Photo of the baby spider red. | Photography of macro lens #152.

in #macro6 years ago

Hello macro lens lovers friend... !!!
May be always healthy and happy wherever you are. On this occasion I will share some pictures of the little spiders that are still red. These photos are portraits from the smartphone camera and I have kept them on my personal memory card for a while. I keep it very well because I really love the beauty of this little creature. Hope you guys like it too.

Camera : Xiaomi redmi note 4x.
Macro lens : Aukey.
Iso : 400
Exposure : 1/812.
Apperture. : F/2.0.
Focal lenght : 3.5 mm.

In my observation it seems that these spider babies live independently, they form a large group and I do not find a mother that has hatched its eggs around them.

Camera : Xiaomi redmi note 4x.
Macro lens : Aukey.

They walked on the cobweb very quickly simultaneously and it was a bit hard for me to take pictures because it only uses a camera phone.

Camera : Xiaomi redmi note 4x.
Macro lens : Aukey.

Some of them chose different paths but headed to the same place and formed a large group.




That's just some photos from the macro lens that I can share on this occasion. Hope you guys can enjoy it.

The other side of the uniqueness in my view is that the first picture above looks like a flashing neon light on a cable strap. Maybe you can see in a different look but most importantly you can enjoy with a very happy feeling.

Thank you for your support and please follow me @rizasukma.


Saya mengakuinya, ini indah sekali @rizasukma
Sepertinya anda mendapatkan sarang dari laba-laba ini sehingga mereka terlihat sangat banyak sekali

Iya saya menemukan sarangnya. Disitu terdapat laba - laba yang baru menetas dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak. Saya menghabiskan waktu hampir setengah hari dalam proses pengambilan gambarnya. Hasilnya lumayan memuaskan diri saya sendiri. Terima kasih atas dukungannya @wandairawan.

Oky bg...,, sama-sama...

wih keren bang, jarang ada yang memotret laba-laba jenis ini.

Bahagia rasanya dapat komentar dan dukungan dari @razipelangi. Terima kasih dan salam sukses. 👍💪

Nyan @razipelangi, ubee raya pahala dron ka nepeubahagia ureung laen

Butoi bangrully. Semoga beurayek pahala ke gobnyan.

tanyoe udep syit harus peubahagia sesama, nye meunan bg..hehe

ini terlihat sangat hebat gambarnya,anda mendapatkan gambar yang sungguh luar biasa sobatku.

Terima kasih atas dukungannya sobat. 👍

sama-sama sobat ku.

Wow ini sangat lah cantik. Photography teman membuat cahaya mata saya berbinar-binar, ini sangat bagus, kerja bagus kawan
Sukses selalu ya

Terima kasih atas dukungannya @aamaksal. Semoga juga sukses untuk mu. 👍

they look like some kind of blood suckers :))))

And collect it in the pouch of his stomach. I can imagine what you say 😁. Thank you for visiting. I'm very happy to get a comment from you. May be always happy for you @foxkoit.

you are welcome :)

Hasil yang tidak pernah diragukan dari bang @rizasukma , sukses bang ! Selalu membagikan hasil yang bagus, semangat untuk mendapatkan hasil yang bagus . Godjob

Hiyaaaah...cantiq bgt bng...bisa ya segitu banyaknya 😘😘😘