Steemit Bingo Game #2 - Make Connections and have fun (plus SBD and other prizes on offer!)

in #makesteemitgreat-again7 years ago (edited)

image by @simplymike

The long awaited game returns... this time to support @asapers and the great work that they are doing for newbies on Steemit. All SBD from the post will be split between the winner of the contest and the account, so make sure that you follow @asapers and @newbiegames and you'll be in with a chance.

My apologies to @smylie2005 and @gracefavor for taking so long since my last contest, and I hope @simon62 will get a chance to play this time as well :) For those who participated last time, I certainly hope it was entertaining enough for you to have another go.

How to Play


This game is open to anyone who is a follower of @asapers account. So make sure you follow the account for your entry to be considered valid.

Make your bingo card

Create a 4 x 4 grid and fill it with the account names from the list of followers of the @asapers account (there are almost 200 followers last time I checked so plenty to choose from!). A simple way to creating tables is to use the '|' symbol like this and then leave a space and add a username and repeat until you have four in one row.

Why 16 names? Because I think it is just enough for you to put down your favourite people plus a few new people that you can learn about through playing the game :)

PLEASE DO NOT use the '@' symbol with the username otherwise @ginabot is probably going to go crazy!

So just something like this is fine:

| davemccoy | mudcat36 | plushzilla | coolguy123 |

Then you repeat until you have completed four rows like so (but choose different names):

| davemccoy | mudcat36 | plushzilla | mitneb |
| sweetcha | rosesmith | lynncoyle1 | coolguy123 |
| shai-hulud | simplymike | smylie2005 | starjewel |
| yogajill | zorchy | magicalmoonlight | goldendawne |

Or you can go to the Markdown Tables Generator ( if you like something fancier.


And if you are artistic then there's also nothing stopping you from creating an image as well... see previous contest entries here:

Register your entry

Place a link of the post that has your card in the comments section of this post before the cut-off period (which is when this post expires). In the mean time you can visit the people on your bingo card and drop them a nice comment on their post or chat to them on Discord.

Drawing of the names

When all the entries are in, I will create a post for the first game titled "Steemit Bingo Game (#)" and will randomly pick a name out of the list of followers of the @asapers acount until someone manages to 'BINGO'.

You can see the process I use in the first game here:


For the entries that are first to 'BINGO'

The winner(s) of the game will share in the SBD generated from the post with half going to @asapers. This will be transferred to their account and posted in the comments section to ensure transparency and fairness of the competition. I will also provide an update during the contest with additional prizes that I am planning to award. I am keen to contribute both a physical and a digital prize in addition to the SBD generated but that's all I will say for now.

@shai-hulud is also chipping in with 2 shares of steem basic income to the winner(s), and in the case of more than 2 winners I will randomly draw names out of the list of winners to receive this bonus prize!

For the most creative bingo card

@simplymike will sponsor 2 @steembasicincome shares for the most creative card (as determined by her), so you can also use your creativity and not just luck to win!

Find out more about @steembasicincome here:

Register your entry NOW and see you in a week's time for the second draw of Steemit Bingo!

newbiegames big2.jpg

@nwebiegames Banner by @simplymike

Giving back A.S.A.P!!!


A.S.A.P.ers Banner by @shai-hulud


I'll add 2 shares of steem basic income to the winner.

Thanks for running this competition.

Thanks for the support! I have quite a few updates to make to this post already :)

Thank you for supporting this game with that too @shai-hulud! That is awesome! You earn a newbie nickel for such a nice thing to do! :)

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #newbieresteemday this week!


nrd giphy good.gif

#newbieresteemday always recommends our sponsors!

That is very kind of you, thank you for the support of ASAPers.

I just had to find out who @creepyturtle was after looking at the names on your card. Definitely not creepy and not a turtle :D

It was one of the followers, when I read the name, I had to have it on my card. ;-}
Now I just need to go learn more about the name. and person, when i get a little bit of time.

ahah! Happy to be not creepy :D
Hardly my usernames have an intrinsic meaning, I usually pick them because I like the way words sound together and the images they bring to my mind.

I wish I could be a turtle, though, they're so beautiful

I don't think of them as creeping along the beach as much as they 'glide' in the water, and they are majestic creatures of the ocean as you say :)

Yes, but if I will ever happen to see a turtle creeping around I'll definitely adopt it and love it forever.

Awesome contribution @shai-hulud 🌸👍

very nice!!! :)

Thanks for playing and very nice spread of names from the follower's list as well!

I thought it could be a good idea to add some unfamiliar names whose posts deserved some more attention. And of course I couldn’t leave out @davemccoy ;0)

This is my BINGO square. I just don't get how you are going to call off the names.

Thanks for the entry! I recognize the images from the posts of the people so it's great that you went over and paid them a visit as well :)

Actually, this works a little bit different to most bingo games in that I basically get the entire list of names from asapers and generate a random order, then I kind of play the game for everyone at the same time. You can read about how it is done here:

I see. I read that @fibrefox. That's cool. I thought it was a live game. That would be real hard for me to follow. This is great.

Yeah, the logistics would be too difficult, plus people didn't mind reading my post on the draw itself so I figured that I'll keep things the same until I can figure out something better. Maybe I'll get the people who are playing to pick some random numbers or do like a double payout square on their card (like scrabble) next time as well :)

Anything as long as it is simple:)

I hope I did this right ... here's my entry for the game! It was fun "meeting" 16 new peeps! If your name is on here, I'm looking forward to connecting with you this week!

Hi @helenoftroy, this is the most calming/soothing bingo card I have ever seen! It must be the effect that beaches and oceans have on people :) Thanks for your entry and I hope you enjoyed getting to know some new Steemians from the group!

It was fun looking up new Steemians! I didn't pick anybody that I knew and I followed all of them. @coachjj already came by and read a couple of my posts :) Hopefully, I'll be able to connect with the others this week.

Wow @helenoftroy, that is absolutely beautiful. I'm so glad it's not real life bingo so you don't have to use those dabber things and mark it all up :)

I'm so glad you joined in!!

Thanks @lynncoyle1! Maybe I could use seashells or something if it were the real-life version ;)

Of course!! My mind just went to..."please, no one destroy that card!" haha

Hi @helenoftroy!! Gorgeous bing card Good luck on your game of bingo!!! ☘🌻

Thanks, @yogajill! You have stopped by my blog, so I guess I shouldn't have said I didn't know anyone on my card ... but I'm glad we get to connect as fellow @asapers ;)

Awesome Bingo card, @helenoftroy!

Thank you @simplymike! It was a lot of fun to make :)

Some quick facts about the Bingo game entries so far for those that are interested:

  • out of the 14 entries so far 104 out of 208 names on the @asapers list have been mentioned! That's 50% of all the followers!
  • the most popular names included in the bingo cards (if you want to use or avoid them) are:
  • if we actually drew the names in order of popularity (as it stands at the moment), @smylie2005 would win in eight moves! But the drawing of the names will be completely random :)
  • almost a quarter of the followers in @newbiegames are also followers of @asapers (51/220), so I think these two groups are pretty closely related (but we can be even closer!)
  • @dayzieblue and @helenoftroy both have 8 names (or 50% of the names on their card) that have not been picked by other people so it is a good mix of names

Great idea @fibrefox
I think you could make a post out of this.
1 - you have an extra post
2 - you might attract more people to play

Now, let me do I little dance to celebrate I’m the most popular kid in Bingo-land ;0)


hahahaha @simplymike!! That's me after a few or anyone at a wedding...when they kick off their shoes to really get going ;)

The most popular! That's seriously says a lot!

Haha! Nice 🎶😊

Nice moves on the dance floor @simplymike ;)

I guess I’ve still got it... ;0D

First attempt at this - I hope I've got it right!

(I will use black next time, I thought the dark green would be dark enough.)

This is perfect! I think the beautiful floral image gives it a nice touch :) It must have been tricky trying to squeeze some of those names into the grids :D

Thanks for your entry and good luck for the draw, lots of good names on that list and I hope you got to know them a little bit better :)

Thanks. I fought with GIMP a few minutes trying to do the names at an angle, but I gave up and went back to Photoscape where I do most of my photo-editing.
The hardest part was freehanding the grid. But I figured it was good enough for the purpose. :-)

I've only been in the group 24 hours, so I'm gradually getting to know a few of them.

What an awesome Bingo card @viking-ventures :)

You are so welcome!! Look at how polite we are ;)

I figure that good manners don't cost anything. :-)
(Though I don't always remember to say it, I always mean it... I know now that it's a Finnish thing - and I grew up in a heavily Finnish community in NW Oregon. Until recently, I didn't think I had a drop of Finnish, but I know better now, a single Finn arrived in Sweden sometime in the 1700s and infiltrated an otherwise very Swedish line. :-p )

Exactly! It is free to be polite :)

I grew up in a European family (Belgian and French), and manners were expected; my dad always had a good 'swat' handy for those times we forgot :)

That's interesting about the "single Finn"! I guess it only takes a drop ! Did you have your family history researched?

My dad has been working on genealogy for many years now. I picked up the bug from him. As I'm LDS now, there is a strong emphasis on family history and (not being in current contact with my father - long story) I started over this year. Thankfully with everyone else who is learning these days as well, it was relatively easy to get a lot done in a short space of time. Ancestry (membership through church) has done a lot of good in this area.

Sure, there are still some rather large red herrings in places, but the general quality of research has improved immensely over the years. Even if you had yours researched a couple of years ago, there's more information available online all the time. Several groups, including my church, are working on indexing some of the old records so that more and more is available online.

Only a few years ago, it was reckoned that only 10% of the available genealogy information is online yet! So, it's going to take a long, long time to catch up!

That's cool! And only 10%...amazing. I would have thought that number would be higher.

I also forgot to say thank you for including me on your card :) Oh! and I put you on mine!

Wow! It's a gorgeous creation!!! 🌸👯‍♀️

What a fun game @fiberfox!! Love all the collaboration 🍦💖👯‍♀️ thanks for the resteem @hitmeasap! What a great group of entries!!!! WOW!!!! Nice bingo cards everyone....time to get creative!

Your name was on quite a few of the bingo cards, so I'd definitely like to see you put an entry in and find out whose names will be on your card :)

So pro! Nice design 😍

Thank you so much for including me on your card @thatsweeneyguy!! And a fine-looking card at that :)

I can see I'm not the only on who thinks this might be fun.

We had about 15 entries in the first Steemit Bingo draw, so anything close to those numbers will be great!

This is a great idea... I love what you did here @plushzilla! Combining multiple groups like @asapers and @newbiegames is exactly how to grow each group together! Very cool and as always, I love this game and will be happy to enter myself!

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