Blessing of Friendship. Magical Moments. Nature's Beauty. White is White. Sunday Scent Experience. Original Photography

in #magicalmoments7 years ago (edited)

Unconditional love.
Softening sharp diamond edges.
Rainbows of etheal colour circle my heart.

In my ephemeral art pieces there is usually an underlying structure. It can be the 11:11 or two single columns, a six-pointed star, triangles or circles.

The foundation of this piece, 'Blessing of Friendship' was the diamond: A rose in a simple square dish, rotated 45 degrees.

A tear-shaped crystal was placed at each corner of the diamond. A little further out, four more crystals were placed in between them.

A circle of 12 roses was formed around the diamond arrangement and then an assimilated waterscape was designed organically within this circle.

May you be brought into the real passion, kinship and affinity of belonging.
May you treasure your friends.
May you be good to them and may you be there for them.

~John O’Donohue. Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 320: 35 mm: f/4.5: 1/40 sec.

The square:

The four straight sides of the square with its four corners at right angles, symbolizes order and stability. Think of city buildings and suburban housing with their square or rectangular frameworks and it's easy to see why the square has also come to represent civilization.

The number four is associated with the earthy material world: The four cardinal directions: North, South, East and West; The four seasons: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring; and the four elements: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. As well as the four cosmic elements: Suns, Moons, Planets and Stars; And the four symbolic sides of the Heart-Square: Angelic, Diabolic, Human and Divine. Source: Square Symbol Meaning.

The square then presents us with the order and the opposites in nature, as well as her cycles. Harmony and balance on this earthly plain.

The circle:

Eternal, without a beginning or end: The circle is associated with the infinite nature of energy, the spiritual world and an all-inclusive cosmic unity.

Stand behind the eyes of the first human. Look out into the skies through these primitive eyes. With not-so-primitive understanding, you will see your first circles: The moon, the sun, the sparkles in the skies as planets and stars. ~Source: Circle Symbol Meaning.

A circle encompassing a square/diamond:

In Chinese macrocosmic symbology, the circle expresses Heaven, with Earth signified by a square. A square inside a circle, in Chinese art represents the union between Heaven and Earth. ~Source: Circle Symbol Meaning.

A symbol within a circle, also draws the eye towards the symbol and the message it may hold.

Furthermore, whenever circles are drawn as protective boundaries, no harm can come to anything or anyone inside the space of the circle.

A blessing is a circle of light drawn around a person to protect, heal and strengthen. ~ John O'Donohue.

So for me now, the square within the circle has come to represent the protection and healing we are given when we acknowledge our material existence with all its joys and hardships and standing within our own circle of truth: Connect our Earthly nature to our Spiritual nature.

And the diamond within the circle? To be continued.

And if Heaven has a fragrance, it must surely be that of white roses. ~Ally. Quintessential Rose

'Blessing of Friendship' is for:

T H A N K ✽ Y O U ✽ F O R ✽ Y O U R ✽ V I S I T1.png

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Thanks ever so much @quator. Qurator is so supportive to those Steemians who take a pride in presenting original material. 🦋

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You are most welcome! Keep it up! =)

Wonderful arrangement, Ally :) Welcome back!

It didn't seem to be all that long Daniel, but I see now that it's been over 2 weeks. Good to be back.

I've had an even longer absence from IG 😊

Trying to restore or gain the balance with IG, Tumblre and Steem and updating my own site/blog. Also aspiring to publish a calendar in time for the New Year ~ Which will be the first step towards self publishing a book. Been thinking and talking about it for almost 3 years now ~ Time enough? 😊

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Time enough?

I think so! I like how ambitious your plans are, Ally, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best with your endeavors! 😊

The sincerity of your wish touches me deeply Daniel. Thanks so much.

Have found a self-publishing photo book company here in Sydney. One disadvantage is that unlike RedBubble and FineArtAmerica their stationary items (cards and calendars etc) can't be ordered outside Australia. A situation that may motivate me to set up a 'cart' on my own site. 'Scary' but doable. 😊

Will be away from Steemit for another week ~ Going to Melbourne ~ Taking my camera this time.

Hope you have a fantastic week ahead Daniel. 🦋

Thank you, Ally! Have fun in Melbourne :) And take lots of photos!

Great arrangement!! I also love your description of what the arrangement represents!

So pleased you like the arrangement and what it represents @knittybynature.

I love the whole process: Watching these ephemeral pieces taking shape. Then the relationships of different elements within the piece, current situations around me, and whatever interpretive thoughts I catch floating through my mind come together in the final explanation. 🦋

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Outstanding as always my dear. I certainly feel your cosmic self coming through your expressions to bring clarity, beauty and a touch of bliss into our days. I love the crystal teardrops surrounding the center Rose too. My heart is singing this morning, thank you.

I have the feeling that that your heart will still be singing @sunscape ~ Your garden, your photography, your life is all so wonderful. So sorry for the delayed response. This time of the year seems to have a speed all of its own ~ Faster that fast. Thanks ever so much for your wonderfully uplifting comment.

I've just finished designing a set of square cards and a small desk calendar which included this image.

Years ago I used to wholesale cards with my images to galleries and shops ~ I enjoyed it at the time but it was a lot of work. 'Moving on' to online self-publishing services such as RedBubble and FineArtAmerica ~ And now it seems I'm on a return cycle as I already have one stall holder at our local Farmer's Market who has offered to display my new cards.

I'll be away for the next week. If time will just slow down, I hope to share another image from the calendar before I go.

I hope you have the most wonderfully creative and glorious week now @sunscape 🦋

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That is so wonderful for you, your art is so full of vitality and will benefit so many people. Good for you for following your heart.

My dear Ally, you are truelly an angel of creation - this is another of your mesmarizing posts. I allways find much comfort ithe words that come with your delicate and yet strong creations. Love the diamond in it, it reminds me of 'on mani padme hum' - the beauty in the center off it all. ♡

You are always so supportive Judith. I've never been called 'An angel of creation' before. I like it. And thank you SO much.

Like many artists, I can be plagued by a voice that questions the validity of what I am doing. Not necessarily a bad thing to challenge the purpose of one's work, but too much or too often, one's 'worthiness' can stumble and fall ~ Resulting in the all too familiar patterns of procrastination.

Your appreciation truly encourages me to keep working and developing this line of work.

I loved using the diamond structure and find it inspiring that it reminds you of such a beneficial mantra.

I wasn't as familiar with the symbolism of the diamond as the square and circle and when I started looking at the interpretation of the diamond (shape and gem) ~ I had a feeling that I still needed to work with it further. 🦋

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I am happy to be of support ♡
Don't look for validation in the world around you but search it within yourself. Its there. Is nt art merely a form i which your iner motions get translated..and then they resonate with some around you....let this be your validation ♡

A wholeheated and resounding YES Judith.

I'll be away for another week ~ Traveling interstate ~ Will catch up again when I return.

Your words ring true and I will take them with me now. 💖🙏💖

I've misswd you, and all the joy you bring!

I've been super busy Melinda and at the same time attempting to slow down and nurture myself a little as well. Not easy when I still have so many images calling out to be edited.

I've just finished self-publishing a small desktop calendar for 2018, with a Sydney company, and have included some of the images I've shared at Steemit. Hoping to share it later today.

I've REALLY missed being here too but I feel the dire need to re-establish a balance with IG, Tumblr and Steem and updating my own site/blog as well as establishing an off-line local market for my work once again.

If, by chance I don't post something today ~ I'll be away then for a week visiting family interstate ~ But I WILL be back after that. Take care and have a wonderful week Melinda. 🦋

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What a lovely combination! I wish I could smell it. It's so calming and reassuring.

Thanks so much @stonemaiden. Lovely to 'play' in the sand with stones and shells. 🦋

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Thanks so very much @pixresteemer 🦋

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Very Beautiful Pics..Thnx for sharing!!

I'm pleased you like this piece @myaceh 🦋

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