Black people and the other black nations .
We live in a world now where slang words become the truth but it's a lie . For example if we know history it's the biblical Israelites that were slaves to another superior race of blacks called the Egyptians
A black race inslaved by another black race but of totally different stock . We all knw the first man was black man , what everyone forget Noah's 3 surviving son were all negro but Shem was the bloodline to carry the seed of David
The east Indian man is also dark skinned but are not referred to as negro , they knw they are different from the black man the israelite man a strong worker , fast, very smart and witty, dark and handsome as Solomon and the black massia Jah!!!
Any way the true identity of the black man before he was beaten to take a good Christian name was a israelite man , (Deuteronomy 28 -15 to 68 our curses)a Strong man a Fast man ,a man That loves his Black woman .