many reasons because of this month the floods of moderate fruit. Mango needs are very popular because this fruit is very tasty and fun. It is not only delicious and delicious, but also the wonderful health benefits of Mango.
It is also called the king of fruit. Besides, the mum is almost equal in the whole world. Mango's English name (Mango), its scientific name Mangifera indica The most delicious fruit of this sub-continent is mango. The smell of flavor and taste made this fruit unrivaled. It is green in color and raw yellow in color. There are about 35 species of mango in the world. There are varieties of mango, such as lindra,BanglaFazli, Gopalbhog, Khirsa, Amrapali, Aruna, Mallika, Subarnarekha, Egypt, Anilbari, Kalivog, Kachamitha, Alfonso, Baramassi, Totapuri, Karabau, Kauoi Sawai, Gopal Khas, Kent, Surya Puri, Pahutan, Triphala etc. Mango trees are given the status of national trees of Bangladesh. This fruit has many qualities. The nutrient-rich fruit has the capacity to prevent disease like scurvy or cancer. So let's know today about the benefits of Nutrition and Health Benefits.
Mango Nutritional Value
Every 100 grams of calories contain calories 70 kilograms of carbohydrate 17 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 0.72 grams of food grains, 1.80 grams, 14 μg niacin 0.584 milligrams, phenolanthic acid 0.160 milligram paradoxin (Vitamin B6) 0.134 Miligram riboflavin 0.057 milligram thiamin 0.058 milligrams Vitamin C "27.7 mg vitamin" A "765 IU Vitamin "E" 1.12 mg Vitamin K "4.2" microgram Sodium 2 mg potassium 156 mg calcium 10 mg copper / copper 0.110 mg iron / iron 0.13 mg magnesium 9 mg manganese 0.027 mg zinc / zinc 0.04 milligrams beta-carotene 445 microgram alpha-carotene 17 micrograms Capet-Zygenanthin 11 microgram.
@Mango @Health @Benefits
Cancer prevention
Mango plays an important role in preventing cancer. Researchers say that because of me being antioxidant and high amount of food fiber, it helps to prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, bleeding, leukemia and prostate cancer. Carotene, iso-carotene, estroglyn, phytetine, and gallic acid etc. also help in preventing enzymes from cancer.