Precedent being set to rule out employers requiring mandatory vaccines! Plans to follow and Steps you can take to STAND!
If you need direct resources to fight an employer or school against the mandatory vaccine agenda. . .scroll to bottom just above sources where there is Direct Help.
See a video link I archived on this speaker if you scroll down to bottom above sources. .. Matt Baker, who spoke out at a meeting about them unleashing hell.
His speech before the Supervisor's Board was fiery just as Great Patriot Warrior Matt has been. Also see some key info from Matt in another video right above sources on how he started a band Chris Cornell played in. Stellar presentation called
Rock N Roll and Politics...One in the same! Chris Cornell,Chester Bennington and Podesta
Along with key info
Attempting to force people to put something in their bodies in order to dangle the carrot of a needed job in front of their nose is just as diabolical as what was done here. . .
In the Name of Public Health: a Nazi Racial Hygiene
What happened historically with the Nazi regime?
They had mandated vaccines and medicines too. Should people have trusted them?
How about Children of Thalidomide?
The valid concern is. . .
The requirement for a mandatory vaccine [forced injection into your own body] Violates public policy, since the COVID-19 vaccines were distributed under the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) emergency use authorization rather than the FDA's usual processes.
Pennsylvania House Committee OKs GOP Bill To Ban Employer Vaccine Mandates
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A ban on employers mandating vaccines for their workers inched ahead in the state House on Tuesday with a committee vote supported by all Republicans and opposed by every Democrat.
The main sponsor, Rep. Russ Diamond, R-Lebanon, called it “a very simple question of workers’ rights.” Diamond has been a fervent opponent of coronavirus mitigation policies and has been publicly skeptical of mask wearing and vaccines.
Labor and Industry Committee Chairman Jim Cox, R-Berks, said lawmakers were responding to increasing reports that employers are requiring vaccines, forcing some workers to choose between the vaccine or losing a job.
The bill would let workers or prospective workers avoid workplace mandated vaccinations by putting into writing that their doctor has concerns it might harm their health; that they have religious or “strong moral or ethical” convictions against a vaccine; that they already had COVID-19; or that they are concerned because it has not been fully approved by federal regulators.
“At the end of the day you cannot force an individual to take an experimental vaccine,” said Rep. Barb Gleim, R-Cumberland.
Pennsylvanians with religious and medical concerns can opt out of vaccinations, said Rep. Pam Snyder, D-Washington, noting that hospital and business groups oppose the bill.
Last week, the state Senate passed on party lines veto-bound legislation to prohibit so-called public-sector vaccine passports and to put limits on a state health secretary’s powers when fighting a contagious disease.
It would bar the governmental entities from requiring a proof of vaccination to use services, enter a building or engage in activities.
Siri & Glimstad contends that employers and universities can’t require COVID-19 vaccines because they were approved in an expedited process. In a February column for the health news site Stat, law firm managing partner Aaron Siri made that argument and warned of “costly and time-consuming litigation” for those enacting requirements.
In December, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offered its guidance. The EEOC said employers can require their employees to get COVID-19 vaccinations as a condition of going to work, as long as there are reasonable accommodations for those who decline because of a disability or religious beliefs.
An employer could face a discrimination lawsuit if enforcing its vaccine mandates has a disparate impact on workers based on their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, the EEOC noted. That’s a live issue because some demographic groups might need to overcome barriers to get inoculated that others don’t, the commission said.
The New York law firm Siri & Glimstad is fighting mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations with litigation and warning letters dispatched to schools and employers.
Lawsuits also have been filed against a North Carolina sheriff, a New Mexico detention center and a Los Angeles school district, to name a few. The lawsuits similarly argue that the vaccines are experimental because they only have emergency use authorization and therefore can't be mandated.
Businesses generally may require workers who enter a physical worksite to receive a COVID-19 vaccination without running afoul of the federal workplace anti-discrimination laws that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces, including. . .
- the Americans with Disabilities Act
- the Genetic Information Nondisclosure Act
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
However, employers must consider reasonable accommodations for workers who refuse a vaccine for religious or disability-related reasons, unless such accommodations pose an undue hardship to the employer's operations.
According to Bloomberg Law,
Some lawsuits claim
that requiring people to take the vaccines violates the principles of the Nuremberg Code, which was established in response to Nazi human experimentation on concentration camp victims.
The argument that employers can’t require Covid-19 vaccinations is based on rules related to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s sped-up procedure for authorizing medical products during a public health emergency. Those rules contain a section that refers to such products as “unapproved” and states individuals have an option to refuse them.
Some of the legal claims
Mandates are preempted by federal law and violate due process rights to be free of unwanted medical experimentation.
Several Los Angeles Unified School District workers and an employee group dubbed the California Educators for Medical Freedom argued that the school district’s requirement runs afoul of state law regulating human medical experiments.
The Texas Supreme Court created the exception in its 1985 ruling in Sabine Pilot Service v. Hauck, which said it was illegal for a company to fire a worker for refusing to break the law.
Jared Woodfill, the attorney for more than 100 Houston Methodist workers, said he plans to amend the complaint to add 40 to 50 new plaintiffs who’ve contacted him since the lawsuit was filed.
he’s also preparing EEOC charges on behalf of hospital workers who were denied health and religious accommodations to the vaccine mandate.
In addition to allegations of Nuremberg Code violations, the lawsuit also accused the hospital of forcing their workers to be “human ‘guinea pigs’” and focusing on “profit, not people.”
More precedent was set with this case,
Feds probe Iowa care home: Disabled 'not human guinea pigs'
The U.S. Justice Department has found that an Iowa state-run care center for people with intellectual disabilities likely violated the constitutional rights of residents by subjecting them to human experiments, some of which were deemed dangerous
The DOJ investigation concluded that there is reasonable cause to believe the conditions at Glenwood violate the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
“Individuals with disabilities are not human guinea pigs, and like all persons, they should never be subject to bizarre and deviant pseudo-medical ‘experiments’ that injure them," said Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband for the Civil Rights Division. “Human experimentation is the hallmark of sick totalitarian states and has no place in the United States of America. The U.S. Constitution protects the right of all persons in this free country who are in the care of the state to be reasonably free from harm or the risk of harm.”
Feds probe Iowa care home: Disabled 'not human guinea pigs'
The U.S. Justice Department has found that an Iowa state-run care center for people with intellectual disabilities likely violated the constitutional rights of residents by subjecting them to human experiments, some of which were deemed dangerous.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the data base EudraVigilance concerning findings on side effects and deaths
On May 8 the European Medicines Agency (EMA) an agency of the European Union (EU) in charge of the evaluation and supervision of medical products, using the data base EudraVigilance which collects reports of suspected side effects of medicines including vaccines, published a report that barely warranted mention in major mainstream media.
Through May 8, 2021 they had recorded 10,570 deaths and 405,259 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE of MODERNA (CX-024414); COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE of PFIZER-BIONTECH; COVID-19 VACCINE of ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19); and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 VACCINE (AD26.COV2.S).
Report Findings as of June 2021
The Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA gene-edited vaccine resulted in the largest fatalities– 5,368 deaths and 170,528 injuries or nearly 50% of the total for all four.
The Moderna mRNA vaccine was second with 2,865 deaths and 22,985 injuries. That is to say, the only two gene manipulated mRNA experimental vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, accounted for 8,233 deaths of the total registered deaths of 10,570. That’s 78% of all deaths from the four vaccines currently in use in the EU.
And among the serious side effects or injuries recorded by the EMA, for the two mRNA vaccines which we focus on in this article, for the Pfizer “experimental” vaccine, most reported injuries included blood and lymphatic system disorders including deaths; cardiac disorders including deaths; musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders; respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders, and vascular disorders.
For the Moderna mRNA vaccine, most serious injuries or causes of death included blood and lymphatic system disorders; cardiac disorders; musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders; disorders of the central nervous system.Note that these are only the most serious injuries related to those two genetically manipulated mRNA vaccines. The EMA also notes that it is believed that only a small percent of actual vaccine deaths or serious side effects, perhaps only 1% to 10%, are reported for various reasons. Officially more than 10,000 persons have died after receiving the coronavirus vaccines since January, 2021 in the EU. That is a horrifying number of vaccine-related deaths, even if the true numbers are far greater.CDC as well
Even the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) a notoriously political and corrupt agency with for-profit ties to vaccine makers, in its official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), shows a total of 193,000 “adverse events” including 4,057 deaths, 2,475 permanent disabilities, 25,603 emergency room visits, and 11,572 hospitalizations following COVID-19 injections between December 14, 2020 and May 14, 2021. That included the two mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, and the far less prevalent J&J Janssen vaccine. Of the reported deaths, 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated. The official US vaccine-related death toll is greater in just 5 months than all the vaccine-related deaths from the past 20 years combined. Yet the major media worldwide and the US Government virtually bury the alarming facts.
Some 96% of the fatal results were from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the two variants funded and promoted by the Gates Foundation and Tony Fauci’s NIAID with the experimental mRNA genetic technology.
Moreover, Dr. Tony Fauci, the US Biden Administration vaccine czar and his NIAID Vaccine Research Center co-designed the Moderna mRNA vaccine and gave Moderna and Pfizer each $6 billion to produce it. That’s also a blatant conflict of interest as Fauci and his NIAID are allowed to financially benefit from their patent earnings in the vaccine under a curious US law. The NIAID developed the coronavirus spike proteins for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines using taxpayer money. They licensed it to Moderna and Pfizer.“never seen in nature…”
In a tragic sense, the experience with reactions to the two unprecedented mRNA experimental vaccines since rollout in unprecedented speed “warp speed” as the US Government called it, is only now beginning to be seen, in real trials of human guinea pigs. Few realize that the two mRNA vaccines use genetic manipulations that never before have been used in humans. And under the cover of urgency, US and EU health authorities waived normal animal trials and did not even approve the safety, but gave an “emergency use authorization.” Moreover, the vaccine makers were made 100% exempt from damage litigation.
The general public was reassured of the vaccine safety when Pfizer and Moderna published reports of 94% and 95% “efficacy” of these vaccines. NIAID’s Fauci was quick to call it “extraordinary” in November 2020, and Warp Speed was off and running as was the stock price of Pfizer and Moderna.
Peter Doshi, Associate Editor of the British Medical Journal pointed to a huge flaw in the 90+% reports for efficacy of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. He noted that the percentages are relative, in relation to the select small healthy young test group, and not absolute as in real life. In real life we want to know how effective the vaccine is among the large general population.
Doshi points to the fact that Pfizer excluded over 3400 “suspected COVID-19 cases” that were not included in the interim analysis. Moreover individuals “in both Moderna and Pfizer trials were deemed to be SARS-CoV-1- (the 2003 Asian SARS virus) positive at baseline, despite prior infection being grounds for exclusion,” Doshi notes. Both companies refused to release their raw data.
Pfizer in-house scientists did their tests. In short 95% is what Pfizer or Moderna claim. We are told, “Trust us.” A more realistic estimate of the true efficacy of the two vaccines for the general public, using data supplied by the vaccine makers to the FDA, shows the Moderna vaccine at the time of interim analysis demonstrated an absolute risk reduction of 1.1%, while the Pfizer vaccine absolute risk reduction was 0.7%. That is very poor.
Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, says, “Ideally, you want an antiviral vaccine to do two things . . . first, reduce the likelihood you will get severely ill and go to the hospital, and two, prevent infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission.” As Doshi notes, none of the trials were “designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.” Moderna’s chief medical officer even admitted that, “Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission.”Possible effects of mRNA vaccinesPfizer Bullies Nations to Put Up Collateral for Lawsuits.
New Published Study in International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, senior scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and Dr. Greg Nigh, Naturopathic oncology specialist
analyze in detail the possible pathways in which the experimental mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna could be causing such adverse effects in the vaccinated. They point out
- both the Pfizer and Moderna gene-edited vaccines are highly unstable
- “Both are delivered through muscle injection
- both require deep-freeze storage to keep the RNA from breaking down.
This is because, unlike double-stranded DNA which is very stable, single-strand RNA products are apt to be damaged or rendered powerless at warm temperatures and must be kept extremely cold to retain their potential efficacy.” Pfizer recommends minus 70′ Celsius.
The authors point out that to keep the mRNA from breaking down before it could produce protein, both vaccine makers substitute methyl-pseudouridine to stabilize RNA against degradation, allowing it to survive long enough to produce adequate amounts of protein antigen.
The problem they point out is that, “This form of mRNA delivered in the vaccine is never seen in nature, and therefore has the potential for unknown consequences… manipulation of the code of life could lead to completely unanticipated negative effects, potentially long term or even permanent. PEG Adjuvants and Anaphylactic Shock. [Polyethylene glycols or macrogols].
Polyethylene Glycol-Induced Systemic Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis)
For various reasons to avoid using aluminum adjuvants to boost the antibody response, both mRNA vaccines use polyethylene glycol, or PEG, as adjuvant. This has consequences. The authors point out, “…
- both mRNA vaccines currently deployed against COVID-19 utilize lipid-based nanoparticles as delivery vehicles.
- The mRNA cargo is placed inside a shell composed of synthetic lipids and cholesterol, along with PEG to stabilize the mRNA molecule against degradation.”
PEG has been shown to produce anaphylactic shock or severe allergenic reactions.
In studies of prior non-mRNA vaccines, anaphylactic shock reactions occurred in 2 cases per million vaccinations. With the mRNA vaccines initial monitoring revealed that, “anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 247 per million vaccinations.
This is more than 21 times as many as were initially reported by the CDC. The second injection exposure is likely to cause even larger numbers of anaphylactic reactions.”
One study noted, “PEG is a high-risk ‘hidden’ allergen, usually unsuspected, and can cause frequent allergic reactions due to inadvertent re-exposure.” Among such reactions are included life-threatening cardiovascular collapse.
What about all of the Antibody-Dependent Enhancement which the vaccine makers Do Not have to declare due to a loop hole they have contrived?
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is an immunological phenomenon. Seneff and Nigh note that, “ADE is a special case of what can happen when low, non-neutralizing levels of… antibodies against a virus are present at the time of infection. These antibodies might be present due to… prior vaccination against the virus…” The authors suggest that in the case of both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, “non-neutralizing antibodies form immune complexes with viral antigens to provoke excessive secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and, in the extreme case, a cytokine storm causing widespread local tissue damage.”
To be clear, normally cytokines are part of the body’s immune response to infection. But their sudden release in large quantities, a cytokine storm, can cause multi-system organ failure and death. Our innate immune system undergoes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines.
The authors add that pre-existing “antibodies, induced by prior vaccination, contribute to severe pulmonary damage by SARS-CoV in macaques…” Another cited study shows that the much more diverse range of prior exposures to coronaviruses such as seasonal flu experienced by the elderly might predispose them to ADE upon exposure to SARS-CoV-2.” This is a possible explanation for the high incidence of post-mRNA vaccination deaths among elderly.
The vaccine makers have a clever way of denial as to the toxicity of their mRNA vaccines. As Seneff and Nigh state, “it is not possible to distinguish an ADE manifestation of disease from a true, non-ADE viral infection.” But they make the telling point, “In this light it is important to recognize that, when diseases and deaths occur shortly after vaccination with an mRNA vaccine, it can never be definitively determined, even with a full investigation, that the vaccine reaction was not a proximal cause. “
The authors make numerous other alarming points including emergence of auto-immune diseases such as Celiac disease, a disease of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food. Also Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) that causes progressive muscle weakness and paralysis. Additionally, Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in which a person has unusually low levels of platelets — the cells that help blood to clot– could occur following vaccination “through the migration of immune cells carrying a cargo of mRNA nanoparticles via the lymph system into the spleen… ITP appears initially as petechiae or purpura on the skin, and/or bleeding from mucosal surfaces. It has a high risk of fatality through haemorrhaging and stroke.”
These examples are indicative of the fact that we are literally exposing the human race via untested experimental gene edited mRNA vaccines to incalculable dangers which in the end may exceed by far any potential risk of damage from something which has been called SARS-Cov-2. Far from the much-touted miracle substance proclaimed by WHO, Gates, Fauci and others, the Pfizer, Moderna and other possible mRNA vaccines clearly hold potentially tragic and even catastrophic unforeseen consequences. Little wonder some critics believe it is a disguised vehicle for human eugenics.
The above as per
When trying to get this information out to the public previously my content was removed. . .and I was censored and banned.
Now WHY would places like FB and YouTube want to ban information that could help people to make an informed decision?
You decide!
Thank you Great Patriot Warrior Matt Dentino for this link.
Post here. . .
Thank you Great Guardian and Fine Warrior Trish Anderson for this Key Link Share!
The Empire Built!
An Exploitable mechanism
The US CDC filed a patent for the rona!
They also developed a patent to keep people from Seeing the patent.
Motive, Mechanism and Means all rolled into one!
Thank you Great Warrior Patrick Delaney for this link and the following article spurred on by your discoveries while helping with Medical Discoveries!
Thank you Great Patriot Patrick Delaney for this very apt link!
Facebook Frames Biowarfare history from Fort Detrick located in Maryland close to D.C. and the Truth about Dr. Fauci from a Medical Researcher with a PhD.
Hear theories, discussions, debate and research on the following. . .
Polysorbate 80 is included in the shots.
Many have become infertile due to the Gardisil vaccine which was spoken out about by one of these doctors on the Oprah Winfrey show.
For this cv jab, it causes the body to make a synthetic protein against the Sars Cov2 spike protein. So a synthetic protein that has never been seen before and the body begins to produce it as a factory.
It doesn't shut off. There is no way it's going to stop since it has made their bodies into a factory for these synthetic proteins never seen before that theoretically can be in your saliva, urine, feces, sweat, seminal fluid, blood, flatus. So this synthetic protein can come out of the bodies of these people injected and can be possibly adversely affecting the most delicate hormonal system as it is already an enormous complex system to get pregnant and stay pregnant.
The medical field is aware that the spike protein antibody cross reacts with Syncytin 1 and 2 which are proteins essential for the placenta, for fertilization, for maintaining a preganancy.
Now there are. women miscarrying and unable to get preganant.
Here is a panel of doctors talking about the following among other issues,
The questions is. . .
Is there something being produced by the bodies of vaccinated people that is doing harm to others?
From this panel
5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It
Shedding spread through skin and through contact admitted by Pfizer's own documents.
Pfizer doesn't indicate the culprit. . .they say the people taking the jab can be super spreaders.
It was after all a trial. . .an experiment Pushed over fear.
A pregnant woman unvaccinated can pick up the components through inhalation and contact.
Video where I archived the link of Matt Banker that Matt Dentino shared along with showing the God Code implanted in your DNA and what Gene editing is. . ..
Stellar Presentation here an interview with Matt Dentino,
Rock N Roll and Politics...One in the same! Chris Cornell,Chester Bennington and Podesta
Excellent synopsis and write up here from Matt,
Came from this post where he drops more vital info we have all been praying for, for Years!
Praise God!
FB post
They PROMISED all Guardians
Praise God Almighty
they Kept their word.
If you need help and resources fighting against this Mandatory Vaccine agenda go here. . .
PEGGY HALL, Founder of THE HEALTHY AMERICAN, is a national leader in the freedom movement and is dedicated to “breathing life back into liberty.”
Peggy is the former Director of Teacher Education at the University of California, Irvine and has been an educator for 30+ years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a Master’s Degree in International Relations, and has years of experience as a health educator and community activist.
Through her inspiring educational videos, hours of legal research, and online and in-person programs to keep businesses open, to help parents get their kids out of government schools, and to help Americans protect their medical rights, Peggy empowers patriots all across the country to take action to make “positive waves of change” as we fight back this growing tidal wave of tyranny.
Follow Peggy on social media here, or see her in person at rallies and conferences where she calls for “all hands on deck” to defend life, liberty, truth and freedom.
Go to Religious Exemptions or any of the topics seen at the top there to Empower you!
Here is her channel on YouTube
Here is her PeggyHall TV link,
#MandatoryVaccines, #NurembergCodes, #InformationWar #RiseUp, #FightTheGoodFight, #TheJab, #GeneEditing,#CRISPR
As posted by Great Warrior Becky Simon of We the Deplorables on FB and fits precisely with that document
In the Name of Public Health, a Nazi Racial Hygiene.
How the "Greater Good" is Used as a Tool of Social Control
What you can do Right NOW!
Link to template of a letter provided to write to your governor and attorney general in your state.
More Sources
Facebook Frames Harvard University Professor who worked at Wuhan University of Technology and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases.
I will show you how there are Connections All over the MAP!
a Harvard Professor who was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University...
Bombshell Evidence that COVID RNA Base Pairs are Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA
See a video report on this here and a synopsis with source links follows.
That link to the document shows their sequencing, their primary assembly
Shows Sequence for Chromosome 8$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363
Shocking CDC connections to Nazis
Nuremberg Codes
Thank you Great Warrior Maria Marias for this share!
#Pedogate, #PedophileIndoctrination, #PublicSchoolSystemAgenda
#TakeBackYourSchools, #HumanLeatherCompany, #Pp, #StemExpress
#TheTruth, #TheTruthShallSetYouFree, #DontComeAroundHereNoMore
#NoIWontBackDown, #Stand, #PrayStandFight
Ephesians 6:12
King James Version
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.