Making A Good Espresso
Making a good espresso is simple if you have the best equipment and follow a few rules. By investing in a top-of-the-line Saeco espresso machine, choosing the right coffee blend, selecting the best temperature for steaming your milk, and following some other steps to create the best espresso you could ever drink, you too will be enjoying an enjoyable way to kick off your day.
There are two ways to make a good espresso: The traditional way, wherein the water is brought to a boil and then poured through a filter medium into a cup containing finely ground coffee, and the other method in which the water is pre-heated before being forced through a filter medium into a cup containing finely ground coffee. Italy's famous espresso was developed in Rome in the early 20th century. It then became popular in France, where it was only prepared by professionals. Today, every country has its own special espresso.
When making a good espresso, the shot should have a thick brown crema. This is the ideal marker that proves that the espresso has been made to the right standards. Most manuals now include information on this mark, rather than teaching people how to make it, as it is something that you learn by doing to get your coffee as near as possible to perfection.