Separation is over
Most of you are old souls who have been through numerous doctrines/paths/journeys that relate to spirituality. And yet, you are not fully there. Do you consider yourself to be enlightened? Have you ascended? Do you feel one with God? Your God? Any God for that matter? Or do you find yourself waiting for something to connect you? Perhaps you don't think your time has come, maybe it's too early you say, that you need to do something to make it happen. Where are you at? What is God in your eyes anyhow? What is this divinity that everyone talks about? Spiritual gurus and masters tell you that we all live in a special era in human history; that you are being pushed to connect with your higher self and the energies are very close to you.
And you, where are you at? Are you there? Have you integrated already your higher self?
If you are the average spiritual seeker your answer would be no. No, you have still not found your divinity. The voice of God is not heard in your mind yet. You have no visitations from other realms and near-by dimensions. Your dreams do not take you to other places – to heaven or hell – to meet angelic forms among which may reside your divinity. No. You are still here, taking it each day at a time, practicing your spiritual rituals, doing your best to follow advises you have been given while waiting for your day of realization, the visit of the dragon, to come.
Intuitively you know that parts of you are connected to your divine self. You know that the status called "realization" is real. You feel it sometimes, you may experience it sometimes, you definitely read about it many times, and then there will be one day when you will live it all the time. So you believe. So you say to yourself. You are indeed devoted and diligent spiritual seekers. You will never give up, you will never go back. It's impossible now to go back, is it not? And turn your back to the life of a human-angel that you have trained yourself to live nowadays. But still, you do ponder from time to time, "Why does it take so long for my divinity to come to me?" You are not stressed by it, you fully trust, but still, you have your wonders. Occasionally those wonders grow to become doubts – “does this divine part really exist?”, your mind demands to know – but you quickly deny the thought. Of course, it exists, you say. Too many pieces of evidence have been piling up by now to argue differently. No doubt, you indeed have trained yourself well.
And so, here you are, the average spiritual human-being who is inclined to the light, who does yoga and kabala, who goes to workshops and seminars, who talks with god every night, who promises to themselves that they will never give up on their quest to find their divinity – you are here. And your divinity? Where is your divinity? Your divinity is there. Waiting to come in, waiting at a far away realm that gets closer and closer each day, or so you are being told, waiting for you to allow it to enter.
But you are separated.
In your mind, you separate yourself from your divinity. Can you see what you do? The choice that you make all the time? "I am here; my divinity is there". The separation. And as long as you keep this thought you will never connect with your higher part, this divinity. You will end this life, return, and hopefully, do things differently next time.
There are two ways for you to make this connection with your divinity possible. If your divinity is "there" then you need to go "there" as well. This is one option that you have been doing for your entire life times up until now. And, if you choose to do it again then it would be fine. But now, there is another option. You are here and your divinity is here too. Now. Here. Not in some distant future when you will be readier, better, more enlightened. No. you are here and your divinity is here now. With you. As you are.
And I know what you are saying now - but it's impossible. It's a lie. It's not the truth. My divinity is not with me. I don't hear its loving and comforting voice when I call upon it, I am still struggling with health issues and relationships issues and money issues and self-worth issues. This is definitely not a divine status. My divinity is not here.
And you are right!
This kind of thinking simply perpetuates the lie that your divinity is not here. You see, you must take a different approach. Make the change within and then the reality will respond. It already does. Because you have preconceived notions about how divinity should look like. You have told yourself that you will hear an angelic voice, that this divine loving part will solve all your problems, that when it will come you will have your best friend with you for ever. But these are just false concepts of your mind. And the mind is your greatest warden.
Really, be honest with yourself, you can't befriend with a cat, and you think that your best friend will land on your porch one day, just like that, out of the blue? Without necessary preparations on your end?!
The best preparation is changing the concept. Your divinity is not there. Your divinity is already here. With you. Can you accept it? Did you cry last night, felt lonely? Let me tell you, it was not you who cried. It was your divinity. Did you eat a delicious cake today? It's your divinity who indulged itself in it. Who is reading or listening to this message now? If you think it's you then think again. It's your divinity. "But why my divinity would need to hear this message. Doesn’t it know it already?" And again I’ll say, your mind gets in the way because you think that the divine part within you has the same reasons that your human aspect has. You, the human aspect needs to be reminded. You, the divine self, simply enjoy the experience of sitting and reading my words.
It may do you good to forget for a while about other dimensions. To release any notion about angels or demons or higher realms, even issues like death and reincarnation should be forgotten for a while. There is nothing other than you.
And with you, there is YOU, divinity. The personal most intimate friend that is…you. And from now on, each moment in each day, wherever you are, whatever you do, be aware of this friend.
Your next step on your journey to integrate your divinity is ending the separation. From now on, there is no you and your divinity, but only you. If it's difficult to grasp at first, begin with "you" and your dearest friend who knows you better than anyone else. Talk to that friend, tell them what you are going through. Don't make it a god. Don't give it attributes that it doesn't have. Speak to them as if you would speak to your best friend who is equal to you. Would you ask your best friend to save your life for you? Whatever challenges you have, they have also. The problems you face, they face too. When you feel hopeless, they feel it too. When you give up, your divine friend takes one step back and waits. Do you say "good night" to your spouse when you go to sleep? Then do the same with your divine friend. They are waiting. And when you ignore their presence they sigh and say "well, he still doesn't realize we are so close"; "she still denies our presence".
Friends, there is no outer god. You know that by now. It's not the purpose of the human life to become one with All that is. For that, you don't need a body. You don't need to have a physical life. No. the purpose of your human life, here and now, is to make a friend.
Can you make a real friend in this life?
Yes you can.
לימדו להיות מאסטרים של תודעה
באמצעות מערכות היחסים, החלומות והאנרגיה המינית שלכם