Captain Corelli's Mandolin Novel by Louis de Bernières
Hey you guys this is not yet and today I want you to review Corelli's Mandolin by Louie de baño I actually read this one in German because I'm currently learning German

so I thought it would be a good way to practice this edition has 540 pages so it's quite thick you can see it's also been made into a movie if you guys want to check that out so the book takes
place in a Greek island called Catalina where the doctor of the island raises his daughter pearl a year Pelageya is described as a beautiful and intelligent young woman she's engaged
to a young fisherman named mandra's and asked the second world war begins mandrels had to leave her to join the army a few years later he returns back to the island but then he realizes that
pala he no longer loves him so he leaves again this time to join the Greek Resistance I mean while Greece had lost the war against Italy so an Italian group arrives to Catalina their
captain is named Antonio Corelli he's a charming man who loves music and loves women and he gets to stay in the doctors and pillages house there begins a love story between him and Pelle a
year this love story is of course forbidden because Polly is Greek and he's the Italian captain and it becomes even harder with the end of World War two where Italia lives the war and all
Italians need to leave Greece so yeah they need to make a lot to make the rule of survive I was actually kind of sad to realize that I didn't like this book because it's consumed for many
people to be such a good book but I really didn't like it I thought it was going so slow it was boring it was written mostly narration there was not much of a dialogue and also the
narrator switched in almost every chapter so it was really hard to get into and to follow a story and what's what was the most disappointing of all was the ending it was so frustrating I
wanted to throw the book out of the window the only thing I did like about this book was that some characters were written against their cliches for
example captain Correlli he was such a friendly person he loved music and all that stuff and you really don't expect that from captain during the war so
yeah thumbs up on that one but other than that I actually would give this book 2 out of 5 stars yeah that's all thanks for watching see you next time bye.