?Cashless Society? RIGHT!!!!
I have started to see several posts around about the benefits of a “Cashless” economy. WOW! I think that this is going to cause more debate than just about anything else around. Of course there is the practical side to think of, easier to use, no change required, “Dirty Money with germs” among various other things. Well, how about the Homeless population? Mostly they don’t even have a bank account let alone a credit card. Most recently I have seen an absolute HORROR show about “cashless society” in a show called “MR. ROBOT” and it IS SCARY. Think about the Government having 100% control of YOUR money. Imagine NO side jobs to help get you through to your next payday. Imagine going into a store and buying something for $1.00 and having to use a credit card? Is the store owner going to wave the 3% transaction fee from the bank? Not likely would be my opinion. Further, imagine having to use your credit card for everything, then finding out the “Capitol One” credit card you use is going to charge you the wonderful 20% interest they are allowed now thanks to your congress. Ok, so you spend $100.00 per week on groceries, that would be a little over $400.00 a month, now get the credit card statement and find that your $400.00 is now going to cost you $480.00 and that is just for GROCERIES. EVERY single thing is going to start costing you EXTRA each month because of the bank fees. “CAPONE” is just an example because that is what they advertise for new card members.
Oh, yeah, now imagine the store owner increasing all of their prices on all their merchandise to cover their 3% bank fee for credit card use, or simply charging YOU the 3% fee.
Probably the ONLY way a cashless system could work would be if the credit card system was governed by a NON-CENTRALIZED banking system. No Federal Reserve Bank that loans money to banks, no WORLD Bank that is owned by a family, no “Centralized credit card consortium at all. Once the cashless society begins The GOVERNMENT has total control of every cent that you could possibly obtain either by legitimate means or by other means since the cash would have to go to your bank for use with a “CARD”. Imagine having to get a “Gift Card” for your kid’s birthday because no place will accept cash. One of my fondest memories from being a kid was getting the $1.00 or $2.00 from my grandparents for Birthdays and Christmas. Of course, that was long ago, now kids get $20.00 just to cover inflation.
Talking about homeless people, how are they going to live if no place takes cash? Will they collect “Gift Cards” that would be valued at $1.00 or more? No Cash, means No Cash Donations even to the Christmas favorite, “Salvation Army”. No more donations to food banks, homeless shelters or Soup Kitchens. I guess a “Cashless System” for the economy would be the newest means of reducing the homeless population throughout the Country, wouldn’t it? Think about it, no more CASH TIP for your favorite waiter/waitress. Imagine the FED being able to track EVERY single purchase and penny YOU MAKE, not to mention being able to tax the shit out of EVERYTHING you might get.
Ok, I get why Merchants would love a CASHLESS system, mostly because they no longer know how to make change when given a single bill as payment. Imagine the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (the IRS) being able to track where and when EVERYTHING you spend YOUR money on. WHAT ARE PEOPLE thinking wanting to give over every single control you have. Sound like a dictatorship yet? It should, it IS! This is NOT the Country I fought for, nor my Father, Grandfather, all the way back to the Mayflower and Plymouth Rock. We fought for FREEDOM, not a DICTATORSHIP.
©Mitchell 2020-07-11