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Free Report Reveals Earn your first $100 in just 3 hours...
Complete First-timers are becoming CPA Affiliates
and making their first $100 in just 3 hours
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
Module #2 - Top 3 High Paying CPA Networks (2016)
Module #3 - Find your DREAM OFFER
Module #1 - Three Hot CPA Marketing Tricks
Module #2 - Have a website? Earn over $843.21 daily
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
CPA stands for Cost-per-action or Cost-per-acquisition. CPA is an online
advert payment model which allows advertisers to pay for qualifying
actions such as a sale or a registration or something along the lines. These
can be the most simplest things like
1) Completing a survey
2) Building keyword files for relevant phrases
3) Filling out a form
4) Accepting a free trial of something
5) Providing an email address
6) Newsletter Signing up
Its as simple as that. No re-selling of a product, No refunds, No long self
purchases or any of the other traditional affiliate marketing things to worry
about. To be honest, CPA is one of the simplest ways to earn quick money
Now just like regular affiliate marketing, CPA marketing also consists of
two two types of people involved. One is the CPA Advertiser and other is a
CPA Affiliate.
A CPA Advertiser can target close to 100% leads with this, because the
advertiser ONLY pays when the action is performed. So, for example you
are ONLY going to pay for a “free sign up” or maybe an “ebook download”
to an affiliate or a network, when the action has been completed. Now
based on different affiliate networks, you can decide on your different
bidding spend and hence get different count of actions done.
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
As a CPA Affiliate or a Publisher, you would be promoting the “action” or
“offer” promoted by the CPA Advertiser. Again, this can be either getting
people to sign up for a service, accepting a free trial of some service, or
even as simple as providing an email address. You will be rewarded a
specific commission for that particular action. Now this varies from
different networks and their commission percentage which we talk about a
few sections later. Now the most amazing thing about this is, unlike regular
affiliate marketing, you don’t have to rely on a sale. You just need to focus
on covering up that particular action, and you can enjoy your commission
CPA Networks are actually kind of a middlemen between the CPA
advertiser and the CPA affiliate. So usually if you are either one of those,
you would sign up with a CPA network, to get the maximum amount of
business on either sides. We are going to be talking in detail about different
amazing and highly paying CPA networks later in the course.
Now in this bible of CPA marketing, you will learn on how to become a CPA
advertiser and make it a Full time Business Online. Its going to be an
interesting journey, so be excited ;)
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
How is CPA marketing different from “traditional” affiliate marketing?
The biggest and most important difference between CPA and “traditional”
affiliate marketing is You will be able to earn in CPA without selling a
product, whereas in “traditional” affiliate marketing you would need to wait
for a product to be sold in order to earn your commission. That is why CPA
marketing is considered to be the fastest and easiest way to make a quick
bucks online.
Benefits of CPA Marketing:
- No website needed
- No marketing experience needed
- You don’t sell anything
- Commissions are as high as $150/action
- Perfect for Newbies who want to make some quick income
- Perfect for College Students who want to earn some side income
- Perfect for Housewives
- Lot of payment options (Direct Bank Account / Paypal / Even Check)
- Start working as an affiliate RIGHT NOW with your own email
- CPA is a type of agreement, which if works well, you can even ask for a
pay bump. People are paid $100 per form registration after they make a
successful business relation with an advertiser. Imagine the potential if you
can get even 1 person to register a form each day. You are still eligible to
earn over $3000/month just by a single form registration and a good
business relation.
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
Best types of CPA Offers:
Email Submits
These are the easiest and most widely used CPA offers, where a user is
asked to submit their email to get access to something 100% free. Payouts
for CPA affiliates can go up to $3-$6 per email submitted depending on the
niche, country and type of the offer.
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
Best types of CPA Offers:
Free trial signups/downloads
These were not very widely used till 2014 but with the dawn of 2015 and
even more in 2016, this has become one of the most used CPA offers after
regular email submits. The reason it is growing pretty awesomely at the
moment, is it gives the user double benefits. First of all the offer is free to
register to, and secondly you get trial access to a service as well. Its like a
win-win situation for the user, which in return converts very well. The
payout is something around $6-$50. The major gap between the price
depends on the amount of work required on the user’s end. Some free
trials require the user to only submit their email id and name and others
might ask for their credit card details without being charged anything. So,
it depends vastly on the niche of the product.
This type of offers, works great for niches, like weight loss, free samples
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
Best types of CPA Offers:
Zip Submits
This type of offer consists of a user submitting their zip code for some
information, product access or any survey. If you are an CPA affiliate
promoting this type of offer, you can get around $5 per zip code submitted
but can vary based on the criterias mentioned above.
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
Best types of CPA Offers:
This consists of someone downloading and installing an app / software /
plugin of some kind. This usually are hard to promote if you don’t have a
solid trusted following, because most people don’t trust downloads from
unknown sources. So, if you are an affiliate, you make sure that the offer
you are promoting is actually legit. Payouts of this type can go around $18-
$25 per download and installation.
Form Submission
Now even though this type of offers are hard to convert but they are high
paying offers. It consists of someone submitting their personal details into
a form in return they get qualified for something like a sweepstake, or a
lucky draw or maybe a free product. The reason it is low converting is
people usually get bored filling out all those details one after the other.
Payouts of this type can be around $25 per form submitted.
Module #1 - Introduction to CPA Marketing
CPA Marketing Niches
The best thing about CPA just like Affiliate Marketing is, it has a lot of
niches to choose from. At some points, it has even more niches to choose
from as compared to “traditional” affiliate marketing. With CPA, you can
find literally anything to promote.
Beauty products
Children and Family
Health/Fitness and Weight Loss
Real Estates
There are two amazing niches that works best on CPA, are…
As seen on TV, and
Coupons and Daily Deals
These are two specific categories that work wonders with CPA, because
people usually tend to go for products that they see on tv, and if they get
to signup or take an action which is FREE to do, they are bound to convert.
Same goes for Coupons and Daily deals. People are always looking out for
some coupon codes for maybe a website subscription or even maybe for a
physical/digital product they are aiming to purchase in the near future.
Networks on the Web (2016)
Now before I list out a few High paying CPA networks, let me tell you what
were my criterias for finding those.
- The most important thing that should be considered before signing up for
a CPA network is how popular the network is. The less popular ones do pay
out but you are always at a risk of coming across a fraudulent network.
Moreover, if not that, new networks have less advertiser connections which
makes you hard to find an offer to choose from.
- Always make sure to clearly understand, if you have to pay any fees to
join. There are different networks which charge you quite a bit to join their
network, but they offer huge commissions as well. So, make sure you
understand each network nicely before applying.
- The benefits to look forward to. Different CPA networks offer different
form of benefits. Some offer high payouts but less payment options, and
others offer, a lot of payment options, but have a high “minimum balance
for withdrawal” limit. So, you need to balance the benefits equally.
- The disadvantages to expect - This goes hand in hand, with the previous
point. If there would be some benefits there would also be some
disadvantages. So, it depends on how you weight out those.
- The approval methods (if any), their payout methods, the minimum
balance for withdrawal and so on...
Networks on the Web (2016)
1) Max Bounty (
Max Bounty has been one of the very best CPA networks from the past 2-3
years. The have a lot of offers, ranging from Automatives, Biz Opp, Dating,
Downloads, Education, Financial etc. You can even choose to select offers
from and for specific countries only. So, for example, if you are in the UK
and only want to see offers for the UK, you can do just that.
That being said, MaxBounty also has a filter where you can search offers
based on email swipes, banners, mobile and social media availability. So,
for example, if you don’t have a website and only want to promote via
email, you can look for offers which have email swipes available with them
Networks on the Web (2016)
Another great feature of MaxBounty is that it has amazingly high payouts
for different offers. A few sections ago, you read that Free trial downloads,
Form submissions have the highest payout in a CPA network. Now with
MaxBounty, you can earn upto $100 on each form submit. Later in this
course, when we read more on how to generate traffic for our CPA, you
would see that you can EASILY earn around $400-$500 daily on a regular
basis using MaxBounty.
Acceptance is pretty easy on MaxBounty. You apply as an affiliate and they
send you a verification link and after that an affiliate manager gives you a
call to know more about your process. Being honest with them works the
best. Just tell them at which point of your CPA marketing journey are you
at, and I am pretty sure you would be selected easy.
2) Peer Fly (
Peerfly is a very genuine and trusted network due to its amazing affiliate
management team. Its perfect for new guys, and always pays on time. It
has tons of offers like MaxBounty and even has a reward system which lets
to battle against other publishers.
It doesn’t have a lot of difference as compared to MaxBounty but one.
Peerfly doesn’t let you choose from a lot of filter options like MaxBounty.
Other than that, I think both MaxBounty and Peerfly should be enough for
you to get started and turning this into a full time business from home. It
offers you weekly, 15 or 30 days payout via Paypal, Payoneer and even a
Networks on the Web (2016)
3) Click Booth (
Clickbooth is another amazing cpa network which is great for both
advertisers and affiliates. According to their website 85% of their
advertisers are truly exclusive. The offers that you as a affiliate would
promote are undergone through a rigorous process of selection by the
clickbooth experts. So, you are 100% sure, that the offers you promote are
going to perform and convert amazingly. The only thing that made it land
on the 3rd position is, it doesn’t have that many products and offers as
maxbounty and peerfly does. In some ways its good, because of their
rigorous process, only the cream offers makes it through, but on some
cases, you might run out of offers to promote in your particular niche.
Now, when I was writing this ebook, I recalled that a lot of people have
asked me previously on how to quickly get selected in MaxBounty or
Peerfly or any other CPA network at that. So, let me give you a few ninja
tricks to get selected in ANY CPA network.
Be Confident
CPA networks only want to know what you are doing, and are only
interested in knowing if you are and would be serious about this business.
So, don’t spend time writing down a script of things you would want to say
on your application. REMEMBER - CPA networks need serious affiliates like
you, more than you need them.
Don’t be a “frocky” affiliate
This a term that I have devised myself. A “frocky” affiliate is someone who
tries to talk smart and promise a thousand clicks and hits only to go ahead
and buy those clicks from fiverr. No, don’t ever be that guy. Purchased
clicks have rarely worked for me or anyone at that matter. So, you should
never do that, nor give this idea in the affiliate application.
Select a “niche” and stick to it
This is a very big reason most people fail at CPA marketing. They move all
over the place while selecting a “niche”. You need to select one or at the
most two and focus only on those. That way you can focus all your time
trying to promote that particular niche’s offers and create a user base for it.
There are times when other niches are paying off more, but don’t get
deviated. Stick to a particular niche and keep working at it and you will
start earning hundreds and even thousands in no time.
Now, I am not saying that if you select a niche early on then you are not
allowed to switch to a new one. But, only do that, if you are finding better
ways to promote in that new niche. You should only make a switch, if you
have a brilliant new way to promote that product.
Traffic methods used
This is a question that literally all of the CPA networks would be asking you.
What are the traffic methods you would be using and why? Now, in this
course, I will be talking about a very amazing traffic source, so you can
either talk about that, or just explain to them how you would be using
Facebook advertising or Email marketing to promote the offers.
Module #3 - Look for your DREAM OFFER
By this time, I hope you have gone through the 3 amazing CPA networks
that I have mentioned above and have decided on your perfect niche(s)
that you would want to promote. AWESOME !! You are nearly there to start
your full time CPA business online.
Now, we need to find the perfect offer to start promoting. Introducing
Offer Vault (
If you are serious about CPA marketing and turning this into a full time
business from the comfort of your home, you need to know about Offer
Vault. Its a one stop source for all types of affiliate offers available on the
market. CPA or even traditional affiliate marketing offers.
Module #3 - Look for your DREAM OFFER
You can search on the top to look for your perfect offer or you can create a
free account to try out some advanced search preferences. But even if you
are in a hurry, you can learn a lot about different CPA offers that are
currently there and in which network and how much do they payout.
Similarly, you can checkout Odigger (
It has a similar system as compared to offervault but is less intuitive as
compared to it. In any case, the more tools you have access to the better
your chances are to find the best offer.
Make sure you spend some good time looking for the perfect offer. Even
though it isn’t needed but try and learn about the offer you are promoting
as much as you can.
With the knowledge in this ebook, I can say that you are 100% ready to start
your own CPA Affiliate Business in just a few minutes time. Lets move on to
Part 2 and start learning about how we can tap into a major 50 million
people traffic source to promote our CPA offers and how to make $100
daily with just 15 mins time.
BONUS MODULE - Generate Instant Regular
Traffic for your CPA Offers
I know this ebook series is about CPA Marketing but I have seen people ask
this question a lot of times from me - Where do we get people to promote
to? And I am going to answer just that. I think this would be one of its kind
CPA ebook Course, that actually tells you how to get traffic as well.
So, even though there are a lot of ways to generate solid, consistent and
high performing traffic, I would want to focus on the one that worked
amazingly for me. That is INSTAGRAM.
Now before you start going all crazy, let me tell you I won’t be going into
very indepth with this method. If you are looking to learn about “Instagram
Marketing and How to Generate Unlimited Traffic” you can check out my
Now getting into the details, I would be talking about a completely FREE
method of unlimited Traffic and a method if you have $10-$20 to spare. So,
lets get to it..
Now, the first step would be get yourself a business instagram account and
complete your profile. Make sure you fill out each and every important
detail on your profile and have an attractive bio.
Then, you need to make your first post. Usually you would want it to be an
image related to the product you are promoting. Have an image with huge
text on it with something like “Free Coupon Code for $100” or something.
Make sure the text is legible and easy to read.
Next you would want to use the perfect filters for maximum exposure,
because if you didn’t know already, instagram filters affect highly on your
online presence. And finally you would want to use proper tags to promote
it to as many people as you can. Now, tags are a very essential part of your
post, so you make sure that you use the high performing and high
converting tags. You would probably want to use something like to get more relevant tags for your post.
I highly recommend checking out the WSO I mentioned above if you are
more interested in gaining free unlimited traffic, where I go in-depth about
all these things.
Next when you post your first image, chances are based on the niche you
chose, and the amount of tags you added to your image, you would start
seeing likes and follows in a few seconds.
Don’t just stop there. Interact with the people who like and follow you
back. Direct message them telling them about the offer and how they are
missing on a huge opportunity.
I can guarantee you that if you do this right, you can start seeing sales in
just a few seconds. In the Instagram Marketing course, I talk about a few
different methods of free traffic generation with Instagram, so I highly
recommend you check it out to maximise your earnings
Say for example, you can gain around 150 active followers after 15 days (10
each), and then you post a free download offer, add the perfect tags and so
on. Say your instagram’s conversion rate is around 20%
Total followers - 150
Conversion rate - 20%
Total people access the free download - 20% of 150
- 30
Commission per download by CPA Advertiser - $20
Total Commission - $600
As you can see, in just 15 days of work you can earn $600 promoting only
one product. And instagram is like a passive traffic generator. People will
keep liking and interacting with images even days after they are posted.
So, after 6 months, when you can have 1800 followers (10 each) and around
15% conversion rate, you can just post one image, and expect to make more
than $1000 with a single post.
Because even if the CPA is $5, you are still getting a conversion of (15% of
1800) 270 people. That is $1350 in total.
Now, lets say you have around $20 to spare for traffic. You can instantly
earn 10 or even 100 times more than that if you invest it in the right place.
Look for instagram pages, who have over 100,000 followers in your niche. If
you check their description they clearly mention their email id for business
enquiries. Email them regarding your product offer and ask them their
price per post.
You would be surprised, pages with around 100,000 followers charge as
low as $15 for a complete day of promotion on their page.
Check their conversion rates, and see how well their each post performs.
Chances are you would notice, each page getting around 10,000 or more
likes. That is around 10% conversion rate.
So, imagine if you promote a product, that has only $2 CPA. Lets again do
some math.
Total page likes - 100,000
Conversion - 10% that is 10,000/post on an average
Promotional Charges - $20/post
CPA offer you are promoting - $2
Your post’s conversion rate - 8% that is 8,000 people. (Instead of 10,000)
Total commission from 8000 conversions - $16,000
Now check it out again, and tell me if you think I am bluffing. There are a
lot of pages in your niche, that has around that many followers and likes.
Go ahead and check for yourself.
Again, I would highly recommend that you check out my other “Instagram
Marketing” WSO to learn more in-depth about these tricks and how to
reach upto 6-figure income on autopilot with Instagram.
Bing Adverts
Again if you have some funds to spare on advertising, then I would highly
suggest going for Bing adverts. Its similar to google advertising, just a lot
cheaper than that.
I won’t go into a lot of details on how you can use Bing adverts, but you can
find a lot of free information about it on the web and even some very good
WSOs about it.
Module #1 - Three Hot CPA Marketing Tricks
Now, I hope you liked the traffic generation method that I mentioned
above with Instagram. Its FREE, competition proof, and is highly
UNTAPPED traffic.
So, lets talk about a few tricks that could help you maximise the potential
of your CPA marketing campaign.
Make the Best Use of Festivals
You need to make sure that you offer the best benefits when buyers and
customers are willing to pay anything and any amount. Christmas,
Halloween, or any particular festival in a particular country that you are
promoting in; make sure you use the time of festivals.
People are always willing to purchase new products during this time so
make sure you multiply your earnings in these times.
Module #1 - Three Hot CPA Marketing Tricks
How many times did you google a question, and landed on yahoo answers
or maybe quora for an answer. There are a lot of niche-specific question
boards that you can use to promote your offers. Try to make them sound as
natural as you can. Don’t just go ahead and paste the link then and there
and call it a day, because even though that “MIGHT” work, but chances are
they would usually go un-noticed. Give some value to the people you are
helping out. Answer their question and then be like “Do you know, I just
came across this and maybe it would help you out”. Answer around 5-10
questions daily and you would have a regular income source since people
would visit those questions and hence go through your answer days or
even months after you post the answer.
Module #2 - Have a website? Earn over
$843.21 daily on AUTOPILOT
Be Professional about it
Now, even though the payment range might sound like a part-time job,
you must take it seriously. Because bit by bit, it might grow amazingly to a
full time income. I have seen people use just the three CPA networks I
mentioned in the part 1 of this CPA BIBLE and combine it with the
Instagram Marketing Method, and earn upto $3500/month on AUTOPILOT.
They are still keeping it part-time and have kept everything on Autopilot,
and they think if they would want to focus on this full time, they can easily
earn around $10-11k/month easily.
At this point, you might have had a good understanding of what CPA is,
what networks are the best and most reliable and how to generate traffic
for your CPA Offers.
The steps upto this point should be enough for you to start making a living
online with CPA affiliate marketing, but if you want to take it up a notch,
you can start with your own landing page website and multiply your
income quite a bit.
The majority of internet marketers out there think that because CPA offers
are very easy for people to take action they just don't really care about
using high-quality selling techniques that are also used for promoting paid
products. CPA is really pretty easy for people to act on but they won’t do it
if they don’t have an actual reason to do it no matter what. So, there must
be something of value that you should be giving in.
Now at this point you can use a very powerful method of “Pre-Selling”.
What made you decide to buy this ebook. The sales letter and the values
you learnt that this book is going to provide. That is a way of “Pre-selling” a
product. All the sales letters out there you are reading, they tell you why
this product benefits you and why you shouldn’t waste any more time
before just going ahead and buying it.
Same goes for CPA affiliate marketing. If you can create a landing page
(suggestion would you might want to spend some time
gathering a bit of solid content researched about the particular offer you
are aiming to promote.
There are some readily available landing page designs available on the
internet (free/paid) so all you need to search for is “Landing page htmls
download” and you would have a variety to choose from
You would want to make sure that the landing page lists the features of
that particular offer you are promoting (it is okay to exaggerate it a bit) and
then have a big button saying something like “Join in” or something that
forces the user to take some action, which would then lead them to the
offer page.
Now, you might ask, “Ansh, why would I spend time and money doing this,
when I already have Instagram and other promotion techniques that is
making me a lot already?”
Well you are right, but it opens a lot of advertising options and even
increases the conversion rate by a lot. Heck, you can even use this new
landing page with your instagram marketing. The benefit would be, that if
you lead the followers directly to the offer page, chances are they might
skip it after they read it. But if you lead them to a landing page which
explains the offer nicely, it increases the conversion rate literally double /
triple the amount it already is.
Secondly, it maintains a trust factor on you or your brand. When you
explain a product and lead them to the offer page, you can even try and
contact the brand itself and ask for a hike in your commissions since you
are a high performing traffic source for them.
Also, google backlinks are one major thing that helps you a whole lot as
well. When you get so many traffic from instagram or from email marketing
to your landing page, google starts ranking your page higher for those
particular keywords slowly, because backlinks are a major factor on
deciding your page ranking. So, without much effort you can get google
traffic on your page and hence your CPA offer on autopilot.
Now, if you would remember few sections ago, I mentioned taking part in
questions boards like yahoo answers and quora. You can also do the same
thing with forums related to your niches and being active on it and adding
your website on your signature. This still works and that too amazingly,
because question boards and forum posts stay active, months or even
years after they have been asked or posted. So, if you post a valuable
comment once, and you can be sure that it would generate you mild traffic
for a long time. Keep doing it on a regular basis with your website on your
signature to increase this passive income source.
Let us again do some realistic math.
Let me share a realistic scenario of a CPA affiliate last month. He combined
my Instagram Marketing method and used his own paid traffic (facebook/
adwords etc) methods on his landing page…
He can easily get around 1000 hits daily on his landing page combining
these free and paid methods. His reports showed that it converted at 35%
for him. (A larger percentage because the paid traffic converts almost on a
50+ percentage)
So total visitors daily - 1000
Conversion rate - 35% that is 350 people convert daily.
CPA offer commission - $2.471/action
Total Commission - $2.471*350 = $864.85
Paid on Facebook and Google adwords daily - $21.64
Total Average Earnings Daily on Autopilot - $843.21
Monthly Commissions with CPA Marketing - $25,296 approx
So, I hope you can clearly see the power of CPA Affiliate Marketing. So,
what are you waiting for…
1) Register on the CPA networks right away
2) Create your instagram profile and complete it by the time (Read my
Instagram Marketing ebook to learn how to master that)
3) Select a niche to promote and start promoting it.
4) Earn your first $100 in 3-4 days and invest on a domain and landing page
5) Start multiplying the income to $100/daily
6) Invest on paid advertising with Facebook and Google Adwords and other
ad networks to maximise the potential
7) Sit back and enjoy your CPA affiliate campaign making you a 5-figure
income/month on AUTOPILOT
Hope you find these tips and tricks useful and have huge success with CPA
marketing and making a full time business online.
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Free Report Reveals Earn your first $100 in just 3 hours...
Complete First-timers are becoming CPA Affiliates
and making their first $100 in just 3 hours