Scientific Proof of God (Buddhist style) - The Savvy Sorcerer

in #magic7 years ago (edited)

Learn to perform real magik and miracles with ease after this understanding.

NOTE: Caps are used for emphasis (like bold) in my writing.

Other aids to help understand this article:
[Science has proven (debatable to some) we live in a simulation and that our past can be altered (Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment is the experiment to research here). If you want the science of magik then first watch (Youtube - Dr Quantum Double Slit five minute cartoon)... Then watch (YouTube - Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser - History Rewrites)... Then maybe watch The Simulation Hypothesis (an assortment of Youtube movies on it)... THAT is if you want the science.... some will and it will help your belief and magik if you understand science is now on our side.]


----------------- The science of God - Good article to realize you are immortal.. even if you are an atheist. -------------

The Buddhist and Hindus and ancient Egyptians all say we live in a perfect and high definition imagination in which we are all a portion of a common dream.. Buddhist say dream.. Science says Simulation Hypothesis... Science is starting to understand what Hindu and Buddhists have been saying for 9000 years.

NOW PLEASE THINK ON THIS POST... EVERY WORD.. EVERY LINE... I write much on these topics and I am a well known teacher of real magik and manifesting. You will be manifesting with ease by the end of this article.

Now forget anything about religion or religions you have ever known... Instead; think of yourself as completely imaginary. I know you can see yourself and you see your "environment" so that is a hard thing to do. However; try to imagine that we are all ESSENTIALLY imaginary. This may sound silly but it is a perfect way to think of yourselves and the surrounding world and it explains all magik and all religions very well...

If you have not studied science. You may be surprised to know that the man who designed our current atomic model, believed wholeheartedly that "Matter does not exist unless it is observed" (Copenhagen Interpretation of Double Slit Experiment). This means that if you shut your refrigerator.. Niels Bohr would have argued that the contents ceased to exist. Einstein argued this and claimed "I like to think the moon is there even when nobody is looking at it" (google quote). It was part of the infamous BOHR/EINSTEIN Debates. They were best friends but argued till their deaths....

Knowing that science is now on our side should help your magik... but I will teach magik and the mechanisms in this post.

So... although Skeptics (like Christians.. Reality is akin to Buddhism) have an answer for everything... we really do have science on our side.

This post will also prove that "The Scientific Method" you learned in school is going to thrown out the window someday. It works good for our science and technology, but it does have a major flaw. Nothing is real.

Now if you are serious about learning authentic magik then I suggest doing this following test of reality. I AM NOT SAYING just READ THIS AND MOVE ON... This is a real thing that everyone must do. It adds your belief and is very important to this post.

Many have heard of or tried Cloudbusting... We all saw George Clooney Parody Cloud Busting in the movie Men who stare at goats... Yes it was very funny... Haw, Haw, haw.....

The point is that cloud busting was famous enough to be parodied by George Clooney. If you want to see George Clooney cloud bust... then he does a parody of it and it is in the trailer for that movie. I'm guessing some ladies will look for any reason to watch him... nudge, wink....

So what is the point in even trying.. I mean if you can dissolve a cloud then you are not putting change in your pocket or healing the sick.... But I have a good reason for teaching this first.

Imagine for a second that you tried cloud busting and it worked really well. What does that accomplish?

It would actually prove quite a lot to yourself. It would prove A) that the cloud was essentially imaginary.. AND B) that YOU altered our group imagination with your mind. (think on this)

That understanding alone will give you stronger magik than most. Once you realize this is a common dream we all create together... then you can manipulate your life in so many degrees of greatness.

THERE ARE RULES TO CLOUD BUSTING: A) DO ALONE and never on film.... (okay just one rule... narf!, psych! "To be Silent")

The reason you must do it alone is because if you are dissolving a cloud with your mind and influencing our imaginary world... then what do you think the skeptic person standing beside you or watching it on video will do? You must realize that a skeptics DISBELIEF is as strong a magik as YOUR BELIEF. THINK UPON THIS... Expectant thought waves that meet Skeptic Thought waves will cancel each other out the same way sound waves can cancel each other out... Thought/light/us are waves....

So if you do magik with a skeptic present it can pollute the outcome which is why we hide and live deep in the forests... Hermetic is the root of the word Hermit for this reason... Many witches of past were Hermits... not because they feared or were feared... but because they knew their stuff.

First... GO OUTSIDE AND BUST A CLOUD... Do not judge this too silly to try. I assure you 5 years olds can learn this quicker than most adults, but it is something you need to learn first... It is easy and any novice should be able to dissolve a fluffy white cloud in under 10 minutes...

So go outside and pick two fluffy white clouds... Yes.. TWO... Why do you need two? You need two clouds because if you dissolve a cloud with your mind you are going to be going "Holy Crap!", and then you will just think it was the wind.... BUT... if you choose TWO clouds then you can now notice that ONLY the cloud you painted blue with your mind is vanishing... That is called a scientific control if you're interested in the logic.

To be super fair.. always dissolve the larger of the two clouds you pick. Just to be super fair...


Simply walk outside and pick two fluffy white clouds.. Then paint one of them blue with your mind..

The cloud will vanish completely and the control cloud will remain completely intact.

This works because nobody has any notions about the solidity of a cloud... try to dissolve a brick using the same method and you will be up against the minds of everyone who has ever seen, heard of, or touched a brick.

It may sound hokey, but this proves two things that are vital for our comprehension. If we can successfully dissolve clouds with our minds 20 out of 20 times (and it is fairly easy), then you prove...

a) That the cloud is essentially imaginary
b) That our imagination affected our group imagination.
(This is called a Miracle to some and Magik to people like myself)

I repeated that part but it is a logical conclusion that you should NOTE.

[NOTE: I repeat some things in various other articles. In many of my postings you will see discussions of cloudbusting. This is an effort to make each posting stand alone without pre-existing knowledge. When you read some of the other lessons I teach you may find yourself reading about cloudbusting dozens of times. It is entry level magik and is a fine example for what we are doing here.]

AGAIN/IMPORTANT: If you invite a friend to watch your new magik then they could pollute and/or cancel your magik. Thoughts seem to operate in waves, and like sound if waves are on opposite wavelengths they can cancel each other out. So it is IMPORTANT TO DO THIS ALONE AND NOT FILM IT. (despite all the Youtube videos)... Do this only for your private truth, belief and knowing.

You may think this is too silly to even try (some do)... no skin off my nose... but it will work every single time ... just make sure you do it alone to avoid skeptic pollution..

If you do this 20 times in a row then you have performed 20 miracles/magik... How many miracles do you need to perform to convince you my words are true? Do that many...

We do live in a giant imagination...

SO THAT EXPLAINS MENTAL CONSTRUCTS... and proves them... (if only to yourself).

Now if that has not blown your minds thus far. The following will. I exempt experienced mages from that comment.

I told you at the beginning the BEST way to think about your spiritual self is to think that you are ESSENTIALLY IMAGINARY... I know .. I know... You seem real.. etc... I could say stuff like everything is made of atoms and are 99.9999999999% empty space making YOU and EVERYTHING only 0.0000000001% as real as most people think (at best/conservative figure).

However I shall stick to the topic and tell you that you are so imaginary that even your past can be altered to fit the expectations of the present. You will never notice, but your higher self knows all timelines.

Okay.. Lets look at an imaginary creature... Spongebob Squarepants (Cartoon Character). Since Spongebob is completely imaginary... what do we know of his past... we know he works as a chef in a fine dining establishment (Crusty Crab)... That much is true... but is it? SINCE Spongebob is imaginary... we can change his past...

AGAIN.. I mentioned the science above... this part aligns with THE DELAYED CHOICE QUANTUM ERASER.. an experiment from 1999 that proves EFFECT CAN PRECEDE CAUSE... wow.. that was a mouthful... but that is ridiculous to think that Effect can precede cause... I mean how silly is that?

Yet if you just dissolved a cloud with your mind 20 times in a row then you know something fishy is going on.. so lets just examine where this thinking takes us and I WILL NOW SHOW YOU THE MECHANISM BEHIND MAGIK.



Even our time is not constant... If you are drowning in the ocean and are skeptic ... you will drown... If you are drowning and believe in your own magik or a deity then your FAITH,EXPECTATION,BELIEF can cause a rescue...

Suddenly three days ago (IN THE PAST) (IN THE PAST) (THE PAST CHANGED TO FIT THE PRESENT) a cruise ship and 3000 passengers get a "newer" weather report and alter course to rescue you... You could still be at home packing for your sailing trip the following day... and yet a cruise ship has already altered course to save you.. EFFECT PRECEDED CAUSE. This is the basis for all magik.

Effect can and often does precede cause.... This is the basis for the mechanisms behind Hermetic magik. The delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment also shows science now understands effect can precede cause.

OKAY... What I just said was pretty wild... I mean time only SEEMS to go in one direction.. We all hear things like there is no past or future.. only now.. and we do not realize that this is an absolute truth. The past changes with every thought, every expectation, every belief.

Perhaps pause here and watch the "Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser" experiment following The Double slit experiment. Both are linked in order and it will take about 15 minutes to watch both. If you have an understanding of this then please continue reading.

Now watch... Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser... It is a continuation of above experiment.

NOTE: Einstein has alternate views of Double Slit and even though this blog has real proof (such as cloudbusting miracles), the scientific establishment would call this "woo" or "pseudoscience". Make up your own mind after performing many miracles (taught here).

We only feel one timeline because we are in spirit form (imaginary form) NOW... This is not a post as much as it is a psychic marker left from my mind to your own mind in a manner it can understand. Everything is mental. Everything is a common dream. GROUP EXPECTATION CREATES REALITY (again; I use caps instead of bold. Not "Yelling")

So if a skeptic is drowning in the ocean.. S/he will die.

If that person has FAITH ("EXPECTATION" is better word than "FAITH" and has less Christian connotation)

If that person has EXPECTATION that they will be rescued then that can AFFECT THE PAST... Now a cruise ship and 3000 passengers get a slightly altered weather report (THREE DAYS AGO... IN THE PAST). The captain alters course and they are now in perfect alignment to rescue the RELIGIOUS PERSON WITH EXPECTATION 5 MINUTES AFTER HE STARTS PRAYING THE SHIP APPEARS ON THE HORIZON.

Now let's look at the above mechanism that caused the ship to alter course three days in the past... It could have been done with a prayer... or with magik.... There is NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO.

NOTE: THE DEITY CAN BE ANYONE... the only thing that matters is that they BELIEVE their deity will rescue them. A Christian might believe Jesus would Rescue them. A Muslim would believe it was Allah. If you had a strong faith that the Tooth Fairy would save you from drowning then that would be AS POWERFUL.... Go tooth fairy!

Please note... I just said magik is fully controlled by FAITH... EXPECTATION.... What you EXPECT in this world is combined with the EXPECTATIONS/FAITH of every other person, animal, spirit... in our fishbowl mental reality. YOU ARE GOD but so is the crackhead down the street and every Christian (untrained minds - Christians are currently the largest manifesters of "WORRY" and it hurts whomever they worry upon. Christians kill with worry and have no idea they are injuring those they love.

[NOTE: "DISTRACTION" and timers to check your thinking are good tools to avoid worry until you are fully awake and see less reason to worry. This one tip could make your life blessed. The safest magik is gratitude. Turn worry to gratitude]

Feel free to condemn worry based religions because that is hard hosewallop for anyone to swallow, but when the Buddhists and Hindus (you know the blokes who brought us Meditation, Yoga, Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Ayurveda, etc.) have been telling us we live inside a giant imagination for the past 9000 years... they were right..

If you do the cloud busting experiment alone... then you will a) perform an authentic miracle/magik... and b) you prove that you are living inside an imagination where your imagination has influence. (really do this or you can spend another life in the dark - unless you already know this.)

I was raised by freemasons and taught magik my entire life. I have seen more authentic miracles than most anyone.

I have offered you proof... It is up to you to do or do not.

It is so easy to melt a cloud, and even the worst novice should be able.

This next part is both funny and frightening... CHRISTIANS (untrained minds) are now developing their OWN MAGIK. They call it the "Lesser Law of Attraction"... they are starting to realize that their thoughts create reality.

IMPORTANT: IF - if -if Conscious creation is real... (we know it is) then the LAST thing we should ever do is give thoughts to WORRY AND FEAR... If you worry and fear then you can cause worrisome and fearful things to manifest... This should make sense to conscious creators.

THINK UPON: So if FEAR and WORRY are at the root of most of the evil in this imaginary world... Then what could be more evil than a fear based religion. I won't mention ALL the fear based religions, but some religions threaten people with Floods, Turning to Pillars of Salt, or a place they call Hell. I won't dwell on this.. but does heaven make much sense... Think on this: Could a Christian play Monopoly in heaven with their dead grandma? NO (obviously).. because losing would be bad.. and if bad things can happen in Heaven.. then to what extent? Anyways.. I apologize if you are a devout Christian... but If you are a devout Christian then you should maybe reconsider or at least Cease all "WORRY"

[NOTE: As a Hermetic Buddhist I will not endorse Christianity but I will place a quote from the bible here on worry.
"Matthew 6:25-34 ---- Do Not Worry ----
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Now of course I would edit that ... but... ]

I teach Hermetic Buddhism which is EXACTLY the religion taught in Egypt 2000 years ago. The Mystery schools of Egypt were well regarded and well known. We know this from Aristotle, PLATO, Pythagoras, and more. Can you think of any biblical figure that spent more than 85% of his life in Egypt? Do any of you know the New Testament enough to tell me who lived over 85% of his life in EGYPT... a land that taught exactly what I teach. If you guessed Jesus Christ you would be right (if New Testament is accurate in that regard). Jesus fled to Egypt from the age of two to approximately the age of 30 to avoid King Herod.

IF this is a world of conscious creation then it only makes sense that Fear based religions are the biggest plagues upon the earth today. Yes. I am saying Christian "WORRY" is one of the reasons there is war, strife, and Donald Trump.

NOTE: I use the term Christian often, but it references all untrained thinkers. Any religion that does not teach "Conscious Creation" and allows its people to "WORRY" is hurting mankind.


METHOD A) If a Christian mother (or any nice old lady) is worried that her daughter has moved into a dangerous neighborhood then that ONE THOUGHT/EXPECTATION/FAITH/INTENT/KNOWING could be enough to manifest REAL DANGER... The daughter may now be attacked and even murdered to satisfy the mothers worry beliefs (AKA PRAYER/MAGIK). That is one way a Christian mother (or the average grandmother) can kill her own kin.

WAIT... Here is ANOTHER way a Christian mother can kill her own daughter..

METHOD B) Christians (untrained minds) do not know how to pray with proper imagery. In our imagined word what we think upon takes a vital importance.

Example: You cannot pray 5 minutes for a happy love life and then sing Heartache songs for 5 hours a day.... It will not work... The song is a prayer as well.. Yes.. Hide your negative playlist for party's... (some of it is fun music.. but not daily).....

So I will give two prayers here and maybe you can spot the difference... A prayer after a child is injured...
Prayer A) "Please god do not let this child die in such a tragic way"
Prayer B) "Please god let this child live a long and happy life"...

The imagery you give prayers is very important .. especially if you repeat the prayer or add belief. Many Catholics must deem their god totally deaf because they use tools called Rosaries which is a counting mechanism for repeating prayers. If you repeat a prayer with negative imagery you can kill this child.

See now; if you haven't tried and mastered cloudbusting 20 times in a row then this post might sound a bit far fetched... but if you follow the instructions this post can prove you are a god... THAT IS WHY I SUGGEST MELTING CLOUDS WITH YOUR MINDS FIRST. (Alone to prevent opposing skepticism and mental pollution).

Christians are not taught to pray with proper imagery. Surprisingly Mother Teresa knew this even though it was not a Catholic tenet. She can be quoted saying, "I will never attend an anti-war rally, but If you have a peace rally then invite me."

IMAGERY! She knew imagery. Respect Mother Teresa!

Never focus on the negative. Your imagination is important! EVERY THOUGHT! Not just the ones on bended knee.


Those are two ways untrained minds can kill their own family...

NOW... Lesser Law of Attraction... Since this is magik of Christian has no set of rules. They ignore the precepts and dangers known to us in the world of real magik.
i.e. In a popular Lesser Law of Attraction movie they advocate placing someones mansion upon your "vision board" (which they also place in public despite skepticism pollution mentioned earlier)..

NOW; if you place someones mansion on your vision board and start visualizing yourself living there.

What do you think happens to the family living there? They must now suffer financial loss, illnesses, or even multiple deaths to satisfy your timeline. Mass murder is not great for your karma and this is how a person could murder an entire family with focused thinking. Without any ill will or intent.

The grandmother worrying about her kin may also not feel evil. We are taught to think its "Nice to worry". Our nature is not compatible with reality. It is near impossible to never worry. Distraction is key.

It WOULD be safe to place a model home, design, or empty house on your vision board... but they are not taught that.

Attitude of gratitude is THE SAFEST MAGIK OF ALL.. This is the OPPOSITE OF WORRY... One thing about becoming a mage... you have to realize that gratefulness in all things is key to happiness. Can you actually imagine yourself saying GRACE (version of) every meal? It will come...

OPRAH WINFREY has said she has KNOWN about CONSCIOUS CREATION since the 80's. She now teaches mind power (lesser law of attraction pretty much full time). I will however use her as my example simply because many trust her opinion.. probably more than mine on average.

Oprah Winfrey has written down FIVE(5) THINGS DAILY in her GRATITUDE JOURNAL for the past 17 YEARS+... I advise watching her teach this on YouTube. Here...

Oprah Winfrey talks about a serious manifestation she did in the 80's during a Larry King Interview. If you want to see her discuss her (Christian Magik) first experience with manifesting.. It might also add to your belief that you can do more than melt clouds. She is the richest self made woman in known history or close to it.

Hear her speak about how she manifested something big without seeking it.

If you develop an attitude of gratitude and cease fearing and worrying... then that is enough magik to alter your life in ways many only dream of.

Here is a quote from OPRAH WEBSITE:

"Know this: Worrying is unintentional creation of your future.
Daydreaming is intentional creation of your future.
The choice is always yours. "

Read more:

It is hard not to worry. I teach this yet would I be content leaping from The Empire State Building with no parachute? I would not. It would frighten me to do so. I am not immune to fear and it can be difficult to cast aside... especially when leaping from buildings with no parachute. I am also aware that the expectations of the rest of the world might cause me to splat... and I still hope to have a purpose in this incarnation.

EVERY TIME YOU MEET ANOTHER your past is revamped into a new superposition that only your higher self is aware of. Let me explain how expectation works in your daily life.
IMAGINE your boss is EXPECTING (HAS FAITH) you to look tired again this morning as because you have looked tired all week. So then you go to work and see him and then BOOM!...... (goes the dynamite)....! Suddenly your past superposition has been revamped (past changes like in cruise ship example and Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser).... Now! in this "NEW" timeline based on his expectations/faith that you look tired... NOW.. you stay up an extra half hour the night before.. have trouble sleeping.. and bypass your morning Expresso/Tea/Coffee/Romp in Hay.... So now you look thoroughly tired when you meet your boss and his EXPECTATION/FAITH helped create his reality... and messed with yours.

IMPORTANT: You must always tell yourself that you will only respond to positive thoughts from others. Imagine a positive sphere of love surrounding you. Warding is too much focus on negatives.. Never think upon what you do not want.. think of what you do want...

"BRIAN MCKNIGHT - WIN" This song tops many positive song playlists... but it focuses on what he DOES NOT WANT... It is NOT positive to me at all.

Mages exist and are real. Magikal societies will rise again as the world awakens (not the same as enlightenment btw), and many will still use evil intent even though they know it will only harm their souls. However; Good and bad magik societies will rise as Catholicism ends this century.

There are TWO schools of thought regarding Magik.. The first is to practice your imaginings to the point where you can manifest things very quickly. This is reminiscent of FRANZ BARDON STYLE. The second school of thought on this is take MORE TIME imagining and having slower manifestations. This is more in line with the Lesser Law of Attraction and the style I teach although I am practiced in both.

A common magik many conscious creators will recognize is Manifesting a good parking spot... Driving with confidence and EXPECTATION/FAITH that a spot will be available near the door on the last shopping weekend before Christmas will open a spot for you. HOW? How did that spot become empty. Again.. time alters.. (did you forget already)... This explains all magik. A young mother realizes 20 minutes ago (IN THE PAST) (IN THE PAST) (IN THE PAST) that she is late for Pilates and must leave the mall... now she pulls out just as you near her spot... and you created a miracle/magik simply by EXPECTING an empty spot.

EVERY THOUGHT OF ANOTHER ... is technically black magik by every definition I've heard. You're expectation changes them without their will. It is not as cut and dried as many imagine.

I shall not debate these teachings. This is how the word works and you will know this when you perform daily miracles.

Scientifically we must ONLY replace Bohrs notion of Probabilities with Expectation (theory published already) and we can explain how every religion in the world operates and prayers work within their frame work.

Example: If a Christian prays to CHRIST and EXPECTS CHRIST to give him/her a parking spot near the Entrance.. and if they BELIEVE/HAVE FAITH that Jesus will grant them a parking spot... then that BELIEF is as powerful as my magik... in that instance.

So all religions will work... to a point. Then they start killing off their loved ones with untrained minds. EEP!

If you have killed off loved ones with worry... do not fret. We all live forever. We are all aspects of the one mind/all that is/Oneness. We are ideas of god that will live forever with unique consciousness. Death is not to be feared or make us sad. I know it goes against our grain, but the FEAR of death can lower your vibration when you need it the most and even bind you to this plane if you were meant to pass.

THINK ON THIS: Where did Hermeticism come from?

As mentioned earlier Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice great) was known to have started Esoteric Mystery Schools in Egypt. He was supposedly a survivor of Atlantis and he helped bring Atlantean Knowledge to the surviving races. We know these schools existed when Jesus was raised in Egypt. Was Jesus a carpenter of kitchen cabinets, or was Jesus a Master Mason.

What IS TRUE (known history) is that Aristotle, PLATO, and Pythagoras all attended these esoteric Universities in Egypt. We know this because Egypt was Roman and had a well documented History 2000 years ago. So we KNOW FOR A FACT THAT EGYPT WAS TEACHING SOME SERIOUS MYSTICAL STUFF!

JESUS LIVED OVER 80% OF HIS LIFE IN EGYPT... a land that taught the magik I'm teaching you here and now. So in an oddly funny way. I may be more Christian than every Christian... That seems funny to me. If not so sad... as Christianity can harm you.

Jesus was quoted saying "YOU ARE GOD", but Christians think it was sarcasm to the Jews in the market.

Think upon this: Could Jesus have told them they will be reincarnated and they thought this meant that to be a Christian they must be BORN AGAIN? Could they turn Reincarnation into being dunked in a bathtub for ten shekels?

Reincarnation gives a whole new meaning to the term "Born again Christian"... I could point to a hundred biblical reference that sound like they could come from many "Lesser Law of Attraction"guides out there. Here are just a few.

a) Ask and you shall receive.
b) The meek shall inherit the earth.
c) Man is created in gods image (we are all creators)
d) Knock and it shall be opened up to you.
e) Reap what you sow.
f) If you had faith as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain to move from here to there and it would move.
g) Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.
h) Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given: for he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath
i) Be not afraid, only believe. Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole. According to your faith be it unto you.
j) All these evil things come from within.
k) Believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

I AM NOT ENDORSING THE BIBLE. It was assembled in 397 AD... 20 generation after Christ had lived. I honestly believe Jesus would despise Christianity. The untrained minds and horrors its seen. Jesus was simply a mage educated in Egypt who tried to teach magik to groups of illiterate Jewish farmers without the aid of books, youtube, or internet.

[NOTE: In this day and age we have books and youtube and internet... and you can still find many silly people telling you the world is flat. Think on how hard it would be to teach what I am teaching to people without media.

The truth is hidden in the clouds above your heads... Not in any book.

YOU MUST do cloudbusting. Otherwise I may seem like a normal nutter fresh off my meds....

Magik is very real..

IF you followed this post then you now have access to more magik than Merlin himself.

This is REAL magik... and you have just learned enough to alter your religion forever (unless you are Buddhist, Hindu, Hermetic, Wiccan, or similar already)

SOOOOOOOOOO.... Be grateful.. Do not worry. Thinking positive is more than just a happy thought... it alters your reality.

Wayne Hilborn (author of "The Savvy Sorcerer")

Namaste my friends... So mote it be...

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