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RE: Steemit is real! A gift from a fellow Steemian
Looks very interesting :) I never managed to come across it before so it goes to show that you learn something new everything, especially when it related to blockchain related stuff :p
take it as one great adventure to explore the virtual world... because that the only thing I can afford to do beside stick with my gaming activity online...and there are more stuff to be explored ....with your ability I think you can be more successful than anyone else...I'm just want to learn more and I know I can't have a good quality post or articles right now i just try to forget about having a good reward too..cause I know my article don't have value or what so ever....I just try to put my message in my post..thats all
To me if you write something that come from your own heart or mind then it definitely has value on Steemit... at least you have about 700 other people that think so :)
People used to say that playing games was not something that you can take seriously or make a career out of it, but now even watching people playing games (i.e. Twitch) is big! Humans have always been playing games and it is an important part of learning.
I think we limit ourselves to what we can achieve on Steemit, and if you keep learning and growing you'll find the path to success here!
I'm still a boy in my middle age range now...everything started out when I turned my hobby from pc game into building a pc...then come the cryptocurrency out of nothing it ignite me to take it as another challenge to pursue another experiment how well i can be in all this stuff but when I'm about getting excited It seem more are better than me that doesn't stop me from continuing to achieve my goal..suddenly I had found this platform its make my life brighter again ... where I can dig more knowledge and learn more and the special thing about it is I can see the value haha ... plus I can interact with people around the globe...and there where I started to think about what to spreading the good message and help people around its feel good....
Do you do any cryptocurrency mining? Are you interested in becoming a witness on Steemit as well? I never turned playing games into something useful but I am glad you did :) Yes, there are so many possibilities when you can learn and grow by sharing knowledge with other people!
Yup I'm working on it at the moment... mining is part of my saviour electric bills and internet ... they depend on mining rewards..I still trying to expand my miner ... but need to wait for it ... Yup i would love too if I had enough experience to be one... I haven't figure it out how to be a witness and their role...seem very interesting to have an extra effort and experience ...never thought of that will came to my head until now...haha
This is the most recent post I have read about becoming a witness (and it is 9 months old), but perhaps worth a look:
A friend of mine tried to do this but we didn't get too far... I'd be keen to work with someone if they are interested :) I think even writing and posting about this would be a good (l)earning experience too!
conclusion I need to build another pc especially for that and install Ubuntu OS and have a larger memory throw another bandwidth for internet speed almost half of the job done... 24/7 running hours I get used to that... but how I am going to start... I mean all the hardware it will take months for me to collect all of it lol tight budget yup but I always work on it no matter what...haha I can't promise you anything I love to but it will take time for me to gather all those thing I need ... software not a problem Internet...the tower is just behind my backyard lol you know what I mean... I am learning right now... personzzz, kernl and kyle those name I should remember...its not and easy start for noob like me...haha ... not a fan of JBF .... even I start this platform after watching his youtube about steemit sweet guy but he seem to enjoy collecting but did not donating ....