The Unofficial MacGyver HowTo Handbook Revised 2nd Edition (free PDF download)

in #macgyver5 years ago (edited)

Don't you wish you could do all the cool tricks that MacGyver did? Now you can. The Unofficial MacGyver How-to Handbook: Revised 2nd Edition provides step-by-step instructions to MacGyver's most inventive tricks.

As viewers of the show, we had always assumed that MacGyver's tricks were fiction, the kind of stuff that only works on TV. Inspired by a rerun in which MacGyver seals an acid leak with a chocolate bar, we decided to dig up our old high school science books and find out if this stuff really works. The result of our investigation is The Unofficial MacGyver How-to Handbook: Revised 2nd Edition, an illustrated primer to MacGyver's tricks complete with scientific explanations.

We provide step-by-step, how-to instructions that unlock the scientific secrets and spy genius of MacGyver's many tricks, including: How to pick a lock with a pocket knife; How to develop film with orange juice; How to create homemade fog; How to use a paperclip to undress a woman AND disarm a missile!

Each entry includes: A description of the materials you need to perform the trick; Step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish the trick; The scientific explanation of why the trick works.

In depicting these tricks, The Unofficial MacGyver How-to Handbook: Revised 2nd Edition, offers a mix of extreme scenarios and practical applications. So while you'll probably never have the thrill of breaking into a high security laboratory, you can feel like a secret agent while you develop photos in the kitchen sink with orange juice. source

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I enjoy the way they connect each trick with a particular episode.

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Both useful and entertaining. Though perhaps more so for those of us who watched the series!

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If we are going to ensure that we have always have access to these books (no matter what is happening in the world) we must have a solar charger for our device.

It is for this reason that I ask you to save the books on your device rather than assuming they will always be available to you through my LBRY account.

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Or if you prefer, you can contact me privately on Discord: samstonehill#3438

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Vertical Vegetables & Fruit: Creative Gardening Techniques for Growing Up in Small Spaces

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The Unofficial MacGyver HowTo Handbook Revised 2nd Edition

I will continue to upload useful PDF's & films every day. If you have any suggestions they would be most welcome.

This project is being run by @samstonehill

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