Don't be sucked in by folks that don't know what they are talking about.
If you haven't read, at the very least, these two books, and you call yourself an anarchist, please stop doing that.
The Conquest of Bread by P. Kropotkin
What is Anarchist Communism by A. Berkman
These two authors predate the history most of you have been allowed to know about in your indoctrination camp of a public school.
Marx=Communism, right?
If you believe that you have been misled.
Marx was a johnny come lately to the party.
Marx was adopted by tptb over Bakunin just as Ghandi was more palatable to tptb than Bhagat Singh.
You are the victim of a multi-generational attempt at controlling what you think.
What happened in Russia was not Communism.
There is a war on for your mind and if you don't seek answers outside what the dominant paradigm feeds you, you will continue to be a dupe of it.
Lucky for you, you have encountered me, and I will help you to know what you don't know that you don't know,...
Have a perfectly peaceful day!
No war, but the class war!
Keep working, stop paying.
Viva Coin? Tradqwik, the exchange that pays you!
This is how you win in court for less!
I am an unabashed anarcho-capitalist, why should I honestly dedicate any time to reading these books?
Perspective, yo. If nothing else it can help you bolster your opinions in the context of other, similar ideologies.
If nothing else, know your enemy. Don't be like Conservatives and Progressives in their little bubbles that think they know how the other side thinks.
Marx is consistently one of the least understood and most misrepresented socio-political philosophers in my opinion. Keep up the redpills and excellent book choices!
Thanks, when this all washes out they will come running trying to beat the pack.

The knowledge has been suppressed, but the internet is freeing it.
No longer do we have to browse shelves for dusty tomes, now we just pull up a pdf and the knowledge is ours.