SiO4 zeolite silica- thetraoxide 4 times more oxigen food suplement
SiO4 - zeolite
silica 4 oxygen mineral food supplement
silica + 4 oxygen
against several biofilm and encapsulated patogen "corona hosts"...
like bordetela pertussis, pseudomonas aeroginosa and yersinia pestis
(yersinia pestis) is being found today in skeletons digged in construction sites
and is again active and hosting corona be carefull!
black plague aka bubonic plague
keep folowing research:
gersons miracle
o milagre de gerson
no protein diet : charlote gerson!
dr Isaac goiz par biomagnetico (corona is only deathly if associated with other patogen hoster)
dr rife frequencies
dr hulda clark: bioresonancia biofrequencia
(use high frequencies first) to kill smaller pathogen first before the host bio-film to prevent it from spreading...
zeolite can be biofrequency programable :)
sio4 - zeolite
SiO2 - quartz crystals!
o3 ozone
o2 oxygen
swimmers ear: in America is affecting 47 million endangered people
just realize swimmer's ..... swim("mers") swimmers ear :O (releases blue toxin that disrupts the immune system and creates biofilm were virus can be encapsulated and hided")
mers corona sars sars2 covid19 prevention and toxin treatment...
treat candida also