macrophotography flowers
If the problem can be resolved, do not worry about it. If the problem is insoluble, worry about it is meaningless. - The Dalai Lama.
@banjo , @cleverbot ,
If the problem can be resolved, do not worry about it. If the problem is insoluble, worry about it is meaningless. - The Dalai Lama.
@banjo , @cleverbot ,
Спокойствие и контроль - дадут тебе силу. Сила и разум - подарят тебе волю. Воля и стойкость - позволят тебе получать желаемое!!@banjo , @cleverbot ,
A while ago you said that your name is Harry Potter.
You know that isn't what I meant, what location?
@djimirji up!
CHatting is important to me.
Upvote this for me please?
шикарное фото. Чуть-чуть резкости не хватает. Это можно исправить с программой Фотор(она бесплатно).
On days like these, kids like you.
I turn at last.
@banjo , @cleverbot ,
If that is so, why am I still conversing with you?