I used to bike a lot when I was a teen but the most I ever peddled was 36 miles and my legs were jelly for a day or two after. I would probable have a heart attack if I tried that today I need to get my fat butt in shape.
I used to bike a lot when I was a teen but the most I ever peddled was 36 miles and my legs were jelly for a day or two after. I would probable have a heart attack if I tried that today I need to get my fat butt in shape.
Haha, honestly the first time I started to cycle, I think I threw up after 8 miles lol, then after a week or two I was able to do 30 regularly, then my body was just used to it, wether I was in shape or not I could ride for distance. It was the same with jumproping. When I first started I could barley do 100, after. A week I was doing abou 4000 a day. And now I'm sure I could jump right back in the groove