DNC is repeating 2016 does that mean 4 more years of Drumpf?
I am finally amazed that the Nevada Democrats are falling in line with the DNC. “Joe Biden has a good chance of winning Nevada” is the current statement coming from Nevada Democratic Party, well, NO, he LOST NEVADA to Bernie Sanders. NOTHING has been said to the Delegates who were for and successfully put Bernie Sanders in the lead in Nevada. Not one single person in the Nevada Dem organization has said “We need to change our delegation to Joe Biden” or ANYTHING.
I was elected into the State’s Central Committee to help with the governance of the Party, but have not heard ANYTHING from the State Party yet. This behavior is telling me that the State Party is in a shambles and cannot even do the operations they were chosen to do, yet now they are beginning to cow tow to the DNC? I AM A BERNIE Delegate plain and simple. Until I get something in writing REQUESTING that I change my delegate to somebody else, in my opinion, Nevada’s Delegates belong to Bernie Sanders. TOM PEREZ can KISS MY ASS!
The DNC is a PRIVATE Corporation that is theoretically impartial and supportive of ALL candidates who are Democrats running for office. In 2016 their Attorneys stated that they “have the right to choose who is going to be the Democratic Candidate for President”, I mean WTF??? Tom Perez is nothing more than Debbie Wasserman Schultz without a dress. The DNC is nothing but a mini DICTATORSHIP that in 2016 helped get Trump elected by subverting what the citizens of this Country wanted and they are doing it AGAIN. By popular vote Bernie Sanders had 52% of the citizenry supporting him, Biden was around 32%. Now the DNC is saying that Elizabeth Warren is favored for the VP slot? If anyone truthfully believes that, then I truthfully have doubts about their intellectual capabilities.
© Mitchell 2020-07-10
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