Lungs Cancer, Symptoms and Treatment

in #lungcancer7 years ago

It is a cause of lung cancer first deaths occur as a result of the disease of cancer , both among women or men.

Lung cancer kills more people a year than colon cancer , prostate cancer, lymphoma and breast cancer, with about 1.8 million deaths in 2012.

However, most deaths from lung cancer can be prevented, because smoking is responsible for nearly 90 percent of all lung cancer cases. The risk of lung cancer is steadily increasing, depending on the years and number of cigarettes smoked.

The quit smoking , even after smoking long and for many years, can reduce the risk of lung cancer, significantly.

The risk of lung cancer can also be reduced by avoiding exposure to other causes of lung cancer, such as exposure to asbestos, to radon and passive smoking.

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer
Symptoms of lung cancer do not appear in their initial stages in most cases.

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Lung cancer symptoms often occur only when the disease has already reached an advanced stage.

Symptoms of lung cancer include:

A new cough , appears and does not disappear
Changes in chronic cough or cough of smokers
A cough accompanied by a bloody spasm, even if very little so-called hemoptysis (Hemoptysis)
shortness of breath
Chest pains
(Pancots Syndrome), which is painful in the shoulder area and around the result of tumor pressure on the nerves
(Superior Vena Cava Syndrome), a feeling of fullness in the head and shortness of breath, an increase in the veins in the chest, edema in the face.
Causes and risk factors of lung cancer
A picture of a cigarette
Lung cancer usually begins in the cells that make up the inner lining of the lungs (pleura).

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in people who smoke, as well as in people who are exposed to secondhand smoke.

But lung cancer can affect people who have never been exposed to cigarette smoke. In these cases, there is sometimes no clear cause of lung cancer.

In contrast, doctors have succeeded in developing a list of factors that increase the risk of lung cancer:

Radiantion Therapy
Pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary diseases and minor infections may increase the risk of injury in a simple manner, according to research
Enviromental Toxins, such as exposure to Asbestos, radon and other minerals
Disease AIDS (HIV infection)
Genetic factors - People whose parents, siblings, sisters or anyone else close to the first degree have lung cancer are more likely to develop lung cancer.
Passive smoking
The inhalation of smoke from the customer from cooking ovens and heating, especially from the ignition of wood and coal
How does smoking cause lung cancer?
Doctors believe that smoking causes lung cancer by infecting the cells that make up the inner lining of the lungs.

When a person inhales cigarette smoke, which contains many substances known to be carcinogenic (carcinogenic), changes in lung tissue occur almost immediately. The body may still be able to remedy and repair these damage, initially.

But after repeated exposure to these substances, healthy cells that form the lining of the lungs are damaged, continuously and increasing.

Over time, these damage cause these cells to behave abnormally until they eventually form a cancerous tumor.

The lungs contain many blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, which allow cancer cells to transit, move and easily reach other organs in the body. Therefore, lung cancer may spread and spread to other organs in the body before symptoms of lung cancer appear.

Lung cancer can spread, in most cases, even before it is observed in the lungs themselves.

Types of Lung Cancer
Doctors tend to divide lung cancer into two main types, according to the shape of cancer cells, as seen under the microscope. On the basis of this division, doctors make decisions about the appropriate treatment in each case.

The two are as follows:

Small cell lung cancer: Also called malignant tumor (Carcinoma) in the form of the spike of oatmeal. It appears, in most cases, only in smokers only, and is less common than the second type called "non-small cell lung cancer".
Non-small cell lung cancer: A generic and comprehensive name for many types of lung cancers that act in a symmetrical manner. Non-small cell lung cancer includes squamos cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma.
There are many risk factors that increase the risk of lung cancer.

Some of these risk factors are controlled and controlled by humans, for example, by quitting smoking. On the other hand, there are several other factors that can not be controlled and controlled, such as sexual orientation.

Complications of lung cancer
Lung cancer is associated with many complications, including:

Fluid pool in the chest
Cancer is rampant in other organs of the body (metastases)
the death
Diagnosis of lung cancer
Diagnosis of lung cancer
Doctors are still unsure whether screening tests should be performed to detect lung cancer, or not.

Even if the patient belongs to one of the most likely to develop lung cancer risk groups, it is not clear whether it is useful to conduct X - ray imaging (X - ray), or even a CT (Computed Tomography - CT).

Research suggests that such tests can, in some cases, lead to early detection , at a relatively early stage during which cancer can be treated with great success.

However, other studies show that such tests often reveal non-malignant tumors that require a series of invasive tests that expose patients to undue risk.

Recently, however, there have been recommendations that X-ray and computed tomography (CT) scans can be performed for people who smoke more than 30 cigarettes a day over 15 years or more and are aged 55 And 77.

If someone has any doubts that he has lung cancer, he should go to his doctor, who can do a number of tests to detect the presence of cancer cells.

In order to diagnose lung cancer, the doctor recommends different tests, including:

Imaging tests
Saliva examination (cytology and cytology)
Histology (Biopsy)
Determination of the stages (degrees) of lung cancer:
After confirming the diagnosis of lung cancer, the doctor determines the level (degree) of cancer in the patient.

Determining the degree of cancer helps the doctor to make decisions on the most appropriate and effective treatment methods for the situation in kind.

Tests to determine the degree of cancer include a number of measures that would the doctor was able to search for the spread of the signs (outbreak) cancer outside the lungs, tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography issued positron ( of PET - Positron Emission Tomography ) scan bones ( of Bone Scan .

It is necessary to talk to your doctor about appropriate and effective medical procedures, as there may be inappropriate tests for some patients.

Non-small cell lung cancer stages (stages):
LA degree: Cancer in this stage (stage) has penetrated into the tissues of the lungs up to a diameter of 3 cm, but has not yet spread in the neighboring lymph nodes.
LB: Cancer in this grade (stage) has penetrated into the tissues of the lungs with a diameter of between 5-3 cm, but has not yet spread in the neighboring lymph nodes.
I IA: At this stage, tumor growth is between 5-7 cm. The cancer has entered the nearby lymph nodes on the same side as the tumor, but has not yet penetrated the thoracic wall.
Grade I IB: At this stage, tumor growth is between 5-7 cm and the cancer has entered the nearby lymph nodes, but has not penetrated the thoracic wall yet. Or a lung cancer tumor greater than 7 cm.
Grade IIIA: At this stage, the cancer has spread outside the lungs and moved to the lymph nodes located in the middle of the chest.
Stage IIIB: At this stage, the cancer has spread locally to the heart, blood vessels, trachea and esophagus - members of the chest cavity - to the lymph nodes in the clavicula region or in the tissues surrounding the lungs, in the chest In the pleura region (pleura).
Grade IV: At this stage, the cancer has spread to other organs in the body, such as the liver, bone or brain.
Stages of Small Cell Lung Cancer:
Limited: At this stage, cancer is present in only one lung and in nearby lymph nodes .
Expanded: At this stage, the cancer has spread beyond just one lung and beyond the nearby lymph nodes, and may have penetrated both lungs, distant lymph nodes, and even in other organs.
Treatment of lung cancer
Oncologist decides, in consultation with the patient, the method and system of treatment of lung cancer based on several factors, such as the general health status of the patient, type and degree of cancer, taking into account the patient's personal choices.

Treatment options generally include one or more treatments, including: surgical treatment , chemotherapy , radiation therapy, or concentrated drug therapy.

In surgery, the surgeon removes the tissue area in which the tumor is present, as well as margins of surrounding healthy tissue.

This type of treatment may be appropriate for people with lung cancer of type non small degree I or II only.

Surgical operations to remove lung cancer include:

A wedge amputation in order to remove the part of the tissue that contains the tissue (Limited Sublobar Resection), along with margins of surrounding healthy tissue
(Lobectomy) to remove a full lobe of the lung
Pneumonectomy (Pneumonectomy) to remove the entire lung
Video Thoracic Endoscopy (VATS): A fairly simple invasive process used for non-small cell patients at very early stages.
If this is done, the surgeon may also remove the lymph nodes in the chest area to see if they also carry tissues containing cancerous cells. If cancerous tissue is already found, it is usually a sign that the cancer has spread and spread, even if no extra-chest marks have yet appeared.

Drug therapy
Medicinal treatment options for lung cancer include:

Prevention of lung cancer
There is no guaranteed and proven way to prevent lung cancer, but the risk of lung cancer can be reduced if the following measures are taken:

Avoid smoking
Quit Smoking
Avoid passive smoking
Conducting tests to detect the presence of radon in the vicinity of the house
Avoid exposure to carcinogens at work
Maintain a diet rich in vegetables and fruits
Keep drinking alcohol moderately or avoid it altogether.
Alternative treatments
Alternative treatments for lung cancer
The patient may resort to lung cancer, or may try the trend, towards alternative medicine or complementary medicine , in search of treatment cured from lung cancer.

There are many websites on the Internet that draw attention and claim that "medicine is found in clinics located in remote countries" and secret recipes that give hope when the patient feels that the number of options available or offered for treatment is limited and limited.

But one must note that alternative treatments for lung cancer are not supported by medical studies, and there is no evidence that these treatments are effective and effective. Moreover, in most cases, the side effects of these treatments are not known, at all.

Alternative treatment for lung cancer can be costly and requires traveling to far away places. It is therefore recommended that consideration of treatment options be carefully considered before adoption.

Instead of abandoning conventional therapies, there is a logical possibility of integrating alternative and complementary therapies with the traditional conservative treatment recommended by the doctor.

Researching with your physician in any alternative and complementary therapies can help relieve the symptoms experienced by the patient. The doctor may examine the benefits and risks of complementary or alternative medicine.

The American College of Chest Physicians has examined alternative treatment options and a variety of complementary therapies suggested and found that there are a number of treatments that can be useful for lung cancer patients.


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