Twitter: How to Make Money and What to Avoid
Twitter has been around since 2006, but it’s only in the last few years that it has exploded in popularity and become so much more than just another social media platform. In 2012, Twitter had over 500 million users, with new ones joining every day to connect with friends and family or to keep up with the latest news. The fact that Twitter is so popular also means that there are many ways to make money using Twitter, and this guide will help you figure out what they are, as well as what pitfalls to avoid when looking to cash in on your Twitter account.
10 Ways To Make Money in Twitter
Twitter is a great way to market your business online, but it’s also a great tool for making money. Following are ten ways that you can use Twitter to make money. Each of these ideas works best if you already have a following in place, so if you haven’t already be sure get started building your Twitter presence today! 1. Promote Your Services or Products – Use twitter as part of your marketing campaign.
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#1. Brand Ambassador
In general, it’s not easy to make money off of your tweets. If you want an opportunity to earn money as a Twitter user, you should try out being a brand ambassador for specific companies and brands. There are several company’s that will pay you for your opinion on certain products. All you have to do is create an account on their platform (like Viggle), sign up for campaigns by favorite brands, use their products and follow their instructions – then get paid when they reach certain milestones!
#2. Promoted Tweets
Twitter’s new advertising system allows you to buy ad space in other people’s Twitter feeds. Your promoted tweet will show up at the top of their followers’ feeds, just as they do now with status updates, links and retweets. You pay only when your promoted tweet is clicked on by someone who isn’t already following you.
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#3. Manage a Forum or Community
While there are several forum sites out there, you might want to create your own community. However, it takes hard work and dedication. Keep in mind that you will need moderation for each forum or community that you create as people may get offended if they post something that is not appreciated by others in your community.
#4. Build an Engaging Page
To make money on Twitter, your page must be engaging. Follow people with similar interests, add value to conversations and share interesting content. When you engage with others regularly by responding to tweets or sharing posts in common interest groups, you're more likely to attract followers of your own. Remember, it's all about quality not quantity when it comes to Twitter users. You'll be more successful if you follow a small group of interested parties rather than thousands of random followers who aren't necessarily invested in what you have to say.
#5. Create Great Content
Your audience doesn’t care about your product—they care about themselves. You have to make them feel something (emotionally) in order for them to give you money. So, provide great content that helps them solve their problems. The right content will build up their trust in you and then they’ll be ready to buy from you when you ask them to.
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#6. Promote Your Business
Twitter is different from Facebook, in that your posts can be seen by people who don’t follow you. It’s a great way to get new eyes on your product or service! Don’t forget you can use hashtags in your tweets, which is a great way of connecting with like-minded Twitter users. In order for hashtags to show up in search results, they have to be used within relevant tweets that have already been posted by someone else.
#7. Promote Other People’s Products on Twitter
Building up a following on Twitter can be slow at first. But you can still make money off your following when you promote products or brands that are on-brand with your feed. Use Twitter’s Promoted Accounts feature, which lets companies pay to show their promoted tweets in users’ timelines. You should only do so if they have a strong presence and large audience - say, more than 50,000 users.
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#8. Sell Merchandise on Twitter
There are a lot of companies that will print T-shirts, mugs, caps, posters, etc., with your Twitter avatar or name on them. You can take it even further by having a customized store set up through Spreadshirt or Zazzle where you have an official website for your account. Companies like CafePress will print just about anything on a t-shirt so feel free to explore different options.
#9. Do Some Freelance Work on Twitter
Twitter, for many entrepreneurs, is more than just a social media site; it’s also a potential source of income. If you have experience or skills that could be marketed on Twitter—and you want to do something worthwhile with your spare time—you can consider freelancing. Do some research into how much it would cost per hour to hire someone with your set of skills; then offer your services at a discounted rate.
Use Twitter Cards to generate leads on Twitter
Twitter cards allow you to add media, text, links, images, or video directly into your tweet. When a user clicks on one of these cards, they are directed to a page outside of Twitter where you can capture their contact information. This will help you build your contact list and generate leads in order to improve sales. Use Twitter cards whenever you include an image with text as well. The picture that accompanies text is more likely to be clicked than plain text.
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