Magenta Pixie Interview 4-20-20 by Kat re Ascension in the physical body
Precisely how I see it.
"As a refresher, Steve posted Magenta Pixie’s 3-Steps to Ascension, on April 17, 2020. (1.)
Step One: Understand the dark plan.
Step Two: Make a declaration of sovereignty.
Step Three: Through forgiveness and gratitude, you send love to those beings.
I had two thoughts before I present my partial transcription of Pixie’s most recent video, which is Simon and Becky Parkes’ interview with her.
More than two years ago, when I was going through a difficult time of clearing, which I wrote a bit about yesterday, in “My Armor of Light.” (1.) a gifted healer-friend of mine gave me the following to affirm in my prayers and meditations: I am God. Sovereign. Free.
I tweaked it to: I am Goddess. Sovereign. Free.
The freedom of Humanity is aligned with the freedom of Goddess Gaia and her blessed Kingdoms. It is, as I understand it, the first time in Creation that planet, kingdoms and humanity are ascending together.
In the past, a person would have to physically die, and then, in Jesus’ case let’s say, ascend.
What we have in this now moment, is a collective Human, Planet and Kingdoms ascension, where nobody has to physically die. We are ascending in our physical bodies and this is a Creation-First.
So that little declaration keeps that image in my mind: Goddess. Sovereign. Free. Gaia, Kingdoms, Humanity.
I repeat this affirmation often. It’s become a mental shield. If I have doubts about anything, I say it to myself and with gusto: I am Goddess. Sovereign. Free. Grrrrrr.
The second thought I had, relates to Magenta’s Step Three, which is forgiveness of the cabal:
The Dalai Lama once said, “Ultimately, you are most grateful to those who have caused you the most trouble, because it is from them you’ve had to grow the most.
“And ultimately, you feel the most compassion for those who have caused you the most trouble, because you see how far they have fallen, and how far they have to go.”
Peace, Health and Abundance — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free.
xo, Kat