Michelle Wolf is a despicable human being!

in #maga6 years ago (edited)


Michelle Wolf is a despicable human being!

Wait, but I’m a Christian! How can I say such a thing about anyone?

Yes, I can.

If I did what Michelle Wolf did, please feel free to call me a despicable human being. Because I would have earned it. Just like Michelle Wolf has earned it.

She is indeed a human being, but she is a despicable human being! Jails are full of such individuals, but unfortunately most despicable human beings roam the earth at liberty. Liberty they don't deserve. Liberty they are working hard on destroying.

True, Michelle Wolf is a despicable human being, but still a human being. I don't wish her any harm. I am not calling for her to be prosecuted, fired from her job or for a flowerpot to fall on her head.

I am on only speaking to her depraved moral condition which she put on display for the world to see at the WHCD. Religious lefties (and those blinded by pseudo-Christian "spirituality"), will try to flip a statement like this, and to begin discussing my own persona. Sorry, but we know better. We have figured out all your tricks and mind control tactics. Your games won't work on this author. I'm a leftist smear campaign survivor and I definitely know better.

I didn't speak at the WHCD, she did. I didn't crack abortion jokes, Michell Wolf did. I didn't trash Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, the "comedian" in question did.

Hence, it is Michelle Wolf who made a fool out of herself, not me. To whom much is given, of him much is required. She was given a platform few are ever afforded, she is the one who crapped all over it, her own self, and by extension on America, not me!

Which is why I say with unequivocal clarity and confidence: Michelle Wolf is a despicable human being!

As a Christian, I care about human beings because I know that God loves all people, even those who have zero redeemable qualities left in them. Michelle Wolf would be one of them.

But I am not BLINDED by wishful thinking. I don't wear pink, pseudo-Christian, utopian glasses, ignoring evil and those who incarnate it.

It does no good for us not to tell despicable human beings like Michelle Wolf what they are - including Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Kathy Griffin, George Soros and a long list of other Liberty, America and God-hating individuals out there.

From a theological standpoint, there’s hope for any despicable human being. But it’s important from a societal standpoint to be straight up about who are the true culprits responsible for the moral decay of America.

It’s not these friends of ours in Minnesota, who have chosen to live in a not-so-fancy of a house away from the city so they can work harder, live frugal and save more and be responsible and not become a burden on their own posterity and society one day.

It’s not our other friends in another state I will leave unnamed, who have adopted two kids from a poverty-struck third world country and are giving them love and an opportunity to live a better life.

And it’s not Allan law, the former high school teacher who makes sandwiches for the homeless in Minneapolis and has been doing it every day for decades (I happen to know him personally).

It’s people like leftist “comedians” Michelle Wolf and Kathy Griffin who are corrupting America's hearts, minds, manners and culture. It's Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam and other such characters who are working full time to bring down the kind of America the Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers envisioned.

Despicable human beings will ruin anything within their reach. Somalis are ruining Minnesota. Muslims are ruining Michigan.

Michelle Wolf has ruined the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. The Left is ruining America and it has been for decades.

But, there’s hope!

On the spiritual side of things, the more evil comes out and puts itself of on full display, the more eyes will be opened to its agenda.

On the political front, Kanye West going MAGA aside, let’s take a look again at the 2016 county-level election results.


Can you see it Michelle Wolf? The blue are the counties where your kind of people succeeded. Oops, rather let's just say it for what it is: they actually FAILED! Miserably, too! Your liberal tears and pain caused to you each and every day of Donald Trump's presidency are a sweet-smelling aroma to all those people who turned the map almost SOLID RED for Liberty in 2016!

So keep trashing decent people, Michelle! Please don’t stop, Kathy Griffin!

Because THIS is what happens when decent people rise up and say “enough is enough”!

Today it’s the Donald Trump phenomenon, tomorrow it might be someone or something else. With this many red counties, our options are looking pretty good going forward.

Yours? Not so much!!!

Which is probably why you are come out publicly in your desperation, letting the whole world see what despicable human beings are behind the Left in America and worldwide today!

Recommended reading on this subject: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/michelle-wolf-exposes-the-true-despicable-agenda-of-the-abortion-industry

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