Cant cuck the truck.
Years ago, I used to laugh out loud at many of Bill Maher's opening monologues. Today, I laughed out loud at one of Tucker Carlson's opening monologues. I really don't believe that I have changed as much as the world has changed around me. What a strange trip this is!
Meanwhile, pssst, don't trust any of them. None of them know any more about what is happening than the rest of us. They don't get invited to "the meetings" either. As Carlin said, it's a big club, and we ain't in it.
Still, gotta laugh when we can, even if those laughs come from some place unexpected, especially when we acknowledge that we are really only laughing at ourselves.
Only ourselves to blame when push comes to shove. Never before has a wake-up call been more necessary. We are all being duped.
Choice? Freedom or fascism? The message is often inside the humor, the laughter quells the pain, but also accompanies the same emotion that ignites the real fight against tyranny.
Laugh, scream, cry and fight. We are soul searching humans, each and everyone of us, who believe in the freedom to be, with the same freedoms wished for thee. Never give up!