what you need is a need


"In our society, the top 20 percent of people earn 80 percent of the money and enjoy 80 percent of the riches and rewards. This "Pareto Principle" has been proven over and over since it was first formulated in 1895 by Vilfredo Pareto. "

I read this from Brian Tracy's book "No Excuses!" I was happy and sad. Happy because I got the information early in my life. Sad because I did not know why it was so. What was the reason behind 80 percent of people struggling for 20 percent of the riches in the world? It just doesn't add up.

Source: lawlex.org

I started out my research about the most successful people in the world across diverse fields; sports, science and technology, academia, politics etc. It made sense.

Humans by default abhor challenges. We wanted the best of things but unwilling to go through the 'stress' of getting them. We complain. We dislike responsibility, we want to be 'free'. We want the money but hate the work. Of course is not all of us but just 20 percent.

From my research I discovered that successful people have needs and their needs are to meet the needs! They just have to meet it. They have this unrest in the core of their nature to have it met. Anyway and anyhow possible.Those who are not successful have needs as well but are almost always unconsciously shunning them. They give excuses. The economy is bad! But others are building businesses. It is difficult to get a job nowadays! But others are creating jobs. I just can't do it! Others are. There are individual differences! Why are you at the negative end?

Source: etornetworks.com

Successful people meet needs and that's what makes them successful. Thomas Edison lighted the world. Mark Zuckerberg met a communication need. Bill Gates 'birthed' Microsoft. Usain bolt set a world record by completing a 100m race in 9.58 seconds. Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf built the Internet we have today. Colonel Harland Sanders founded Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) which the fourth largest fast food restaurant chain in the world. We can fly today because of the work done by the Wright brothers. So many accomplishments! The list is endless. But I know the best is still yet to come.

To be successful, what you need is a need. It could be in any field, once you discover it, drive your energies to meet that need. When you are obsessed with meeting the needs of the world, the world will celebrate you. Its time to roll up the sleeves, we can make a difference.

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