Message on Telegram and recent email - full transparency (truth, facts, reality)
Message on Telegram
I'd much rather do my own thing:
Building team around me, for that I require some funding, starting from a finance / business / investor relationship person... Don't trust blue face guy, trust the code.
Video from 2015 when I first started working on the project and finally figured out Google OAuth Node.js authentication flow:
ICO deployment tutorial:
2m57s demo of the project recorded from Restart Week in Puerto Rico:
Final remark - ideas are free, ideas are everywhere - I started working on this project a few years ago, recently after Facebook Trump elections Cambridge Analytica - realised it's time to change the game and own your own data.
Sending love, sending good vibes, so grateful to be part of this community!
Recent email
I know it's better to discuss over the phone / video call but I just want to explain my current situation:
Contracting in London, selling my time as computer programmer, restoring my financial resources, stability.
Very often I work on projects that do not have much meaning - routine stuff - for example fintech - making one number from one database look better on the screen... (hardly any innovation here)
What I really like about mailhustle is:
a) meaningful mission
b) me becoming a leader
c) me becoming part of entrepreneurial community
There is definitely ego-driven selfish component here - I struggle working for others, selling my time for money, missing clarity of vision. Mailhustle can become a fascinating product used by innovators and entrepreneurs.
The team in India, fundraising, equity - thank you for helping me in these areas - without you, I'd probably bootstrap on my own and build thing organically...