Cesar Sayoc: An unstable criminal, a convenient patsy, or an engineered puppet?
Is Cesar Sayoc a politically-obsessed unstable and incompetent man who hung on Trumps every word and acted impulsively to please the perceived desires of his political overlord?
Is Cesar Sayoc a convenient patsy whose over-the-top support of Trump made him the ideal target to frame for the fake bomb hysteria?
Is Cesar Sayoc a mind-controlled puppet that classically exhibits radical personality changes, makes sure his over-the-top and exaggerated political-obsession was orchestrated and recorded in social media for all to see, and then creates fake bombs that never were intended to work at all, or is setup by others who engineered his persona?

CIA Connections
Sayoc has interesting ties to the CIA. Before his social media was scrubbed clean, removing any history of what he did in the past, someone took screenshots. Did he manage to delete all his data while in custody? Or did someone, like a handler, do that to wipe his history clean? One screenshot from social media talks about his close relationship with former CIA officer Enrique “Ric” Prado:
I would like to wish my great friend from Academy 9 yrs military school Ricki a happy birthday and lifetime from CIA. Congrats on your invention and many successes my brother.

Prado oversaw the CIA's assassination program, and teamed up with Cofer Black who became the vice chairman of the infamous Blackwater USA murder-for-hire mercenary company, and he was also a former CIA official. After leaving Blackwater, Black formed The Black Group which merged with Total Intelligence Solutions, LLC to become it's Chairman, of which Prado is the COO.
Check out Prado's profile from his own site:
Enrique “Ric” Prado is a twenty five year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency where he served in six overseas posts, including as Chief of Station in a Muslim country. Domestically, he served as Chief of Operations for the DCI’s Counterterrorist Center under Ambassador Cofer Black during the 11 September, 2001 attacks and the subsequent war on terrorism. He also served as the Deputy on the original bin Laden Task Force. Highly decorated, he received the CIA’s Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal (highest award given to Senior Officers), as well as CTC’s George Bush H. W. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism, among others. He is a native Spanish speaker and a graduate of George Mason University.
As C/OPS at CTC, then a Senior Intelligence Service (SIS) officer, Mr. Prado oversaw CIA’s counterterrorist efforts post 9/11 and coordinated SPECOPS activities with the NSC and FBI, as well as elite U.S. Military representatives from DELTA, and SEAL-Team Six then detailed to the CIA. Mr. Prado was also Deputy Chief East Asia Division, running CIA’s Korean Operations and previously, as Chief of CIA Liaison in Seoul, Korea. He spend his first ten years in CIA as a Paramilitary Officer serving in dangerous areas, to include 18-months in the jungles of Central America as the first CIA officer living in the anti-Sandinista “Contra” camps, and running CT operations in Peru and the Philippines. He is a former member of the elite USAF Pararescue. Upon retirement he worked as a Special Advisor to MITRE Corporation and subsequently as Vice President for Special Government Programs at Blackwater U.S.A.
Throughout his Agency career and post-retirement work in support of the U.S. Intelligence Community, Mr. Prado has developed a substantial network of intelligence operation officers, investigators, military and police officer contacts worldwide. He now brings these resources to the private sector.
Personality Changes
Sayo underwent some pretty big personality changes. In 2005, Sayoc was friends with blacks and gays, and wasn't very political at all. He was the leader of a mixed-race group of male exotic dancers. In recent years, he's expressed hatred for liberals, blacks and gays. He was apparently recently living in his van that we now see plastered with pro-Trump and anti-Dem images, and had dolls with their heads cut off in it. Did he just crack for some reason, or was he cracked by psychological means of mind-control programs?

Psychologist Dr. Colin A. Ross, who is the president and founder of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma, confirms the CIA did attempt to mind-control people and create Manchurian candidate assassins. This is what Project MKUltra was trying to accomplish. A group of military veterans has talked about how they were tricked into a program where the "the government messed with their minds, implanted microchips and electrodes and conducting of mind control experiments." This program started out on animals in the 1950s at the Army's Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland.
Could Sayoc be another victim of psychological fracturing and programming to lead him to become who he now is, contrasted to who he was before? Or maybe he just broke for some other reason, and the connections to CIA assassination programs and mind control are just wild connections that don't apply to Sayoc.
Claims Innocence, or Admits Guilt to Harm No One?
Sayoc was previously reported to have said he "didn't do it", prior to being read his Miranda rights. While another news agency later reported he "told investigators that the pipe bombs wouldn't have hurt anyone and that he didn’t want to hurt anyone." Did he make them or not?
If he was so deranged and violent, why weren't these pathetic "bombs" even able to harm anyone, if he did do it...
What seems evident if claims of his latter statements are true, is that these were not IEDs, contrary to what the FBI claims. No evidence points to these laughable taped wires and pipes having harmed or been able to harm anyone. It's a big joke, a hoax. But it puts out a big powerful political spectacle.
Political Theater
Either way, it seems that the political theater that ensured is highly convenient and useful for the Democrats to try to push back against the supporters of Trump. Sayoc, if an honest incompetent idiot who can't make actual mail bombs that would work to take out the targets he desired to, is a god-send to the Democrats just two weeks before the election.
This event has made huge headlines, caused great alarm and instilled fear into the masses. Yet, no one was hurt by any so-called bombs. The idea of the bombs being real has been set into the concrete of people's minds as a "fact". The "authorities" and media have used terror-inducing terms like "IED" to help foment fear and propagate the elite agenda of imposing greater control and restricting freedom in the name of fighting terror and protecting freedom. But the bombs were never going to explode. It's all a hoax used drum up fear, dislike and hatred of the opposing political spectrum and undesirables who are Trump supporters that are portrayed as deranged and now "terrorists".
The media wants Trumps words of "hateful rhetoric" to be blamed for the actions of others, like Sayoc. Convincing people of this will discredit Trump in the public consciousness which will inect the minds of many through conformity with the group-think majority.
They also want to discredit Trump supporters, and have Americans fall into a narrative that has them vote accordingly. Those who elected him are so highly disliked by many Democrats, that they've called Trump supporters Nazis, and called for violence to be enacted against them. Those who voted for Trump are seen as the refuges, the undesirables, the population that doesn't fit into the elite agenda of controlling the masses and further leading them to a new world order
Not that Trump is necessarily an honest man that is fighting for all that's great. He's just a less liked and less favorable political contender that the elite despise for getting in their way. The war on Trump, and Trump's war on them is like a show that keeps people distracted, inducing discontent and violence against the political rivals of whoever one is ideologically attached to, bit it Democratic or Republican.
This is used to keep people in the false dichotomy of the two-party system and falling for the Hegelian dialectic where you lose with whoever you elect, as both parties are the same war party on the global scene. Trump is a bump in their specific plans, but not likely to the overall big-picture geo-political game.
- Is “MAGA bomber” Cesar Sayoc a patsy? He first told authorities he never sent fake bombs to Democrats
- Cesar Sayoc’s CIA Connection
- Family lawyer says Cesar Sayoc does not have the intellectual capacity to be package bomber
- Mail bomb suspect’s personality changed radically
- CIA creating real life Manchurian Candidates?
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My answer is YES.
Actually, if i was just to go by the stuff i got from the MSM "news" i would say that this guy is an artist. Maybe a performance artist.
I mean, look at that van. That was primo laid out.
Did you see the "bombs"? They were designed and taped up to look completely scary and bad ass.
Further, as most artists, style comes before function. And we see that in spades.
Yes, the van is way professional. LOL about the bombs... given his background I'm not sure there is much to say he's a performance artist, but maybe he always was :P
there is definitely some major weirdness going on with this one that seems barely even concealed.
Yeah, it just smells off...
So now its not the big bad government, but a plot by the vaguely defined "deep state"? Trump is charge of the FBI, they have a picture of him in their office, he gives the orders, they don't hatch up fake plots against him. The secret service investigated it too, I find it hard to believe Trump doesn't trust them. In fact he seems to acknowledge its a lone nut too. George Soros may be rich but he can't sick the FBI on the president. This all seems very far fetched.
I don't believe big conspiracies, this one would have 100s if not 1000s of participants. A successful conspiracy will only have a handful. No way a 1000 people are able to keep a secret like this.
I see only the need for 10 people or so. The chain of obedience and loyalty is strong.
Will someone explain this shit to me???
That's odd indeed :/
It’s such a ridiculous story that people who aren’t usually questioning these kinds of events are saying ‘ok that’s some bs right before an election’. It’s like they think people don’t realize their false flags lol
Thanks, "cmplxty" your idea is right
Yeah, but most are still toeing the group-think non-think :P
Excellent post! Yes, the plot thickens in the swamp.
Yeah, getting pretty mucky and low visibility in there :P
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It wouldn't surprise me to learn there was an intelligence angle to this. Given all the documents released, congressional testimony and those who were under their mind control programs who have recovered their memories...
I believe that many of these shooters in recent times are also from thsi same program. Many are under the care of mental health unprofessionals, taking mind drugs (the CIA is famous for using both) and have that same blank look on their faces. Not sure if they are testing the patience of those not under the spell of the lying media, or testing how gullible those who are under the spell are.
Lots of the recent ‘shooters’ were also on anti depressants and it’s well known the crazy things people do when they are taken off them. Nothing is as it is portrayed in the media.
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A truly 'strange' case and 'odd' personality, with much to question.