Lunar Express - cryptocurrency signal provider
Hi.. Everyone,
I am going to write about Lunar Express by @Niel96
Do follow him to get the latest in technical analysis.
This is a promotional Post.
I got the following directly from @niel96. Just to make this clear to avoid any plagiarism.
LunarExpress is a cryptocurrency signal provider. Most of our trades are based on Elliott wave theory and Fibonacci. In the past 70% of our trades have proven to be accurate. When positions go bad we manage our losses quick, risk management is essential to make a profit. You can follow us here:
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My own commentary about Lunar Express:
There are many things definitely we can learn from @niel96. Sometimes there are moments where we would like to understand how the market works and have problems knowing where to start. Following LunarExpress is quite beneficial when these signals can guide traders like a fog light guides a car through the foggy nights.
Do follow @niel96 and LunarExpress twitter.