Kisah jenaka negeri Kaya....(the rich witty story of the rich country)

in #macphotography7 years ago

There is a country once worshiped a poet, according to the poet, the country is a splinter of the land of heaven. Imagine, the stones can be plants, the natural wealth is extraordinary even reportedly John F Kennedy (President of the USA) was shot for allying with the country to fight corporations who want to master their natural resources.

Now, the country's forests are already beginning to bare. The shaving of trees is done for the sake of the ambition of a handful of people and the inhabitants of the land are rewarded in the form of smoke which can cause sickness and floods of deliveries that take away even life and property.

Even if the forests are planted with trees, the planted tree species can damage the soil and consume the water that causes the dry season. The country is not led by the King, every five years mutually replace the leader but the same. There seems to be another country that wants to control the earth, the water and its contained in it through the country's elite.

The numbers that often darken as if only part of political sales. For the sake of the image and the future of the elite alone, proud when there are numbers that go down, spread through the accomplices, sounds, and tongue-licker. Strange indeed but that's the fact, if the sticks and stones can be crops, why imported rice?

A country that claims to be a democratic country but criticism can end up in jail. Corruptors are even adored even promoted to office. Even if one is caught it does not reduce the quantity of perpetrators and the quality of corrupt behavior. The rich can pardon the tax, the poor late pay-taxes for two-wheeled vehicles have to take a week off work. Gratitude if not arrested, if arrested can not eat a week his children.

Foreigners who take natural resources, children of the country get the disease. Foreigners get the dollar, the country's children even defective due to waste. Foreigners deforest and earn money, the children of the country can smoke and destruction, even flood. Foreigners do so surely there are children of the country that allow, they can what ya?

There are still many witty stories in the country of 300 million more that, hopefully can write it again



Ada sebuah negeri yang pernah dipuja seorang penyair, menurut penyair tersebut, negeri itu merupakan sempalan tanah syurga. Bayangkan, batu bisa jadi tanaman, kekayaan alamnya luar biasa bahkan kabarnya John F Kennedy (Presiden USA) ditembak karena bersekutu dengan negeri itu untuk melawan korporasi yang ingin kuasai sumber daya alamnya.

Kini, hutan negeri tersebut sudah mulai gundul. Pencukuran pohon-pohon dilakukan demi ambisi segelintir orang dan penduduk negeri tersebut mendapat imbalan berupa asap yang dapat menyebabkan sakit dan banjir kiriman yang merenggut harta bahkan nyawa.

Kalaupun hutan-hutan itu ditanami pohon, jenis pohon yang ditanam dapat merusak tanah dan menghabiskan air yang menyebabkan musim kemarau. Negeri tersebut tidak dipimpin Raja, setiap lima tahun gonta ganti pemimpin namun sama saja. Tampaknya ada negeri lain yang ingin menguasai bumi, air dan yang terkandung didalamnya melalui para elit negeri tersebut.

Angka-angka yang sering melelapkan seolah hanya bagian jualan politik. Demi citra dan masa depan elit semata, bangga bila ada angka yang turun, disebarkan melalui kaki tangan, suara, maupun lidah-lidah penjilatnya. Aneh memang tapi itulah kenyataan, kalau tongkat dan batu bisa jadi tanaman, mengapa beras impor?

Negeri yang mengklaim diri sebagai negeri demokrasi namun kritik bisa berakhir dipenjara. Para koruptor malah dipuja bahkan mendapat promosi jabatan. Kalaupun ada yang tertangkap itu tak mengurangi kuantitas para pelaku dan kualitas prilaku koruptif. Orang kaya dapat pengampunan pajak, si miskin telat bayar pajak kendaraan roda dua terpaksa libur seminggu bekerja. Syukur kalau tak ditangkap, kalau ditangkap bisa tak makan seminggu anak-anaknya.

Asing yang mengambil sumber daya alam, anak negeri mendapat penyakit. Asing mendapat dollar, anak negeri malah cacat akibat limbah. Asing gunduli hutan dan mendapat uang, anak negeri dapat asap dan melarat, bahkan banjir. Asing berbuat begitu pasti ada anak negeri yang membolehkan, mereka dapat apa ya?

Masih banyak kisah jenaka dinegeri berpenduduk 300 juta lebih itu, semoga bisa menuliskannya lagi



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Good posting bro @aidin01

Di vote back ya.... Tks


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