With Less than 0.577... Of Faith; 100% Health, Wisdom, Happiness, Luck and Success are Obtained.
In this context, I must bring up a new "variable" (Constant Gamma) that I have noticed appears frequently in the time diagrams of the prices of the cryptocurrencies (also in the calculations of the "Bubbles"), especially with regard to the ups and downs of them.
However, I must also clarify that my assessments are not 100% correct or objective, because they can be loaded with errors and prejudiced subjectivities; therefore, they do not represent financial advice to buy or sell cryptocurrencies; and such circumstance, decision or fact will be at your sole discretion.

Constant Gamma, by Euler-Mascheroni
The Constant Gamma of Euler-Mascheroni, is a mathematical constant number that appears in the Theory of Numbers (approximate value: Gamma = 0,577215664901...) and it is defined as:

This constant was revealed for the first time in 1734, the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, with approximation of a few decimals; then, in 1790 Lorenzo Mascheroni would calculate the first 19 decimals of said constant. It should be noted that the aforementioned number has not been proven if it is algebraic, transcendent or irrational.
The mysterious and important of the Constant Gamma of Euler-Mascheroni, is that it appears in many mathematical expressions, among which stand out: those that use the exponential integral function, the Laplace transform of the Natural Logarithm (Neperian), the Taylor series of the Zeta function of Riemann, the Digamma function, the Inequality of the Function f of Euler, the Constant and Theorem of Meissel-Mertens, and singularly in the Proportion of Growth of the Divisor Function (from this it was where my curiosity arose and by superficial mathematical analysis I have managed to estimate the Gamma Constant, revealed in the Charts of the Cryptocurrencies).

Constant Gamma in Chaos of Cryptocurrency
Without more complicated preambles I go straight to the point, it turns out that in my superficial analyzes of the graphs related to the prices of the cryptocurrencies, especially regarding the Bitcoin, the SBD and the Steem; I have noticed that there is a Ratio of Growth and Decrease of the Temporary Value Function in US Dollars of the Cryptocurrencies, which allow me to make predictions with more accurate future scenarios than I have been doing so far.
Therefore, based on the aforementioned analyzes based on the Gamma Constant of Euler-Mascheroni, for the complex Graph of Growth and Decrease of the Temporal Function Value in US Dollars of Bitcoin, of SBD and Steem, I must indicate that they were generated three inferences as results, two good and one bad:
.- The first good news is that despite the extremists negative indicators, the doomsayers and apocalyptic analyzes of many experts, the existing panic for fear of big losses, the runs of manipulative retailers, the blockades of Facebook, of large institutions banks and many governments; I must tell you that "the death of the cryptocurrencies" is not a tangible fact at the moment, that is to say: IT HAS NOT EXPLOITED THE BUBBLE, NOR WILL IT EXPLOIT IN THE NEXT MONTHS; THEN WE STILL HAVE BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCIES FOR LONG TIME, FOR NOW.
Almost all Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, exceeded in December 2017, the "risk" growth threshold for the "Bubble" explosion, which has been historically estimated by experts in the 0.5 ratio; but, I have considered it with greater precision that is based on the Constant Gamma of Euler-Mascheroni (0.577...).
.- The second good news is that both Bitcoin, SBD and Steem, have already bottomed out, and will begin in the next few hours their escalating recovery prices, to approach US $ 9 thousand (Bitcoin) and US $ 6 pair SBD and Steem (I think that contrary to what is currently happening, the SBD will continue to be the "marker" of reference and the Steem a little behind, following it).
Therefore, based on the Gamma Constant of Euler-Mascheroni (0.577...), it seems to me that again this is the BEST TIME TO INVEST IN CRYPTOCURRENCIES with ROI guaranteed return over 57%.
.- The bad news is that the current "quarter" of "High Growth", marked by the Constant Gamma of Euler-Mascheroni in Chaos, is already coming to an end, to soon begin the two-month period of "Decrease and Stabilization", with moderate or marginal growths; so at the beginning of this stage, several weeks will pass without large increases in the prices of Bitcoin, SBD and Steem.
The new "phase" of good and high prolonged growth will have a duration of approximately 80 days, estimated in function of the Constant Gamma of Euler-Mascheroni (0.577...), and will start again around the month of April.
I insist on my initial and now final explanation: This publication does not imply that I give advice or financial suggestions or cryptocurrencies to anyone, everyone is free to buy, sell, invest or not, according to their own analysis and decisions. Personally:

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buenas tardes @josevasquez un placer leerlo, quiero preguntarle algunas cosas, sera que me pasa su dicord para hacerle las preguntas ?
Hola. Mi discord es: Pero, Casi nunca lo uso... En este justo momento Si estoy conectado...
interesante!, porfavor ayudame con tu voto!
Por favor, te recomiendo que no pida votos.
Yo particularmente No te critico, yo también pasé por esto en mis inicios.
Pero, a otros eso les desagrada y podrían darte un voto negativo o banderas que te harían mucho daño para tu crecimiento. Saludos
Hola Josevasquez, gracias por el aporte, ya te estoy siguiendo! Si me pudieras seguir sería genial,
Espero que agregues contenido pronto para leerte!
P.D. Te he dejado un merecido upvote! ^_^

Gracias Luiscordon. Saludos.
This post has received a 0.18 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @josevasquez.