How Many World Events Have Been Affected By Magic?
Capturing Franz Bardon
I've never been one to study Hitler, however it seems he has come into my area of study. It just so happens that Hitler used magical workings and involved himself with people who engage in magic. By force, Hitler enlisted the help of magician Franz Bardon.
Bardon was basically kidnapped by Hitler, who put iron shackles on his feet with heavy iron balls attached to them. Hitler was willing to go to the length of torturing Bardon because he wanted to use his magic in order to win the war. Friends even documented that Hitler underwent multiple cosmetic surgeries to his face to change his appearance. Of course, Franz Bardon found out about Hitler's activities using his magical abilities.
Witches for hire
There is an interesting story related to Noriega and magic. U.S. troops entered Noriega’s area. There were a number of magical items and strange objects found by United States soldiers. Among what they found was a cow's tongue folded in half with a nail hammered through it.
Soldiers opened the carefully wrapped cow tongue to reveal a photograph of the twin towers in New York City. This discovery was made the year prior to a bombing that occurred below one of the towers. As a last-ditch effort, did Noriega enlist Romanian witches for magical purposes which appear more akin to black magic? I think so. The soldiers also found magical items that involve the use of Bush's face.
So much of what the governments across the world do is held in confidential secrecy of the highest order.
This fact makes you wonder how long governments of the world have been seeking the help of witches. Very interesting indeed. No matter how you feel about this practice. You must acknowledge that some of the leaders in charge of your land involve themselves in the magic of both white and black, and they are making the rules that govern you, your children, your mother, and everyone you have ever known. The people who make the laws practice magic so why not delve deeper into why they are doing so.
How many world events have occurred as a result of magic? I have really opened a can of worms with this one. This article is a single confirmation among many that magic is an effective skill that governments and officials have hired to inflict the greatest damage possible on their enemy.