Gun Rights Advocates Hang Kentucky Gov. Beshear in Effigy
Gun Rights Advocates Hang Kentucky Gov. Beshear in Effigy: Gun rights advocates sparked outrage after their “Second Amendment Freedoms” protest against Kentucky’s stay-at-home orders - culminated in the hanging of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear in effigy from a tree outside the State Capitol in Frankfort. Attached to Gov. Beshear’s dummy was a quote from John Wilkes Booth, which was strung around his neck, while other protesters banged on the windows and doors of the Governor's Mansion, demanding that Beshear come out.
Now, what the hell does “gun rights” have to do with the coronavirus? I guess they must think they can kill the virus with an AR-15. Now, before you laugh, I suppose this makes just about as much sense as injecting bleach. The bottom line is, everyone has the right to “act stupid.” Unfortunately, these folks aren’t acting.