I made up a language it goes like this
every h is me thinking of memories and every a is me thinking of thoughts and every blank spot is no thoughts or memories.
it looks like this hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhah aaaaaaaaahahhaaaaahhhhhhhh hhhhh hahh hhhahhhhhhhhhhhh
every space is like 5 to 8 seconds i think a lot and have memories a lot but I do not have no thoughts or memories a lot...lolz
when i mix them it looks like xohaaaaaax jajah oha ahhhhxoooooxxo haah
datz funny dawg
i want to be a big fish in a long time
u meen like a whale?
me 2 dawg
it looks like jajajajajajjajajajajjajaaaajjajaja
no u did not lolz...oh snap, dawg
sometime i use j and a
o like the langage that laugh like that...lulz
one time i said to my cpu 100100100100100110000001010101010100001010101100011001101001010 haha
yes just yes lol
when i use 1 and 0 and not h and a i be like 100100100100000010100101001001010100101111100000110 lolz
that is like computer, lol
i play tic tac tos and i ma like x0x0x0x0x0xx0x0xoxoxoxo lolz
oh snap, dawg!
i see a hot girl and i m like xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo! lolz
o my gawd...lulz...so good, bar
one time i was like ah
i ment for the 1 above to have many spaces before the ah btw
haha that funny man
sometimes i like to use x and o not h and a
that a good idea, bra