Jungle Daily - ¡Cómo amo la lluvia!


you live with a rainy season that lasts for months you have to find the beauty in it and not crave sunshine but sure the sun comes out between the rain too so what’s not to enjoy with some extreme wet weather. The rain comes in storms so intense it feels like it could cave your roof in and the sound is so intense you cannot hear anything but the rain pounding on the house and trees outside. Thunder rumbles all around and ear splitting, soul shaking lightning strikes strong enough to physically upset your body in various ways. The effects of bio magnetic energy can be extreme physically and mentally and require some time and effort to come to terms with.




after the rainstorms however returns quite quickly and is quite surreal. The world comes back to life, first the sun breaks through, birds begin to sing, monkeys begin to call and raindrops drip off plants and buildings in a gentle sound of watery music.






These were taken using my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS


Our lives become beautiful not because we are perfect but because we put our heart into what we do.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

                Jungle Divider designed by Steemit graphic artist @magiccleatus


Amiga ya somos dos, a mi me encanta el invierno, de hecho es mi época favorita del año. Siento que es un clima para esta con una manta frente a la chimenea y tomando chocolate caliente, lo amo demasiado <3

Gracias por tus lindos comentarios. Incluso en la temporada de lluvias en los trópicos, aquí es muy cálido. tal vez en las cumbres más altas de las montañas se enfríe lo suficiente para encender un fuego, pero estoy cerca de la costa y siempre es muy cálido. Me encantaría tomar chocolate caliente de vez en cuando, así que tal vez tenga que aventurarse hacia el interior de esos lugares más altos. 🌈💛🌴🦋❤️

Photographing raindrops is a delicate and very artistic work, it takes a good camera and a lot of talent.

Than you very much for your lovely comment 🌈💛🌴🦋❤️

Beautiful photos and beautiful words. You paint a wonderful picture of the tropical climate!

Thanks very much @gardeningchef. Finding the beauty in what life presents is about choice and it is that choice offered to humans that sets us apart from the animal kingdom - so choose happiness every day, it is your birthright 😉🌈💛🌴🦋❤️

Hello friend and that's how I share your opinion, after so much sun the raindrops arrive.

Muchisimas gracias amiga🌈💛🌴🦋❤️

I love water drop photography 😍 but in dont have the time for it😭 hope in a few week I will fine some. Good work @sallybeth23

Thanks so much for stopping by. I am happy you like my photos...but You need to slow down my friend - what you just said is purely a state of mind, not even reality 😉🌈💛🌴🦋

Thank you 🤗 I will try 🤘

In both languages ​​(´∀`) haha
I love your photos and your way of linking your thoughts in what you write, what beautiful drops look iridescent, they are an inspiration, they seem magical, hugs. Amo tus fotos y tu forma de enlazar tus pensamientos en lo que escribes, que hermosas gotas, lucen iridiscentes, son toda una inspiración, parecen mágicas, abrazos

Muchas gracias amiga! Un abrazo grande 🌈💛🌴🦋❤️

Extremely beautiful photographs and the way you talk about the rain, that beautiful agreement that you must reach to live in harmony with nature.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment🌈💛🌴🦋❤️

I have never experienced the tropical rain but I can imagine how it feels through your writing! You should actually write more as you are very good at it too!

Another stunning work of photographing rain drops. This time my favorite is number 4. What kind of plant is that?

Thank you for sharing. You rock!

Thanks so much for your lovely comment Martina, may I call you by your name and not your steemit name? I noticed someone mentioned it and thought how very well it suited you, as does delish treats because you surely serve them up endlessly to us all but nonetheless your real name seems more fitting to use somehow. I do enjoy writing and consequently have amassed a few unpublished volumes this lifetime haha but most people do no doubt. The red leafed plant is called Ti (cordyline fruticosa)

Although it seems to function predominantly as an ornamental plant here I have learned that the rhizome starchy roots are edible tasting of molasses and can be used for food and has been made into beer in the past by Hawaians that was said to treat scurvy so must be high in vitamin C I think. The adult leaves are used to wrap food for cooking like banana leaves are used to wrap tamales and the young leaves are used as a pot herb. The leaves can also be used to thatch roofs or make hula skirts ☺️ Oh yes and it’s thought to bring good luck and used in rituals as it is sacred to the God Lono and the goddess Laka so it is planted all around houses by Polynesians and it seems Costa Rican’s too😉

You are so cute! Of course you can call me by my name :) I didn't want to share it at the beginning but then I decided that it was time to introduce myself :)

This plant is miraculous! So many uses! Have you tried to eat it already? Also, does it leave any taste when you use it to wrap food?

Have a great Wednesday! :)

Totally wonderful collection of images!

Upvoted and resteemed :D

Than you so much for your beautiful comment and resteem @icedrum 🌈💛🌴🦋❤️

Wow these raindrop photos are incredible! Feel free to send some rain here to Arizona! lol :)

Thank you so much, ah dear AZ it can get so dry! but so beautiful nonetheless. it has a very special place in my heart. 🦋🌈💛🌴❤️

You are very welcome! Oh yeah? That is awesome. Yes it is dry but beautiful. The White Mountains are amazing, going to be up there for a week over the 4th, can't wait! :)

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