in #make7 years ago

start hi this is Dawne from john michael hi this is Dawne from john michael hi this is Dawne from john michael martin calm and today i'm going to martin calm and today i'm going to martin calm and today i'm going to reveal to you one website a hundred reveal to you one website a hundred reveal to you one website a hundred percent free to use you can do this from percent free to use you can do this from percent free to use you can do this from anywhere in the world and this website anywhere in the world and this website anywhere in the world and this website is gonna help you create your own online is gonna help you create your own online is gonna help you create your own online business now you don't need to have any business now you don't need to have any business now you don't need to have any prior experience whatsoever to use this prior experience whatsoever to use this prior experience whatsoever to use this analytic technical skills at all alright analytic technical skills at all alright analytic technical skills at all alright so we're gonna jump right to it and i so we're gonna jump right to it and i so we're gonna jump right to it and i will show you the website before we do i will show you the website before we do i will show you the website before we do i quickly invite you to click on the link quickly invite you to click on the link quickly invite you to click on the link in the description box right here below in the description box right here below in the description box right here below this video so you can get instant access this video so you can get instant access this video so you can get instant access to the number one system that i to the number one system that i to the number one system that i personally use to generate anywhere from personally use to generate anywhere from personally use to generate anywhere from ten to fifteen thousand dollars per ten to fifteen thousand dollars per ten to fifteen thousand dollars per month online in affiliate commissions month online in affiliate commissions month online in affiliate commissions also don't forget to click below to also don't forget to click below to also don't forget to click below to subscribe to my channel and select the subscribe to my channel and select the subscribe to my channel and select the bell icon so you can get notified every bell icon so you can get notified every bell icon so you can get notified every single time at all two new video on single time at all two new video on single time at all two new video on different ways how you can work from different ways how you can work from different ways how you can work from home and earn an extra income online home and earn an extra income online home and earn an extra income online alright so the website we're gonna be alright so the website we're gonna be alright so the website we're gonna be talking about today is called t spring talking about today is called t spring talking about today is called t spring the link is like always right here below the link is like always right here below the link is like always right here below this video so what does t spring do so T this video so what does t spring do so T this video so what does t spring do so T spring basically allows you to create spring basically allows you to create spring basically allows you to create your own t-shirts mugs caps whatever you your own t-shirts mugs caps whatever you your own t-shirts mugs caps whatever you want without any cost at all all you want without any cost at all all you want without any cost at all all you need to do is you upload the design that need to do is you upload the design that need to do is you upload the design that you want to have on your t-shirt or cup you want to have on your t-shirt or cup you want to have on your t-shirt or cup or whatever and teespring is gonna or whatever and teespring is gonna or whatever and teespring is gonna create it for you is gonna ship it for create it for you is gonna ship it for create it for you is gonna ship it for you to your clients and you're gonna you to your clients and you're gonna you to your clients and you're gonna earn the profit okay earn the profit okay earn the profit okay no catch you don't have to put any money no catch you don't have to put any money no catch you don't have to put any money out of your pocket this is what is so out of your pocket this is what is so out of your pocket this is what is so amazing about teespring alright so I'm amazing about teespring alright so I'm amazing about teespring alright so I'm locked in in my account here and I'm locked in in my account here and I'm locked in in my account here and I'm gonna go here with a start designing and gonna go here with a start designing and gonna go here with a start designing and here you can choose what you want to here you can choose what you want to here you can choose what you want to design so again you don't need to have design so again you don't need to have design so again you don't need to have any design skills for this I'm gonna any design skills for this I'm gonna any design skills for this I'm gonna show you an easy way how to do this so show you an easy way how to do this so show you an easy way how to do this so you can have you can do for example you can have you can do for example you can have you can do for example canvas print socks beach towel iPhone canvas print socks beach towel iPhone canvas print socks beach towel iPhone case both tapestry leggings posters case both tapestry leggings posters case both tapestry leggings posters Flags inter pillow posters peril Flags inter pillow posters peril Flags inter pillow posters peril stickers bags mugs stickers bags mugs stickers bags mugs you name it okay let's go right here you name it okay let's go right here you name it okay let's go right here with this one let's see how simple it is with this one let's see how simple it is with this one let's see how simple it is to design a t-shirt t-shirt is something to design a t-shirt t-shirt is something to design a t-shirt t-shirt is something everybody practically everybody wears everybody practically everybody wears everybody practically everybody wears and I'm gonna show you how simple it is and I'm gonna show you how simple it is and I'm gonna show you how simple it is so as you can see here you can design so as you can see here you can design so as you can see here you can design the type of t-shirt you want so this is the type of t-shirt you want so this is the type of t-shirt you want so this is like a Hanes tagless tea this is a like a Hanes tagless tea this is a like a Hanes tagless tea this is a premium tea the price changes as you can premium tea the price changes as you can premium tea the price changes as you can see this is the cost price all right see this is the cost price all right see this is the cost price all right again no cost to you I'm gonna show you again no cost to you I'm gonna show you again no cost to you I'm gonna show you how this works so you can add a text if how this works so you can add a text if how this works so you can add a text if you want here so you can say for example you want here so you can say for example you want here so you can say for example my my awesome t-shirt and you can put my my awesome t-shirt and you can put my my awesome t-shirt and you can put that there you can enlarge it you can that there you can enlarge it you can that there you can enlarge it you can move it you can change the fonts you can move it you can change the fonts you can move it you can change the fonts you can put whatever you want and you can upload put whatever you want and you can upload put whatever you want and you can upload an image now alright so you can change an image now alright so you can change an image now alright so you can change it color as you see okay but let me just it color as you see okay but let me just it color as you see okay but let me just keep it white there and let's go here keep it white there and let's go here keep it white there and let's go here where it says art and we're gonna upload where it says art and we're gonna upload where it says art and we're gonna upload your own art or you can even browse here your own art or you can even browse here your own art or you can even browse here for art and they can you know you can for art and they can you know you can for art and they can you know you can get something from here so let's say get something from here so let's say get something from here so let's say we're gonna upload our own so I click we're gonna upload our own so I click we're gonna upload our own so I click here click here to upload I choose the here click here to upload I choose the here click here to upload I choose the image that I want to upload and there it is all right so I can and there it is all right so I can and there it is all right so I can delete this right now we don't need that delete this right now we don't need that delete this right now we don't need that and there it is mother of puck so for and there it is mother of puck so for and there it is mother of puck so for example this t-shirt could be targeted example this t-shirt could be targeted example this t-shirt could be targeted towards you know people who love pugs towards you know people who love pugs towards you know people who love pugs who have pugs okay and for women in who have pugs okay and for women in who have pugs okay and for women in particular so for example when I'm particular so for example when I'm particular so for example when I'm finished from the t-shirt I can also put finished from the t-shirt I can also put finished from the t-shirt I can also put something on the back all right something on the back all right something on the back all right the same thing that we did we can design the same thing that we did we can design the same thing that we did we can design the backside and then what we can do as the backside and then what we can do as the backside and then what we can do as you can see we have basic tees there are you can see we have basic tees there are you can see we have basic tees there are long sleeves there are tank tops there's long sleeves there are tank tops there's long sleeves there are tank tops there's a lot a lot of different options cc long a lot a lot of different options cc long a lot a lot of different options cc long sleeve tees Bella canvas all of them you sleeve tees Bella canvas all of them you sleeve tees Bella canvas all of them you know the price varies but we're gonna go know the price varies but we're gonna go know the price varies but we're gonna go with a simpler version all right so when with a simpler version all right so when with a simpler version all right so when we're ready we click on a sell this we're ready we click on a sell this we're ready we click on a sell this now here we can add the price that we now here we can add the price that we now here we can add the price that we want to sell the actual t-shirt so here want to sell the actual t-shirt so here want to sell the actual t-shirt so here we can see that TSP recommends 21 we can see that TSP recommends 21 we can see that TSP recommends 21 dollars 99 $our profit to about $19 dollars 99 $our profit to about $19 dollars 99 $our profit to about $19 77 per sale now this is the profit 77 per sale now this is the profit 77 per sale now this is the profit estimator so here we can say how many estimator so here we can say how many estimator so here we can say how many t-shirts we're planning to sell so for t-shirts we're planning to sell so for t-shirts we're planning to sell so for example if we sell six t-shirts that example if we sell six t-shirts that example if we sell six t-shirts that means we can generate one hundred and means we can generate one hundred and means we can generate one hundred and eighteen dollars okay six t-shirts only eighteen dollars okay six t-shirts only eighteen dollars okay six t-shirts only six t-shirts which is very very easy six t-shirts which is very very easy six t-shirts which is very very easy with what I'm gonna show you later on with what I'm gonna show you later on with what I'm gonna show you later on with the two methods that I'm gonna with the two methods that I'm gonna with the two methods that I'm gonna reveal to you later on reveal to you later on reveal to you later on now obviously if you go for more so if now obviously if you go for more so if now obviously if you go for more so if you go in let's say for uh 20 t-shirts you go in let's say for uh 20 t-shirts you go in let's say for uh 20 t-shirts that's almost four hundred dollars if that's almost four hundred dollars if that's almost four hundred dollars if you go for a hundred t-shirts that's you go for a hundred t-shirts that's you go for a hundred t-shirts that's $2,000 four hundred t-shirts that's $2,000 four hundred t-shirts that's $2,000 four hundred t-shirts that's eight thousand dollars a thousand eight thousand dollars a thousand eight thousand dollars a thousand t-shirts that's almost twenty thousand t-shirts that's almost twenty thousand t-shirts that's almost twenty thousand dollars okay now it doesn't mean you're dollars okay now it doesn't mean you're dollars okay now it doesn't mean you're gonna sell all these in one day this gonna sell all these in one day this gonna sell all these in one day this could be the entire campaign and as you could be the entire campaign and as you could be the entire campaign and as you get more experienced you can increase get more experienced you can increase get more experienced you can increase this number now this number is just an this number now this number is just an this number now this number is just an indication for you basic basically and indication for you basic basically and indication for you basic basically and there's also one other thing that if you there's also one other thing that if you there's also one other thing that if you say that this campaign will have 20 say that this campaign will have 20 say that this campaign will have 20 t-shirts t-shirts t-shirts that creates a sense of urgency so when that creates a sense of urgency so when that creates a sense of urgency so when people they actually go to the page to people they actually go to the page to people they actually go to the page to buy this t-shirt that by the way buy this t-shirt that by the way buy this t-shirt that by the way teespring is gonna give to you and teespring is gonna give to you and teespring is gonna give to you and they're gonna handle the payments and they're gonna handle the payments and they're gonna handle the payments and everything people are going to see that everything people are going to see that everything people are going to see that for example five people bought out of 20 for example five people bought out of 20 for example five people bought out of 20 t-shirts left okay so they're 20 t-shirts left okay so they're 20 t-shirts left okay so they're 20 teachers and five people already bought teachers and five people already bought teachers and five people already bought so that creates sense of urgency so that creates sense of urgency so that creates sense of urgency like I said teespring handles all the like I said teespring handles all the like I said teespring handles all the payments so if I go here on their payments so if I go here on their payments so if I go here on their website you can see that they've got website you can see that they've got website you can see that they've got different options so they've got bank different options so they've got bank different options so they've got bank check direct deposit PayPal or Payoneer check direct deposit PayPal or Payoneer check direct deposit PayPal or Payoneer currently these are all the options that currently these are all the options that currently these are all the options that you can get paid so for example here you you can get paid so for example here you you can get paid so for example here you can see an example of one campaign and can see an example of one campaign and can see an example of one campaign and how it ended how it ended how it ended so this campaign it says and it so this campaign it says and it so this campaign it says and it successfully five t-shirts sold and it successfully five t-shirts sold and it successfully five t-shirts sold and it successfully this is the 51 t-shirt sold 2178 t-shirt sold so the total profit of 2178 t-shirt sold so the total profit of 2178 t-shirt sold so the total profit of this campaign it says you're currently this campaign it says you're currently this campaign it says you're currently three thousand ready to get paid there three thousand ready to get paid there three thousand ready to get paid there it is okay so this is just an example of it is okay so this is just an example of it is okay so this is just an example of one campaign now another important fact one campaign now another important fact one campaign now another important fact that I want to stress here is that here that I want to stress here is that here that I want to stress here is that here you can see the estimate on how many you can see the estimate on how many you can see the estimate on how many units you're aiming to sell to estimate units you're aiming to sell to estimate units you're aiming to sell to estimate your total profit this is what teespring your total profit this is what teespring your total profit this is what teespring says here don't worry we'll print your says here don't worry we'll print your says here don't worry we'll print your products as long as you sell enough to products as long as you sell enough to products as long as you sell enough to generate any profit so the minimum here generate any profit so the minimum here generate any profit so the minimum here is three t-shirts that means that if you is three t-shirts that means that if you is three t-shirts that means that if you get three orders let's say your goal was get three orders let's say your goal was get three orders let's say your goal was 50 orders or 20 teachers to sell but you 50 orders or 20 teachers to sell but you 50 orders or 20 teachers to sell but you only sell three teespring is gonna print only sell three teespring is gonna print only sell three teespring is gonna print those three is gonna send them to your those three is gonna send them to your those three is gonna send them to your customers now what happens if you get customers now what happens if you get customers now what happens if you get only one order because you're a beginner only one order because you're a beginner only one order because you're a beginner or only two orders then teach ping is or only two orders then teach ping is or only two orders then teach ping is gonna collect the money for you and it's gonna collect the money for you and it's gonna collect the money for you and it's gonna refund the customers since you gonna refund the customers since you gonna refund the customers since you didn't manage to sell more that's it so didn't manage to sell more that's it so didn't manage to sell more that's it so there's no risk on you that's what I there's no risk on you that's what I there's no risk on you that's what I love about this website because love about this website because love about this website because literally everything is hands-off all literally everything is hands-off all literally everything is hands-off all you need to do is you upload the design you need to do is you upload the design you need to do is you upload the design and boom you can start styling and we're and boom you can start styling and we're and boom you can start styling and we're going to go into the details of how you going to go into the details of how you going to go into the details of how you can can can something ready in a second but if something ready in a second but if something ready in a second but if you're wondering about the design go to you're wondering about the design go to you're wondering about the design go to a web site called one of my a web site called one of my a web site called one of my favorite websites I talk about it a lot favorite websites I talk about it a lot favorite websites I talk about it a lot the link is below the link is below the link is below just go where it sees graphic and design just go where it sees graphic and design just go where it sees graphic and design you go here where it says t-shirts and you go here where it says t-shirts and you go here where it says t-shirts and merchandise and you're gonna click here merchandise and you're gonna click here merchandise and you're gonna click here and you're gonna filter by best-selling and you're gonna filter by best-selling and you're gonna filter by best-selling alright so you can see here that this alright so you can see here that this alright so you can see here that this person is doing I will do 20 t-shirts person is doing I will do 20 t-shirts person is doing I will do 20 t-shirts and design within 24 hours starting at 5 and design within 24 hours starting at 5 and design within 24 hours starting at 5 dollars ok now there are different dollars ok now there are different dollars ok now there are different upsells that you can add to the price upsells that you can add to the price upsells that you can add to the price but you can have an idea of what this but you can have an idea of what this but you can have an idea of what this guy is cleaning so look at these lovely guy is cleaning so look at these lovely guy is cleaning so look at these lovely designs lovely t-shirts that this guy designs lovely t-shirts that this guy designs lovely t-shirts that this guy has made just for 5 dollars alright so has made just for 5 dollars alright so has made just for 5 dollars alright so you can come here you can place your you can come here you can place your you can come here you can place your order as you can see this person has order as you can see this person has order as you can see this person has over 3000 reviews and their five-star over 3000 reviews and their five-star over 3000 reviews and their five-star all right so rest assure that you're all right so rest assure that you're all right so rest assure that you're gonna get a first-class design now you gonna get a first-class design now you gonna get a first-class design now you want to be careful when you are gonna want to be careful when you are gonna want to be careful when you are gonna print your t-shirt you don't want to print your t-shirt you don't want to print your t-shirt you don't want to upload any design that might create any upload any design that might create any upload any design that might create any copyright issues you cannot print nice copyright issues you cannot print nice copyright issues you cannot print nice t-shirts for example alright or you t-shirts for example alright or you t-shirts for example alright or you cannot print Mickey Mouse t-shirts okay cannot print Mickey Mouse t-shirts okay cannot print Mickey Mouse t-shirts okay these are there they're copyrighted okay these are there they're copyrighted okay these are there they're copyrighted okay now if you're wondering and what kind of now if you're wondering and what kind of now if you're wondering and what kind of designs and what kind of t-shirts shall designs and what kind of t-shirts shall designs and what kind of t-shirts shall I create so just go to Facebook go here I create so just go to Facebook go here I create so just go to Facebook go here in the search bar type teespring in the search bar type teespring in the search bar type teespring and scroll down here to look at the and scroll down here to look at the and scroll down here to look at the posts and look at posts with a lot a lot posts and look at posts with a lot a lot posts and look at posts with a lot a lot of engagement so for example public of engagement so for example public of engagement so for example public posts look at this from 35,000 views so posts look at this from 35,000 views so posts look at this from 35,000 views so let me just open this up and let's see let me just open this up and let's see let me just open this up and let's see what this is all about alright so so it what this is all about alright so so it what this is all about alright so so it says here nevertheless says here nevertheless says here nevertheless it's really generated with secret it's really generated with secret it's really generated with secret message search mocks totes get it all message search mocks totes get it all message search mocks totes get it all teespring calm nevertheless and if you teespring calm nevertheless and if you teespring calm nevertheless and if you click here you're gonna get on this page click here you're gonna get on this page click here you're gonna get on this page so you can provide this okay now so you can provide this okay now so you can provide this okay now teespring gives you this page alright teespring gives you this page alright teespring gives you this page alright teespring has everything ready for you teespring has everything ready for you teespring has everything ready for you and you can see that this person posted and you can see that this person posted and you can see that this person posted in this fan page and got 35,000 likes in this fan page and got 35,000 likes in this fan page and got 35,000 likes 5,000 shares and I'm sure they got a 5,000 shares and I'm sure they got a 5,000 shares and I'm sure they got a bunch of sales so this is bunch of sales so this is bunch of sales so this is idea of a t-shirt that could probably idea of a t-shirt that could probably idea of a t-shirt that could probably sell very very well of course it needs sell very very well of course it needs sell very very well of course it needs to be targeted to the right audience so to be targeted to the right audience so to be targeted to the right audience so we're gonna go we're gonna go into that we're gonna go we're gonna go into that we're gonna go we're gonna go into that also here's another one for example also here's another one for example also here's another one for example seven and a half thousand likes let's seven and a half thousand likes let's seven and a half thousand likes let's just open that also just have a look just open that also just have a look just open that also just have a look okay this took us right away to the page okay this took us right away to the page okay this took us right away to the page let's just click on there see you can let's just click on there see you can let's just click on there see you can see here that people are just directly see here that people are just directly see here that people are just directly here they've got a link and boom they're here they've got a link and boom they're here they've got a link and boom they're on the teespring website because on the teespring website because on the teespring website because teespring prepares everything for you teespring prepares everything for you teespring prepares everything for you okay you don't need a website you don't okay you don't need a website you don't okay you don't need a website you don't need anything this thing gives that all need anything this thing gives that all need anything this thing gives that all to you so what he do then here is you to you so what he do then here is you to you so what he do then here is you can also donate to charity if you want can also donate to charity if you want can also donate to charity if you want if you don't want don't check that and if you don't want don't check that and if you don't want don't check that and you just click next and you can launch you just click next and you can launch you just click next and you can launch I'm not gonna launch this right now I'm not gonna launch this right now I'm not gonna launch this right now alright you can choose also if you want alright you can choose also if you want alright you can choose also if you want to sell in the US or the EU and you can to sell in the US or the EU and you can to sell in the US or the EU and you can give your campaign a title I'll say give your campaign a title I'll say give your campaign a title I'll say let's say my first campaign my first let's say my first campaign my first let's say my first campaign my first campaign a description you want to add a campaign a description you want to add a campaign a description you want to add a subcategory so for example apparel and subcategory so for example apparel and subcategory so for example apparel and you want to say the length of the you want to say the length of the you want to say the length of the campaign so to give it some more campaign so to give it some more campaign so to give it some more exclusivity you can say for example I exclusivity you can say for example I exclusivity you can say for example I want to sell 10 t-shirts 50 t-shirts want to sell 10 t-shirts 50 t-shirts want to sell 10 t-shirts 50 t-shirts within I don't know a week alright so within I don't know a week alright so within I don't know a week alright so when people go and buy when people go to when people go and buy when people go to when people go and buy when people go to your website so for example is gonna your website so for example is gonna your website so for example is gonna look something like this one it's gonna look something like this one it's gonna look something like this one it's gonna say that how many t-shirts they can buy say that how many t-shirts they can buy say that how many t-shirts they can buy ok how many teachers are left alright so ok how many teachers are left alright so ok how many teachers are left alright so you could say for example to sold out of you could say for example to sold out of you could say for example to sold out of ten all right so that's kind of giving a ten all right so that's kind of giving a ten all right so that's kind of giving a little bit of urgency a little bit of little bit of urgency a little bit of little bit of urgency a little bit of exclusivity this is the URL of your exclusivity this is the URL of your exclusivity this is the URL of your campaign okay depending on what name you campaign okay depending on what name you campaign okay depending on what name you gave and that's it okay then you just gave and that's it okay then you just gave and that's it okay then you just I'm not a rowboat and launch alright and I'm not a rowboat and launch alright and I'm not a rowboat and launch alright and then you just take this URL that they're then you just take this URL that they're then you just take this URL that they're gonna give you which is gonna look gonna give you which is gonna look gonna give you which is gonna look something something like this and you something something like this and you something something like this and you can post it on Facebook you can post it can post it on Facebook you can post it can post it on Facebook you can post it wherever you want to get people to buy wherever you want to get people to buy wherever you want to get people to buy from here okay now you're probably from here okay now you're probably from here okay now you're probably wondering and wondering and wondering and to get the traffic to this t-shirt all to get the traffic to this t-shirt all to get the traffic to this t-shirt all right first of all you can create a right first of all you can create a right first of all you can create a t-shirt just alone or you can create a t-shirt just alone or you can create a t-shirt just alone or you can create a whole store I'm not gonna go into the whole store I'm not gonna go into the whole store I'm not gonna go into the process of how creating a store now one process of how creating a store now one process of how creating a store now one of the most effective ways to sell of the most effective ways to sell of the most effective ways to sell physical products especially things like physical products especially things like physical products especially things like t-shirts and things like that his t-shirts and things like that his t-shirts and things like that his Instagram now if you'd like to learn Instagram now if you'd like to learn Instagram now if you'd like to learn more about that click here right here more about that click here right here more about that click here right here above on the eye and you're gonna see a above on the eye and you're gonna see a above on the eye and you're gonna see a training that is talking about that and training that is talking about that and training that is talking about that and how you can sell on Instagram how you how you can sell on Instagram how you how you can sell on Instagram how you can basically leverage influencers for can basically leverage influencers for can basically leverage influencers for peanuts peanuts peanuts so there are influencers with thousands so there are influencers with thousands so there are influencers with thousands and thousands of followers so the idea and thousands of followers so the idea and thousands of followers so the idea is you're gonna put a little ad and is you're gonna put a little ad and is you're gonna put a little ad and they're gonna post it for you on their they're gonna post it for you on their they're gonna post it for you on their page with the thousands and thousands of page with the thousands and thousands of page with the thousands and thousands of followers for example people who love followers for example people who love followers for example people who love pugs write on Instagram they're gonna pugs write on Instagram they're gonna pugs write on Instagram they're gonna post a little ad for you that's called a post a little ad for you that's called a post a little ad for you that's called a shout-out for a fraction of a price okay shout-out for a fraction of a price okay shout-out for a fraction of a price okay very very cheap you know you can get a very very cheap you know you can get a very very cheap you know you can get a shout out starting from $15 $20 and just shout out starting from $15 $20 and just shout out starting from $15 $20 and just with one t-shirt here you could even with one t-shirt here you could even with one t-shirt here you could even make a profit okay to or two or three make a profit okay to or two or three make a profit okay to or two or three t-shirts so this is a very effective way t-shirts so this is a very effective way t-shirts so this is a very effective way to sell it really really simple another to sell it really really simple another to sell it really really simple another way that is great also to sell as you way that is great also to sell as you way that is great also to sell as you can see is also through Facebook okay can see is also through Facebook okay can see is also through Facebook okay you can see an amazing engagement here you can see an amazing engagement here you can see an amazing engagement here but this involves also Facebook Ads now but this involves also Facebook Ads now but this involves also Facebook Ads now there is a free way to do it through you there is a free way to do it through you there is a free way to do it through you know organic traffic okay by building a know organic traffic okay by building a know organic traffic okay by building a community by building a Facebook group community by building a Facebook group community by building a Facebook group or by building a fan page and really you or by building a fan page and really you or by building a fan page and really you know engaging with your audience and know engaging with your audience and know engaging with your audience and posting regular content I'm not gonna go posting regular content I'm not gonna go posting regular content I'm not gonna go through that right now and all of these through that right now and all of these through that right now and all of these taxes I'm gonna do another video about taxes I'm gonna do another video about taxes I'm gonna do another video about all these and about Facebook hats but go all these and about Facebook hats but go all these and about Facebook hats but go here get started it's absolutely free go here get started it's absolutely free go here get started it's absolutely free go to teespring the link is below you can to teespring the link is below you can to teespring the link is below you can start creating your and design your own start creating your and design your own start creating your and design your own t-shirts try to find some original ideas t-shirts try to find some original ideas t-shirts try to find some original ideas look what selling do your research here look what selling do your research here look what selling do your research here on Facebook and that's it for me for on Facebook and that's it for me for on Facebook and that's it for me for this video hope you got some value from this video hope you got some value from this video hope you got some value from this video if you didn't you enjoyed this video if you didn't you enjoyed this video if you didn't you enjoyed what you saw please don't forget to give what you saw please don't forget to give what you saw please don't forget to give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel for more cool videos like this and for more cool videos like this and for more cool videos like this and select the bell icon so you can get select the bell icon so you can get select the bell icon so you can get notified every single time I launch a notified every single time I launch a notified every single time I launch a new video and before you leave don't new video and before you leave don't new video and before you leave don't forget forget forget click on that link right here below in click on that link right here below in click on that link right here below in the description box of this video so you the description box of this video so you the description box of this video so you can get instant access to my number one can get instant access to my number one can get instant access to my number one recommendation to working online and recommendation to working online and recommendation to working online and earning an extra income from home thank earning an extra income from home thank earning an extra income from home thank you very much for watching you very much for watching you very much for watching john-michael signing off bye bye john-michael signing off bye bye john-michael signing off bye bye [Music]

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