RE: Steemit is real! A gift from a fellow Steemian
conclusion I need to build another pc especially for that and install Ubuntu OS and have a larger memory throw another bandwidth for internet speed almost half of the job done... 24/7 running hours I get used to that... but how I am going to start... I mean all the hardware it will take months for me to collect all of it lol tight budget yup but I always work on it no matter what...haha I can't promise you anything I love to but it will take time for me to gather all those thing I need ... software not a problem Internet...the tower is just behind my backyard lol you know what I mean... I am learning right now... personzzz, kernl and kyle those name I should remember...its not and easy start for noob like me...haha ... not a fan of JBF .... even I start this platform after watching his youtube about steemit sweet guy but he seem to enjoy collecting but did not donating ....